/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team * * Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or * the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _lucene_search_Scorer_ #define _lucene_search_Scorer_ #if defined(_LUCENE_PRAGMA_ONCE) # pragma once #endif #include "Similarity.h" #include "SearchHeader.h" #include "Explanation.h" CL_NS_DEF(search) /** Expert: Implements scoring for a class of queries. */ class Scorer: LUCENE_BASE { private: Similarity* similarity; protected: /** Constructs a Scorer. */ Scorer(Similarity* similarity) { this->similarity = similarity; } public: virtual ~Scorer(){ } /** Returns the Similarity implementation used by this scorer. */ Similarity* getSimilarity() const{ return this->similarity; } /** Scores all documents and passes them to a collector. */ void score(HitCollector* hc) { while (next()) { hc->collect(doc(), score()); } } /** Advance to the next document matching the query. Returns true iff there * is another match. */ virtual bool next() = 0; /** Returns the current document number. Initially invalid, until {@link * #next()} is called the first time. */ virtual int32_t doc() const = 0; /** Returns the score of the current document. Initially invalid, until * {@link #next()} is called the first time. */ virtual float_t score() = 0; /** Skips to the first match beyond the current whose document number is * greater than or equal to target.

Returns true iff there is such * a match.

Behaves as if written:

         *   boolean skipTo(int32_t target) {
         *     do {
         *       if (!next())
         * 	     return false;
         *     } while (target > doc());
         *     return true;
         *   }
* Most implementations are considerably more efficient than that. */ virtual bool skipTo(int32_t target) = 0; /** Returns an explanation of the score for doc. */ virtual void explain(int32_t doc, Explanation* ret) = 0; /** Returns an string which explains the object */ virtual TCHAR* toString() = 0; }; CL_NS_END #endif