#!/bin/sh # Quickstart (tested on Ubuntu versions 9.10-13.10) # # You should probably be able to also run this QUICKSTART # For a build of the latest code directly from source control: # From a fresh Ubuntu installation, this should get you all the necessary # packages for a full featured install of the SWORD libs, compile and install # the engine, install a modules, and test with a simple command line tool: # install necessary packages for all features of SWORD to be enabled sudo apt-get install autoconf autogen automake subversion make g++ libtool zlib1g-dev libicu-dev libclucene-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev # checkout and build the source tree svn co https://crosswire.org/svn/sword/trunk sword cd sword ./autogen.sh # you may want to review and edit usrinst.sh to see if the default options # meet your needs ./usrinst.sh make -j sudo make install sudo make install_config # install a module sudo installmgr -init -sc -r CrossWire -ri CrossWire KJV # build and test a simple command line example tool cd examples/cmdline make ./lookup KJV jn.3.16