/****************************************************************************** * * gsoapsword.cpp - * * $Id$ * * Copyright 2002-2013 CrossWire Bible Society (http://www.crosswire.org) * CrossWire Bible Society * P. O. Box 2528 * Tempe, AZ 85280-2528 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * */ #include "soapH.h" #include #include #include SWMgr *mgr; int sword__ModList_iterator_next(xsd__int hmmi, xsd__int &noop) { ModList_iterator_next(hmmi); return SOAP_OK; } int sword__ModList_iterator_val(xsd__int hmmi, xsd__int &hmodule) { hmodule = ModList_iterator_val(hmmi); return SOAP_OK; } int sword__SWMgr_new(xsd__int &retVal) { retVal = SWMgr_new(); return SOAP_OK; } int sword__SWMgr_delete(xsd__int hmgr, xsd__int &noop) { SWMgr_delete(hmgr); return SOAP_OK; } int sword__SWMgr_getModulesIterator(xsd__int hmgr, xsd__int &hmodIterator) { hmodIterator = SWMgr_getModulesIterator(hmgr); return SOAP_OK; } int sword__SWMgr_getModuleByName(xsd__int hmgr, xsd__string name, xsd__int &hmodule) { hmodule = SWMgr_getModuleByName(hmodule, name); return SOAP_OK; } int sword__SWModule_getName(xsd__int hmodule, xsd__string &name) { name = (char *)SWModule_getName(hmodule); return SOAP_OK; } int sword__SWModule_getDescription(xsd__int hmodule, xsd__string &description) { description = (char *)SWModule_getDescription(hmodule); return SOAP_OK; } int sword__Quick_getModuleRawEntry(xsd__string modName, xsd__string modKey, xsd__string &modText) { SWModule *mod = mgr->Modules[modName]; if (mod) { mod->setKey(modKey); modText = mod->getRawEntry(); } return SOAP_OK; } int sword__Quick_setModuleRawEntry(xsd__string modName, xsd__string modKey, xsd__string modText, xsd__int &noop) { SWModule *mod = mgr->Modules[modName]; if (mod) { mod->setKey(modKey); (*mod) << modText; } return SOAP_OK; } int sword__Quick_getModuleRenderText(xsd__string modName, xsd__string modKey, xsd__string &modText) { SWModule *mod = mgr->Modules[modName]; if (mod) { mod->setKey(modKey); modText = (char *)mod->RenderText(); } return SOAP_OK; } int sword__Quick_getJScriptAttribArray(xsd__string modName, xsd__string modKey, xsd__string &arrayText) { SWModule *mod = mgr->Modules[modName]; if (mod) { mod->setKey(modKey); AttributeTypeList::iterator i1; AttributeList::iterator i2; AttributeValue::iterator i3; int l1, l2, l3; char lbuf1[20], lbuf2[20], lbuf3[20]; static string retVal = ""; retVal = "var entryAttribs = new Array();\n"; string l1keys = "entryAttribs[0] = new Array("; for (l1=0,i1 = target->getEntryAttributes().begin(); i1 != target->getEntryAttributes().end(); ++i1,++l1) { sprintf(lbuf1, "%d", l1+1); retVal += "entryAttribs["+lbuf1+"] = new Array();\n"; string l2keys = "entryAttribs["+lbuf1+"][0] = new Array("; cout << "[ " << i1->first << " ]\n"; for (l2=0,i2 = i1->second.begin(); i2 != i1->second.end(); ++i2,++l2) { sprintf(lbuf2, "%d", l2+1); retVal += "entryAttribs["+lbuf1+"]["+lbuf2+"][0] = new Array();\n"; string l3keys = "entryAttribs["+lbuf1+"]["+lbuf2+"][0] = new Array("; cout << "\t[ " << i2->first << " ]\n"; for (l3=0,i3 = i2->second.begin(); i3 != i2->second.end(); ++i3,++l3) { cout << "\t\t" << i3->first << " = " << i3->second << "\n"; } } } } return SOAP_OK; } main() { int m, s; mgr = new SWMgr(new MarkupFilterMgr()); m = soap_bind("localhost", 18083, 100); if (m < 0) { soap_print_fault(stderr); exit(-1); } fprintf(stderr, "Socket connection successful: master socket = %d\n", m); for (int i = 1; ; i++) { s = soap_accept(); if (s < 0) { soap_print_fault(stderr); exit(-1); } fprintf(stderr, "%d: accepted connection from IP = %d.%d.%d.%d socket = %d", i, (soap_ip<<24)&0xFF, (soap_ip<<16)&0xFF, (soap_ip<<8)&0xFF, soap_ip&0xFF, s); soap_serve(); // process RPC skeletons fprintf(stderr, "request served\n"); soap_end(); // clean up everything and close socket } delete mgr; } #include "sword.nsmap"