Building on debian/ubuntu the commandline way 1. sudo apt-get install cli-common-dev 2. sudo apt-get install mono-xbuild 3. navigate to bindings/csharp 4. make or xbuild Sword.csproj to build the bindings project only 5. xbuild Sword.sln to build everything; bindings, unit tests and LookupExample. Building on debian/ubuntu the IDE way 1. sudo apt-get install MonoDevelop 2. launch MonoDevelop and open sword/bindings/csharp/Sword.sln 3. Hit the run button Unit Tests MonoDevelop has a unit test runner built in. 1. launch the Sword.sln file in monodevelop 2. View->Unit Testing 3. Right click on top level test (Sword) 4. Run test LookupExample 1. Navigate to sword/bindings/csharp/examples 2. make 3. output will be in bin/Release 4. mono LookupExample.exe KJV john.3.16