package org.crosswire.xml; /** * Copyright (c) 2001 CrossWire Bible Society. * Distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL V2. */ import; /** * Overview:
* The status object holds the information to indicate whether * or not a task has been completed. Status is made up 31 * indexes, plus one at the start indicating the overall state. Each index represents a * specific task, and the mapping of the index and the task is defined at * the configuration of Dispatcher * The status for each task is either 0 or 1 where 0 means not yet * processed and 1 means has been processed. Status is * primarily used by ManagerService, * Dropbox, and Dispatcher. In a typical * processing flow, Dropbox seeds * an initial status value. Then, Dispatcher * will set its associated index to '1' if that the task has been processed * successfully. * * **/ public class Status implements Serializable, Cloneable { /** * The overall state. * READY - Ready to be processed. * CANCELED - Canceled. * DONE - Has been processed by all the processors. * **/ public static final char MASK_BIT_ON = '1'; public static final char MASK_BIT_OFF = '0'; public static final char MASK_BIT_NA = '_'; public static final char STATE_PENDING = 'P'; public static final char STATE_READY = 'R'; public static final char STATE_DONE = 'D'; public static final char STATE_CANCELED = 'C'; public static final char STATE_NA = '_'; private static final int size = 31; private char[] status = new char[size]; /** * The default constructor. The status 'R000000000000000000000000000000' * will be constructed. * **/ public Status() { setStatus(new String() + STATE_READY); } public Object clone() { return new Status(this.toString()); } /** * Constructor that accept a string as an input. * **/ public Status(String statusString) { setStatus(statusString); } public void setBit(int bit) { setMask((long)Math.pow(2,bit)); } public void setBit(int bit, char value) { setMaskVal((long)Math.pow(2,bit), value); } public void clearBit(int bit) { clearMask((long)Math.pow(2,bit)); } public void setMaskVal(long mask, char value) { int count = 1; for(int i=0; ((i0)); i++) { if ((mask&((long)Math.pow(2,i))) > 0) { this.status[count] = value; mask -= Math.pow(2,i); } count++; } } /** * Set status indexes. The valid input is an integer number, and * the integer is converted to a binary representation where the * least significant bit (LSB) refer to index 1 of the status, the * second LSB refer to index 2, and so on. By using this method, * all the bits that have the value '1', its corresponding index * will be set to '1'. Let say the input integer value is 6 and the * status is 'R000010000000000000000000000000'. Since The binary of * 6 is '011', result would be 'R011010000000000000000000000000'. * **/ public void setMask(long mask) { setMaskVal(mask, MASK_BIT_ON); } /** * Clear status indexes. The valid input is an integer number, and * the integer is converted to a binary representation where the * least significant bit (LSB) refer to index 1 of the status, the * second LSB refer to index 2, and so on. By using this method, * all the bits that have the value '1', its corresponding index * will be set to '0'. Let say the input integer value is 6 and the * status is 'R111110000000000000000000000000'. Since The binary of * 6 is '011', result would be 'R100110000000000000000000000000'. * **/ public void clearMask(long mask) { setMaskVal(mask, MASK_BIT_OFF); } public boolean isBitSet(int bit) { return isMaskSet((long)Math.pow(2, bit)); } public boolean isBitClear(int bit) { return isMaskClear((long)Math.pow(2, bit)); } private boolean checkMaskVal(long mask, char value) { boolean result = true; int count = 1; for(int i=0; ((i0)); i++) { if ((mask&((long)Math.pow(2,i))) > 0) { if (this.status[count] != value) return false; mask -= Math.pow(2,i); } count++; } return true; } /** * Test status indexes. The valid input is an integer number, and * the integer is converted to a binary representation where the * least significant bit (LSB) refer to index 1 of the status, the * second LSB refer to index 2, and so on. By using this method, * all the bits that have the value '1', test its corresponding index * to see if it is set to '1'. Let say the input integer value is 6 * and the status is 'R111110000000000000000000000000'. Since The binary of * 6 is '011', result would be true. * **/ public boolean isMaskSet(long mask) { return checkMaskVal(mask, '1'); } /** * Test status indexes. The valid input is an integer number, and * the integer is converted to a binary representation where the * least significant bit (LSB) refer to index 1 of the status, the * second LSB refer to index 2, and so on. By using this method, * all the bits that have the value '1', test its corresponding index * to see if it is set to '0'. Let say the input integer value is 6 * and the status is 'R111110000000000000000000000000'. Since The binary of * 6 is '011', result would be false. * **/ public boolean isMaskClear(long mask) { return checkMaskVal(mask, '0'); } /** * Get the overall state/status of this Status object. * **/ public char getState() { return status[0]; } /** * Set the overall state/status of this Status object. * **/ public String setState(char state) { status[0] = state; return toString(); } /** * Get this Status object in string. * **/ public String toString() { return new String(status); } /** * Return the decimal value of this Status object. The first index is * ignored and the index #1 represents the least significant bit(LSB), * and the index #2 represents the second LSB, and so on. For example, * if status equal 'R111000000000000000000000000000', the result will * be 7. * **/ public long getLong() { long result = 0; for(int i=1; i 0) : false; String retVal = ""; char[] smChars = sm.toCharArray(); // Set the object state if (anyFilter) { setState(smChars[0]); } else { setState (STATE_NA); } for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { if (anyFilter) { // Check if there is a character in the smChars array to copy // into the maskBits if (i < smLength) { status[i] = smChars[i]; } else { // No so set it to NA status[i] = MASK_BIT_NA; } } else { status[i] = MASK_BIT_NA; } // maskBits[i] = (anyFilter) ? (i < sm.length()) ? sm.toCharArray()[i] : // Status.MASK_BIT_NA : // Status.MASK_BIT_NA; } } }