Diatheke Suite release 3.0 by Chris Little This suite is intended for use with libraries and modules from the SWORD Project, available at http://www.crosswire.org/ The latest versions of this suite and its components are available at http://www.gotjesus.org/diatheke/ Version 3.0 of this suite consists of the following components: Diatheke 3.1 - a command line utility, good for lots of stuff Diatheke/CGI 3.1 - a PERL CGI module interface to Diatheke 3.0 Diatheke/Tcl 3.0 - an eggdrop Tcl script interface to Diatheke 3.0 HANDiatheke 3.0 - a Palm Query App (PQA) for Palm VII or PalmOS devices with either Omnisky or Palm Mobile Internet Kit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPILING and INSTALLING Diatheke Just run make. Now copy the compiled binary, diatheke, to an appropriate binary location such as /usr/bin. Now you can run diatheke to learn the general syntax. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTIONS for Diatheke If you would like Diatheke to log all commands (good for debugging or if you want to use the history function of Diatheke/Tcl), it can be enabled quite easily. First modify diatheke.cpp by uncommenting the line that reads: #define LOGGING Then create a file named /var/log/diatheke.log and make it world writeable. To do this, perform the following pair of commands as root: touch /var/log/diatheke.log chmod 666 /var/log/diatheke.log Logs will print to this file. -------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLING Diatheke/CGI To install Diatheke/CGI, first install PERL and a webserver such as Apache that is capable of running PERL CGIs. Installing mod_perl is recommended for a speed improvement, but is by no means necessary. Then copy the two .pl files from the ./cgi directory of this distribution into your cgi-bin directory. Modify the top of diatheke.pl to reflect the correct location of your your diatheke command line utility binary and the default font if necessary. The CGI is now installed and ready for access. diatheke.pl is the main lookup script. dia-def.pl is a supplemental script used to set a default Bible translation (saved on the user's computer as a cookie). Two sample HTML files are included as sample interfaces for an general Web-Bible gateway. index-public.html includes all currently available free texts while index-private.html includes all currently available texts, including those which are encrypted because of copyright and distribution restrictions. In any case, you should only use these as a guide, adding and subtracting modules depending on which modules you have installed and have permission to publish on the internet or your intranet. The bottom section of each file includes an example call to the dia-def.pl script to set a default Bible version. You may also direct users directly to your perl script since it will present a page with all of your modules. Or you may wish to use this default page to create a custom index.html for your users. -------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLING Diatheke/Tcl To install Diatheke/Tcl, install an eggdrop IRC bot, copy the Diatheke/Tcl .tcl file to your eggdrop scripts directory from this distribution's ./eggdrop directory, and add a line to the end of your bot startup script to load the Diatheke/Tcl script. This script has been tested with eggdrop 1.3.23 but should function fine in later versions. You may need to edit the top of the Diatheke/Tcl file to reflect the correct locations of your diatheke and dict (if you use it) binaries. This is script assumes you have every single SWORD module installed that was available at the time of release. Since you probably do not, remove all modules listed in the pub_books function that you do not have installed to hide them from end-users. The !history command only works if you have LOGGING turned on in diatheke (the command line C program). This command is commented out of the help function and must be uncommented to make it show up for end-users. The !dict command only works if you have a command line dictionary program installed on your host such as those listed at http://www.dict.org/links.html. When you get the script loaded, type !biblehelp in a channel where the bot is present and it will give you a full list of commands. More commands will appear to you depending upon which mode the bot is in and whether you are an op on the bot or voiced in the channel. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLING HANDiatheke Install on your PalmOS PDA like any other PQA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 3.0 March 31, 2001. Self-generating HTML page for the lazy (Diatheke/CGI). Localization support. (Diatheke and Diatheke/CGI). 2.5 Now supports ThML. Numerous bugfixes. December 10, 2000. Includes Diatheke 3.0, Diatheke/CGI 3.0, Diatheke/Tcl 3.0, and HANDiatheke 3.0 (initial version, but version-synced) 2.0 First public release, including Diatheke 2.0, Diatheke/CGI 2.0, and Diatheke/Tcl 2.5. October 23, 1999. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT The Diatheke Suite and its components, Diatheke, Diatheke/CGI, and Diatheke/Tcl are Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 by Chris Little. HANDiatheke is Copyright 2000, 2001 by Chris Little. The Diatheke Suite and all of its components are licensed through the GNU General Public License and are intended for free distribution. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for details.