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String projectName = request.getParameter("project"); if (projectName == null) projectName = "indexing"; /* { User user = (User) session.getAttribute("user"); if (user == null) { User u = (User)repo.get(new User("scribe"), false); session.setAttribute("user", u); } } */ User user = (User) session.getAttribute("user"); if (user == null) { out .print(""); return; } { boolean saveProps = false; SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy"); String root = session.getServletContext().getContextPath(); String libURL = "/users/" + user.getID() + "/library"; String libPath = session.getServletContext() .getRealPath(libURL); File file = new File(libPath); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdir(); new File(libPath, "modules").mkdir(); new File(libPath, "mods.d").mkdir(); } file = new File(libPath + "/mods.d", "globals.conf"); if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(file, false); fout.write(("[globals]\nowner=" + user.getID()).getBytes()); fout.close(); } boolean reload = false; String action = request.getParameter("action"); if ("newMod".equals(action)) { String newName = request.getParameter("newName"); if (newName != null) { String fileName = newName.replace(' ', '_'); file = new File(libPath + "/mods.d", fileName+".conf"); if (!file.exists()) { FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(file, false); fout.write(("["+fileName+"]\nModDrv=RawText\nDataPath=modules/"+fileName+"\nDescription="+newName+"\nAbout="+newName+"\n").getBytes()); fout.close(); new File(libPath + "/modules", fileName).mkdir(); new File(libPath + "/modules/"+fileName, "cache").mkdir(); Document d = new Document(user.getID(), fileName); d.setGAName(newName); repo.save(d); reload = true; } else action = ""; // we couldn't add, so we'll clear action in case we do other new doc stuff below session.setAttribute("modName", fileName); } } if ("selectMod".equals(action)) { String selName = request.getParameter("selName"); if (selName != null) { session.setAttribute("modName", selName); 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<% Enumeration sections = swconfig.sections.keys(); while (sections.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) sections.nextElement(); HashMap section = (HashMap)swconfig.sections.get(name); String desc = (String)section.get("Description"); boolean selected = name.equals(modName); if (desc != null) { %> <% } } if (modName != null && modName.length() > 0) { %> <% } %>
<%= (selected?"=>":"")%>"><%= desc %>
<% if (modDoc != null) { String baseURL = modDoc.getBaseURL(); String ganame = modDoc.getGAName(); String desc = modDoc.getDescription(); String abbr = modDoc.getAbbrevPref(); String otherAbbr = modDoc.getAbbrevOther(); String dateMean = modDoc.getDateMean(); String dateRange = modDoc.getDateRange(); String loc = modDoc.getLocation(); String legal = ""; if (baseURL != null && baseURL.toUpperCase().indexOf("CSNTM") > -1) { legal = "The requirements that need to be satisfied for using these images in publication vary from manuscript to manuscript. Each possessing institute or individual has its own requirements. If you wish to publish any of these images, you will need to get permission from CSNTM first. We can then direct you to the contact person of the institute that owns the manuscript(s) for further instructions. CSNTM does not charge for the use of these images, though the institute that owns the manuscripts may. At minimum, CSNTM needs to be credited with the photographs and the possessing institute needs to be credited with ownership of the manuscript in all research for which these images are used."; } %>
<% for (Document.Page p: modDoc.getPages()) { %>
<%= p.getURL() %>
<% try { String cacheName = libURL + "/modules/"+modName+"/cache/" + p.getURL().hashCode() + ".jpg"; String target = baseURL + "/"+p.getURL(); File cacheFile = new File(request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath(cacheName)); if (!cacheFile.exists() /*|| cacheFile.lastModified() < files[i].lastModified()*/) { BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(new URL(target)); int thumbWidth = 240; int thumbHeight = 180; int imageWidth = image.getWidth(); int imageHeight = image.getHeight(); float scaleFactor = (imageWidth > imageHeight) ? (float)thumbWidth / (float)imageWidth : (float)thumbHeight / (float)imageHeight; thumbWidth = (int)(imageWidth * scaleFactor); thumbHeight = (int)(imageHeight * scaleFactor); BufferedImage zimage = new BufferedImage(thumbWidth, thumbHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g = zimage.createGraphics(); g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, null); g.dispose(); ImageIO.write(zimage, "jpg", cacheFile); } %> <%= p.getDescription() %> <% } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();} %>
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<% } %>

<% } %> <% } %>