#ifndef MULTIMAPWDEF #define MULTIMAPWDEF #include SWORD_NAMESPACE_START // multmap that still lets you use [] to reference FIRST // entry of a key if multiples exist template class multimapwithdefault : public std::multimap { public: typedef std::pair value_type; T& getWithDefault(const Key& k, const T& defaultValue) { if (find(k) == end()) { insert(value_type(k, defaultValue)); } return (*(find(k))).second; } T& operator[](const Key& k) { if (find(k) == end()) { insert(value_type(k, T())); } return (*(find(k))).second; } bool has(const Key& k, const T &val) const { typename std::multimap::const_iterator start = lower_bound(k); typename std::multimap::const_iterator end = upper_bound(k); for (; start!=end; start++) { if (start->second == val) return true; } return false; } }; SWORD_NAMESPACE_END #endif