/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team * * Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or * the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "CLucene/StdHeader.h" #include "SegmentHeader.h" #include "CLucene/store/IndexInput.h" #include "Term.h" CL_NS_DEF(index) SegmentTermDocs::SegmentTermDocs(const SegmentReader* _parent){ //Func - Constructor //Pre - Paren != NULL //Post - The instance has been created CND_PRECONDITION(_parent != NULL,"Parent is NULL"); parent = _parent; deletedDocs = parent->deletedDocs; _doc = 0; _freq = 0; count = 0; df = 0; skipInterval=0; numSkips=0; skipCount=0; skipStream=NULL; skipDoc=0; freqPointer=0; proxPointer=0; skipPointer=0; haveSkipped=false; freqStream = parent->freqStream->clone(); skipInterval = parent->tis->getSkipInterval(); } SegmentTermDocs::~SegmentTermDocs() { //Func - Destructor //Pre - true //Post - The instance has been destroyed close(); } TermPositions* SegmentTermDocs::__asTermPositions(){ return NULL; } void SegmentTermDocs::seek(Term* term) { TermInfo* ti = parent->tis->get(term); seek(ti); _CLDELETE(ti); } void SegmentTermDocs::seek(TermEnum* termEnum){ TermInfo* ti=NULL; // use comparison of fieldinfos to verify that termEnum belongs to the same segment as this SegmentTermDocs if ( termEnum->getObjectName() == SegmentTermEnum::getClassName() ){ SegmentTermEnum* te = (SegmentTermEnum*)termEnum; te->fieldInfos = parent->fieldInfos; ti = te->getTermInfo(); }else{ ti = parent->tis->get(termEnum->term(false)); } seek(ti); _CLDELETE(ti); } void SegmentTermDocs::seek(const TermInfo* ti) { count = 0; if (ti == NULL) { df = 0; } else { df = ti->docFreq; _doc = 0; skipDoc = 0; skipCount = 0; numSkips = df / skipInterval; freqPointer = ti->freqPointer; proxPointer = ti->proxPointer; skipPointer = freqPointer + ti->skipOffset; freqStream->seek(freqPointer); haveSkipped = false; } } void SegmentTermDocs::close() { //Check if freqStream still exists if (freqStream != NULL){ freqStream->close(); //todo: items like these can probably be delete, because deleting the object also closes it...do everywhere _CLDELETE( freqStream ); } if (skipStream != NULL){ skipStream->close(); _CLDELETE( skipStream ); } } int32_t SegmentTermDocs::doc()const { return _doc; } int32_t SegmentTermDocs::freq()const { return _freq; } bool SegmentTermDocs::next() { while (true) { if (count == df) return false; uint32_t docCode = freqStream->readVInt(); _doc += docCode >> 1; //unsigned shift if ((docCode & 1) != 0) // if low bit is set _freq = 1; // _freq is one else _freq = freqStream->readVInt(); // else read _freq count++; if ( (deletedDocs == NULL) || (deletedDocs->get(_doc) == false ) ) break; skippingDoc(); } return true; } int32_t SegmentTermDocs::read(int32_t* docs, int32_t* freqs, int32_t length) { int32_t i = 0; //todo: one optimization would be to get the pointer buffer for ram or mmap dirs //and iterate over them instead of using readByte() intensive functions. while (ireadVInt(); _doc += docCode >> 1; if ((docCode & 1) != 0) // if low bit is set _freq = 1; // _freq is one else _freq = freqStream->readVInt(); // else read _freq count++; if (deletedDocs == NULL || !deletedDocs->get(_doc)) { docs[i] = _doc; freqs[i] = _freq; i++; } } return i; } bool SegmentTermDocs::skipTo(const int32_t target){ if (df >= skipInterval) { // optimized case if (skipStream == NULL) skipStream = freqStream->clone(); // lazily clone if (!haveSkipped) { // lazily seek skip stream skipStream->seek(skipPointer); haveSkipped = true; } // scan skip data int32_t lastSkipDoc = skipDoc; int64_t lastFreqPointer = freqStream->getFilePointer(); int64_t lastProxPointer = -1; int32_t numSkipped = -1 - (count % skipInterval); while (target > skipDoc) { lastSkipDoc = skipDoc; lastFreqPointer = freqPointer; lastProxPointer = proxPointer; if (skipDoc != 0 && skipDoc >= _doc) numSkipped += skipInterval; if(skipCount >= numSkips) break; skipDoc += skipStream->readVInt(); freqPointer += skipStream->readVInt(); proxPointer += skipStream->readVInt(); skipCount++; } // if we found something to skip, then skip it if (lastFreqPointer > freqStream->getFilePointer()) { freqStream->seek(lastFreqPointer); skipProx(lastProxPointer); _doc = lastSkipDoc; count += numSkipped; } } // done skipping, now just scan do { if (!next()) return false; } while (target > _doc); return true; } CL_NS_END