<%@ page import="org.crosswire.community.data.User"%>
<%@ page import="org.crosswire.xml.XMLRepo"%>

String root = session.getServletContext().getContextPath();
User user = (User)session.getAttribute("user");
XMLRepo repo = XMLRepo.instance(pageContext);
String legal = "The requirements that need to be satisfied for using these images in publication vary from manuscript to manuscript. Each possessing institute or individual has its own requirements. If you wish to publish any of these images, you will need to get permission from <a href=\"http://csntm.org\">CSNTM</a> first. We can then direct you to the contact person of the institute that owns the manuscript(s) for further instructions. <a href=\"http://csntm.org\">CSNTM</a> does not charge for the use of these images, though the institute that owns the manuscripts may. At minimum, <a href=\"http://csntm.org\">CSNTM</a> needs to be credited with the photographs and the possessing institute needs to be credited with ownership of the manuscript in all research for which these images are used.";

String questions[] = new String[] {
 "What are the basic steps for indexing a manuscript?"
,"What if there is only a small portion of a verse on an image and most of the verse is on the next image?"
,"What format should the text be in for the Biblical Coverage field?"
String answers[] = new String[] {
 "<ol><li>Go to the project status page and find an unclaimed document you would like to index.</li><li>Click the _Claim Responsibility_ link.</li><li>Click the _Load All Images At This URL_ link (be patient while thumbnails are built).</li><li>Click the first thumbnail and determine the Biblical Coverage for the image.</li><li>Enter the Biblical Coverage and click the [Save] button.</li><li>Move on to the next image.</li><li>When finished with the entire document, click the [Sign and Submit] button <i>(not yet available)</i>.</li></ol>"
,"If any part of a verse-- even a single letter-- is on an image, then that verse should be included in the Biblical Coverage for the image."
,"Our verse parser can take most anything you throw at it.  In the end, we'll standardize all syntax to OSIS osisRef syntax, but we will do this with an automated process.  If you would like to be sure your syntax produces what you expect in our parser, you can try it out here: <a href=\"http://crosswire.org/study/examples/parsevs.jsp\">http://crosswire.org/study/examples/parsevs.jsp</a>."


<style type="text/css"> 
div.legal {
	font-size: 0.7em;
	padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
div.qa {
	padding: 10px 10px 50px 10px;
	border-top: 1px solid #7F673C;
div.q {
	font-weight: bold;
div.a {
	padding: 10px 10px 0px 30px;
<table style="background-color: lime" width="100%">
<td><a href="<%= root %>/home.jsp">Home</a></td>
<td><a href="home.jsp">Project Status</a></td>
if (user != null) {
<td><a href="<%= root %>/modules/libmaint">My Documents</a></td>

<h2>Frequently Asked Questions</h2>

for (int i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) {
<div class="qa">
<div class="q">
<%= questions[i] %>
<div class="a">
<%= answers[i] %>
