#include #include #define BASEI 102400000L #include typedef sword::SWBuf StringType; //#include //typedef std::string StringType; using std::cout; using std::cerr; void markTime() { static clock_t start = clock(); static clock_t last = start; clock_t current = clock(); cerr << ((float)(current - last)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " / " << ((float)(current - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " (Seconds Delta / Seconds Total)\n"; cerr.flush(); last = current; } void appendChTest() { cerr << "\nSTART: append ch test -------\n"; cerr.flush(); StringType s; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < BASEI+14; i++) { s += (char) (i%125)+1; } cerr << "\nEND: append ch test -------\n"; cerr.flush(); } void appendStringTest() { cerr << "\nSTART: append string test -------\n"; cerr.flush(); StringType s; unsigned long iterations = BASEI/2L; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { s.append("this is a test", 3); if (!(i%3))s.append("test"); } cerr << "\nEND: append string test -------\n"; cerr.flush(); } void subscriptTest() { cerr << "\nSTART: subscript access test -------\n"; cerr.flush(); StringType s; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { s += "0123456789"; } for (int j = 0; j < BASEI/200; j++) { for (unsigned long i = s.length()-1; i; i--) { s[i] = (char) (i%40)+65; } } cerr << "\nEND: subscript access test -------\n"; cerr.flush(); } void ctorAssignTest() { cerr << "\nSTART: constructor and assign test -------\n"; cerr.flush(); StringType s; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { s += "0123456789"; } for (unsigned long i = (BASEI/8); i; i--) { StringType s2; s2 = s; s2[0] = '0'; // keep defeat copy on write optimizations } cerr << "\nEND: constructor and assign test -------\n"; cerr.flush(); } void compareTest() { cerr << "\nSTART: compare test -------\n"; cerr.flush(); StringType first = "firsttestAfirst"; StringType second = "firsttestBsecond"; for (unsigned long i = (unsigned long)(BASEI/1.5); i; i--) { if (first != second) if (first <= second) if (first > second); else if (!(BASEI%10000)) first[0] = 'f'; // keep us from being optimized out } cerr << "\nEND: compare test -------\n"; cerr.flush(); } void insertStringTest() { cerr << "\nSTART: insert string test -------\n"; cerr.flush(); StringType s; StringType sub = "text ->this part should not appear :)"; for (int j = 0; j < BASEI/7000; j++) { s = "Start end"; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { s.insert(s.length()/2, sub, 0, 5); } } cerr << "\nEND: insert string test -------\n"; cerr.flush(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { StringType x; cout << "x should be (): (" << x << ")\n"; cout << "size should be 0: " << x.size() << "\n"; x = "hello"; cout << "x should be (hello): (" << x << ")\n"; x += " world"; cout << "x should be (hello world): (" << x << ")\n"; cout << "size should be 11: " << x.size() << "\n"; cout << "x[7] should be 'o': '" << x[7] << "'\n"; x[7] = 'u'; cout << "x[7] should be 'u': '" << x[7] << "'\n"; cout << "x should be (hello wurld): (" << x << ")\n"; StringType y = x + " " + x; cout << "should be (hello wurld hello wurld): (" << y << ")\n"; sword::SWBuf prefixTest = "prefix:value"; cout << "Prefix test: " << prefixTest << "\n"; cout << "Prefix should be (prefix): " << prefixTest.stripPrefix(':') << "\n"; cout << "Value should be (value): " << prefixTest << "\n"; // y.appendFormatted(" from %d %s running %02.05f miles", 4, "dogs", 1.9f); // cout << "should be (hello wurld hello wurld from 4 dogs running 1.90000 miles): (" << y << ")\n"; // y += '!'; // cout << "should be (hello wurld hello wurld from 4 dogs running 1.90000 miles!): (" << y << ")\n"; // y.append(y.c_str(),5); // cout << "should be (hello wurld hello wurld from 4 dogs running 1.90000 miles!hello): (" << y << ")\n"; markTime(); appendChTest(); markTime(); appendStringTest(); markTime(); subscriptTest(); markTime(); ctorAssignTest(); markTime(); compareTest(); markTime(); insertStringTest(); markTime(); }