root := . subdir := targets := testlib #bin := testlib subdirs := src obj lib tests utilities include other-dist := yes other-install := yes docs += README docs += INSTALL docs += LICENSE docssamples += samples/mods.conf.large docssamples += samples/mods.conf.small docssmodsd += samples/mods.d/globals.conf docssmodsd += samples/mods.d/rwp.conf docssmodsd += samples/mods.d/strongsnt.conf docssmodsd += samples/mods.d/strongsot.conf docssmodsd += samples/mods.d/vines.conf docssmodsd += samples/mods.d/web.conf docssmodsd += samples/mods.d/websters.conf include ${root}/Makefile.cfg ifeq ($(buildshare),yes) targets += buildso endif cpp += testlib.cpp s = $(c) $(cpp) d = $(c:%.c=%.d) $(cpp:%.cpp=%.d) o = $(c:%.c=%.o) $(cpp:%.cpp=%.o) l = $(o) -lsword -lstdc++ testlib: $(o) $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $(l) buildso: $(CC) -fpic -shared -o ${root}/lib/ ${objdir}/*.so # Maintenance targets other-install: @echo "" @echo "sword is installed" @echo "Type \"make register\" to help us keep track of how many" @echo "people have seen it." @echo "" remake: clean all uninstall: @if [ -f ${bindir}/testlib ]; then rm -i ${bindir}/testlib; fi @if [ -f ${libdir} ]; then rm -rfi ${libdir}; fi # These are rules to create the source distribution - Most people should never # need them. cp: find \( -name "*.h" -o -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.c" \) -exec ./ {} \; distro-dir := testlib-${version} other-dist: mkdir /tmp/sword /tmp/sword/1 /tmp/sword/2 /tmp/sword/1/${distro-dir}/ cp -lr .[^.]* * /tmp/sword/1/${distro-dir}/ make -C /tmp/sword/1/${distro-dir} clean cd /tmp/sword/1/${distro-dir} && rm -rf $$(find -name RCS) cp -r /tmp/sword/1/${distro-dir}/ /tmp/sword/2 cd /tmp/sword/2/${distro-dir}/ && chmod -R o-rwx,ug+w * cd /tmp/sword/2 && tar cf - sword-${version} -X sword-${version}/.exclude | gzip -9c > /tmp/sword/sword-${version}.tgz mv /tmp/sword/sword-${version}.tgz ./ rm -rf /tmp/sword register: echo "(***) $$USER@$$HOSTNAME, $$(date), $$(uname -m -r -s), SWORD ${version}" | mail