{*****************************************************************************} { } { Tnt Delphi Unicode Controls } { http://tnt.ccci.org/delphi_unicode_controls/ } { Version: 2.1.11 } { } { Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Troy Wolbrink (troy.wolbrink@ccci.org) } { } {*****************************************************************************} unit TntMenus; {$INCLUDE TntCompilers.inc} interface uses Windows, Classes, Menus, Graphics, Messages; type {TNT-WARN TMenuItem} TTntMenuItem = class(TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}) private FIgnoreMenuChanged: Boolean; FCaption: WideString; FHint: WideString; {$IFNDEF COMPILER_6_UP} FOnMeasureItem: TMenuMeasureItemEvent; {$ENDIF} function GetCaption: WideString; procedure SetInheritedCaption(const Value: AnsiString); procedure SetCaption(const Value: WideString); function IsCaptionStored: Boolean; procedure UpdateMenuString(ParentMenu: TMenu); function GetAlignmentDrawStyle: Word; function MeasureItemTextWidth(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Text: WideString): Integer; {$IFNDEF COMPILER_6_UP} procedure DoMeasureItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; var Width, Height: Integer); {$ENDIF} function GetHint: WideString; procedure SetInheritedHint(const Value: AnsiString); procedure SetHint(const Value: WideString); function IsHintStored: Boolean; protected procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override; function GetActionLinkClass: TMenuActionLinkClass; override; procedure ActionChange(Sender: TObject; CheckDefaults: Boolean); override; procedure MenuChanged(Rebuild: Boolean); override; procedure AdvancedDrawItem(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState; TopLevel: Boolean); override; procedure DoDrawText(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ACaption: WideString; var Rect: TRect; Selected: Boolean; Flags: Integer); procedure MeasureItem(ACanvas: TCanvas; var Width, Height: Integer); {$IFDEF COMPILER_6_UP} override; {$ENDIF} public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure Loaded; override; function Find(ACaption: WideString): TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}; published property Caption: WideString read GetCaption write SetCaption stored IsCaptionStored; property Hint: WideString read GetHint write SetHint stored IsHintStored; {$IFNDEF COMPILER_6_UP} property OnMeasureItem: TMenuMeasureItemEvent read FOnMeasureItem write FOnMeasureItem; {$ENDIF} end; {TNT-WARN TMainMenu} TTntMainMenu = class(TMainMenu{TNT-ALLOW TMainMenu}) protected procedure DoChange(Source: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}; Rebuild: Boolean); override; public {$IFDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function CreateMenuItem: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}; override; {$ENDIF} end; {TNT-WARN TPopupMenu} TTntPopupMenu = class(TPopupMenu{TNT-ALLOW TPopupMenu}) protected procedure DoChange(Source: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}; Rebuild: Boolean); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; {$IFDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function CreateMenuItem: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}; override; {$ENDIF} destructor Destroy; override; procedure Popup(X, Y: Integer); override; end; {TNT-WARN NewSubMenu} function WideNewSubMenu(const ACaption: WideString; hCtx: THelpContext; const AName: TComponentName; const Items: array of TTntMenuItem; AEnabled: Boolean): TTntMenuItem; {TNT-WARN NewItem} function WideNewItem(const ACaption: WideString; AShortCut: TShortCut; AChecked, AEnabled: Boolean; AOnClick: TNotifyEvent; hCtx: THelpContext; const AName: TComponentName): TTntMenuItem; function MessageToShortCut(Msg: TWMKeyDown): TShortCut; {TNT-WARN ShortCutToText} function WideShortCutToText(WordShortCut: Word): WideString; {TNT-WARN TextToShortCut} function WideTextToShortCut(Text: WideString): TShortCut; {TNT-WARN GetHotKey} function WideGetHotkey(const Text: WideString): WideString; {TNT-WARN StripHotkey} function WideStripHotkey(const Text: WideString): WideString; {TNT-WARN AnsiSameCaption} function WideSameCaption(const Text1, Text2: WideString): Boolean; function WideGetMenuItemCaption(MenuItem: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}): WideString; function WideGetMenuItemHint(MenuItem: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}): WideString; procedure NoOwnerDrawTopLevelItems(Menu: TMainMenu{TNT-ALLOW TMainMenu}); procedure FixMenuBiDiProblem(Menu: TMenu); function MenuItemHasBitmap(MenuItem: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}): Boolean; type TTntPopupList = class(TPopupList) private SavedPopupList: TPopupList; protected procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override; end; var TntPopupList: TTntPopupList; implementation uses Controls, Forms, SysUtils, Consts, ActnList, ImgList, TntControls, TntGraphics, TntActnList, TntClasses, TntForms, TntSysUtils, TntWindows; function WideNewSubMenu(const ACaption: WideString; hCtx: THelpContext; const AName: TComponentName; const Items: array of TTntMenuItem; AEnabled: Boolean): TTntMenuItem; var I: Integer; begin Result := TTntMenuItem.Create(nil); for I := Low(Items) to High(Items) do Result.Add(Items[I]); Result.Caption := ACaption; Result.HelpContext := hCtx; Result.Name := AName; Result.Enabled := AEnabled; end; function WideNewItem(const ACaption: WideString; AShortCut: TShortCut; AChecked, AEnabled: Boolean; AOnClick: TNotifyEvent; hCtx: THelpContext; const AName: TComponentName): TTntMenuItem; begin Result := TTntMenuItem.Create(nil); with Result do begin Caption := ACaption; ShortCut := AShortCut; OnClick := AOnClick; HelpContext := hCtx; Checked := AChecked; Enabled := AEnabled; Name := AName; end; end; function MessageToShortCut(Msg: TWMKeyDown): TShortCut; var ShiftState: TShiftState; begin ShiftState := Forms.KeyDataToShiftState(TWMKeyDown(Msg).KeyData); Result := Menus.ShortCut(TWMKeyDown(Msg).CharCode, ShiftState); end; function WideGetSpecialName(WordShortCut: Word): WideString; var ScanCode: Integer; KeyName: array[0..255] of WideChar; begin Assert(Win32PlatformIsUnicode); Result := ''; ScanCode := MapVirtualKeyW(WordRec(WordShortCut).Lo, 0) shl 16; if ScanCode <> 0 then begin GetKeyNameTextW(ScanCode, KeyName, SizeOf(KeyName)); Result := KeyName; end; end; function WideGetKeyboardChar(Key: Word): WideChar; begin Assert(Win32PlatformIsUnicode); Result := WideChar(MapVirtualKeyW(Key, 2)); end; function WideShortCutToText(WordShortCut: Word): WideString; var Name: WideString; begin if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) or (WordRec(WordShortCut).Lo in [$08..$09 {BKSP, TAB}, $0D {ENTER}, $1B {ESC}, $20..$28 {Misc Nav}, $2D..$2E {INS, DEL}, $70..$87 {F1 - F24}]) then Result := ShortCutToText{TNT-ALLOW ShortCutToText}(WordShortCut) else begin case WordRec(WordShortCut).Lo of $30..$39: Name := WideGetKeyboardChar(WordRec(WordShortCut).Lo); {1-9,0} $41..$5A: Name := WideGetKeyboardChar(WordRec(WordShortCut).Lo); {A-Z} $60..$69: Name := WideGetKeyboardChar(WordRec(WordShortCut).Lo); {numpad 1-9,0} else Name := WideGetSpecialName(WordShortCut); end; if Name <> '' then begin Result := ''; if WordShortCut and scShift <> 0 then Result := Result + SmkcShift; if WordShortCut and scCtrl <> 0 then Result := Result + SmkcCtrl; if WordShortCut and scAlt <> 0 then Result := Result + SmkcAlt; Result := Result + Name; end else Result := ''; end; end; { This function is *very* slow. Use sparingly. Return 0 if no VK code was found for the text } function WideTextToShortCut(Text: WideString): TShortCut; { If the front of Text is equal to Front then remove the matching piece from Text and return True, otherwise return False } function CompareFront(var Text: WideString; const Front: WideString): Boolean; begin Result := (Pos(Front, Text) = 1); if Result then Delete(Text, 1, Length(Front)); end; var Key: TShortCut; Shift: TShortCut; begin Result := 0; Shift := 0; while True do begin if CompareFront(Text, SmkcShift) then Shift := Shift or scShift else if CompareFront(Text, '^') then Shift := Shift or scCtrl else if CompareFront(Text, SmkcCtrl) then Shift := Shift or scCtrl else if CompareFront(Text, SmkcAlt) then Shift := Shift or scAlt else Break; end; if Text = '' then Exit; for Key := $08 to $255 do { Copy range from table in ShortCutToText } if WideSameText(Text, WideShortCutToText(Key)) then begin Result := Key or Shift; Exit; end; end; function WideGetHotkeyPos(const Text: WideString): Integer; var I, L: Integer; begin Result := 0; I := 1; L := Length(Text); while I <= L do begin if (Text[I] = cHotkeyPrefix) and (L - I >= 1) then begin Inc(I); if Text[I] <> cHotkeyPrefix then Result := I; // this might not be the last end; Inc(I); end; end; function WideGetHotkey(const Text: WideString): WideString; var I: Integer; begin I := WideGetHotkeyPos(Text); if I = 0 then Result := '' else Result := Text[I]; end; function WideStripHotkey(const Text: WideString): WideString; var I: Integer; begin Result := Text; I := 1; while I <= Length(Result) do begin if Result[I] = cHotkeyPrefix then if SysLocale.FarEast and ((I > 1) and (Length(Result) - I >= 2) and (Result[I - 1] = '(') and (Result[I + 2] = ')')) then begin Delete(Result, I - 1, 4); Dec(I, 2); end else Delete(Result, I, 1); Inc(I); end; end; function WideSameCaption(const Text1, Text2: WideString): Boolean; begin Result := WideSameText(WideStripHotkey(Text1), WideStripHotkey(Text2)); end; function WideSameCaptionStr(const Text1, Text2: WideString): Boolean; begin Result := WideSameStr(WideStripHotkey(Text1), WideStripHotkey(Text2)); end; function WideGetMenuItemCaption(MenuItem: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}): WideString; begin if MenuItem is TTntMenuItem then Result := TTntMenuItem(MenuItem).Caption else Result := MenuItem.Caption; end; function WideGetMenuItemHint(MenuItem: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}): WideString; begin if MenuItem is TTntMenuItem then Result := TTntMenuItem(MenuItem).Hint else Result := MenuItem.Hint; end; procedure NoOwnerDrawTopLevelItems(Menu: TMainMenu{TNT-ALLOW TMainMenu}); {If top-level items are created as owner-drawn, they will not appear as raised buttons when the mouse hovers over them. The VCL will often create top-level items as owner-drawn even when they don't need to be (owner-drawn state can be set on an item-by-item basis). This routine turns off the owner-drawn flag for top-level items if it appears unnecessary} function ItemHasValidImage(Item: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}): boolean; var Images: TCustomImageList; begin Assert(Item <> nil, 'TNT Internal Error: ItemHasValidImage: item = nil'); Images := Item.GetImageList; Result := (Assigned(Images) and (Item.ImageIndex >= 0) and (Item.ImageIndex < Images.Count)) or (MenuItemHasBitmap(Item) and (not Item.Bitmap.Empty)) end; var HM: HMenu; i: integer; Info: TMenuItemInfoA; Item: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}; Win98Plus: boolean; begin if Assigned(Menu) then begin Win98Plus:= (Win32MajorVersion > 4) or((Win32MajorVersion = 4) and (Win32MinorVersion > 0)); if not Win98Plus then Exit; HM:= Menu.Handle; Info.cbSize:= sizeof(Info); for i := 0 to GetMenuItemCount(HM) - 1 do begin Info.fMask:= MIIM_FTYPE or MIIM_ID; if not GetMenuItemInfo(HM, i, true, Info) then Break; if Info.fType and MFT_OWNERDRAW <> 0 then begin Item:= Menu.FindItem(Info.wID, fkCommand); if not Assigned(Item) then continue; if Assigned(Item.OnDrawItem) or Assigned(Item.OnAdvancedDrawItem) or ItemHasValidImage(Item) then Continue; Info.fMask:= MIIM_FTYPE or MIIM_STRING; Info.fType:= (Info.fType and not MFT_OWNERDRAW) or MFT_STRING; if Win32PlatformIsUnicode and (Item is TTntMenuItem) then begin // Unicode TMenuItemInfoW(Info).dwTypeData:= PWideChar(TTntMenuItem(Item).Caption); SetMenuItemInfoW(HM, i, true, TMenuItemInfoW(Info)); end else begin // Ansi Info.dwTypeData:= PAnsiChar(Item.Caption); SetMenuItemInfoA(HM, i, true, Info); end; end; end; end; end; { TTntMenuItem's utility procs } procedure SyncHotKeyPosition(const Source: WideString; var Dest: WideString); var I: Integer; FarEastHotString: WideString; begin if (AnsiString(Source) <> AnsiString(Dest)) and WideSameCaptionStr(AnsiString(Source), AnsiString(Dest)) then begin // when reduced to ansi, the only difference is hot key positions Dest := WideStripHotkey(Dest); I := 1; while I <= Length(Source) do begin if Source[I] = cHotkeyPrefix then begin if SysLocale.FarEast and ((I > 1) and (Length(Source) - I >= 2) and (Source[I - 1] = '(') and (Source[I + 2] = ')')) then begin FarEastHotString := Copy(Source, I - 1, 4); Dec(I); Insert(FarEastHotString, Dest, I); Inc(I, 3); end else begin Insert(cHotkeyPrefix, Dest, I); Inc(I); end; end; Inc(I); end; // test work if AnsiString(Source) <> AnsiString(Dest) then raise ETntInternalError.CreateFmt('Internal Error: SyncHotKeyPosition Failed ("%s" <> "%s").', [AnsiString(Source), AnsiString(Dest)]); end; end; procedure UpdateMenuItems(Items: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}; ParentMenu: TMenu); var i: integer; begin if (Items.ComponentState * [csReading, csDestroying] = []) then begin for i := Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do UpdateMenuItems(Items[i], ParentMenu); if Items is TTntMenuItem then TTntMenuItem(Items).UpdateMenuString(ParentMenu); end; end; procedure FixMenuBiDiProblem(Menu: TMenu); begin // TMenu sometimes sets bidi on item[0] which can convert caption to ansi if (SysLocale.MiddleEast) then begin if (Menu <> nil) and (Menu.Items.Count > 0) and (Menu.Items[0] is TTntMenuItem) then begin (Menu.Items[0] as TTntMenuItem).UpdateMenuString(Menu); end; end; end; {$IFDEF COMPILER_5} // verified against VCL source in Delphi 5 and BCB 5 type THackMenuItem = class(TComponent) protected FxxxxCaption: AnsiString; FxxxxHandle: HMENU; FxxxxChecked: Boolean; FxxxxEnabled: Boolean; FxxxxDefault: Boolean; FxxxxAutoHotkeys: TMenuItemAutoFlag; FxxxxAutoLineReduction: TMenuItemAutoFlag; FxxxxRadioItem: Boolean; FxxxxVisible: Boolean; FxxxxGroupIndex: Byte; FxxxxImageIndex: TImageIndex; FxxxxActionLink: TMenuActionLink{TNT-ALLOW TMenuActionLink}; FxxxxBreak: TMenuBreak; FBitmap: TBitmap; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPILER_6} // verified against VCL source in Delphi 6 and BCB 6 type THackMenuItem = class(TComponent) protected FxxxxCaption: Ansistring; FxxxxHandle: HMENU; FxxxxChecked: Boolean; FxxxxEnabled: Boolean; FxxxxDefault: Boolean; FxxxxAutoHotkeys: TMenuItemAutoFlag; FxxxxAutoLineReduction: TMenuItemAutoFlag; FxxxxRadioItem: Boolean; FxxxxVisible: Boolean; FxxxxGroupIndex: Byte; FxxxxImageIndex: TImageIndex; FxxxxActionLink: TMenuActionLink{TNT-ALLOW TMenuActionLink}; FxxxxBreak: TMenuBreak; FBitmap: TBitmap; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DELPHI_7} type THackMenuItem = class(TComponent) protected FxxxxCaption: AnsiString; FxxxxHandle: HMENU; FxxxxChecked: Boolean; FxxxxEnabled: Boolean; FxxxxDefault: Boolean; FxxxxAutoHotkeys: TMenuItemAutoFlag; FxxxxAutoLineReduction: TMenuItemAutoFlag; FxxxxRadioItem: Boolean; FxxxxVisible: Boolean; FxxxxGroupIndex: Byte; FxxxxImageIndex: TImageIndex; FxxxxActionLink: TMenuActionLink{TNT-ALLOW TMenuActionLink}; FxxxxBreak: TMenuBreak; FBitmap: TBitmap; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DELPHI_9} type THackMenuItem = class(TComponent) protected FxxxxCaption: AnsiString; FxxxxHandle: HMENU; FxxxxChecked: Boolean; FxxxxEnabled: Boolean; FxxxxDefault: Boolean; FxxxxAutoHotkeys: TMenuItemAutoFlag; FxxxxAutoLineReduction: TMenuItemAutoFlag; FxxxxRadioItem: Boolean; FxxxxVisible: Boolean; FxxxxGroupIndex: Byte; FxxxxImageIndex: TImageIndex; FxxxxActionLink: TMenuActionLink{TNT-ALLOW TMenuActionLink}; FxxxxBreak: TMenuBreak; FBitmap: TBitmap; end; {$ENDIF} function MenuItemHasBitmap(MenuItem: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}): Boolean; begin Result := Assigned(THackMenuItem(MenuItem).FBitmap); end; { TTntMenuItem } constructor TTntMenuItem.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; {$IFNDEF COMPILER_6_UP} inherited OnMeasureItem := DoMeasureItem; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TTntMenuItem.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); begin inherited; TntPersistent_AfterInherited_DefineProperties(Filer, Self); end; type TAccessActionlink = class(TActionLink); function TTntMenuItem.IsCaptionStored: Boolean; begin Result := (ActionLink = nil) or (not TAccessActionlink(ActionLink).IsCaptionLinked); end; procedure TTntMenuItem.SetInheritedCaption(const Value: AnsiString); begin inherited Caption := Value; end; function TTntMenuItem.GetCaption: WideString; begin if (AnsiString(FCaption) <> inherited Caption) and WideSameCaptionStr(AnsiString(FCaption), inherited Caption) then begin // only difference is hotkey position, update caption with new hotkey position SyncHotKeyPosition(inherited Caption, FCaption); end; Result := GetSyncedWideString(FCaption, (inherited Caption)); end; procedure TTntMenuItem.SetCaption(const Value: WideString); begin GetCaption; // auto adjust for hot key changes SetSyncedWideString(Value, FCaption, (inherited Caption), SetInheritedCaption); end; function TTntMenuItem.GetHint: WideString; begin Result := GetSyncedWideString(FHint, inherited Hint); end; procedure TTntMenuItem.SetInheritedHint(const Value: AnsiString); begin inherited Hint := Value; end; procedure TTntMenuItem.SetHint(const Value: WideString); begin SetSyncedWideString(Value, FHint, inherited Hint, SetInheritedHint); end; function TTntMenuItem.IsHintStored: Boolean; begin Result := (ActionLink = nil) or not TAccessActionlink(ActionLink).IsHintLinked; end; procedure TTntMenuItem.Loaded; begin inherited; UpdateMenuString(GetParentMenu); end; procedure TTntMenuItem.MenuChanged(Rebuild: Boolean); begin if (not FIgnoreMenuChanged) then begin inherited; UpdateMenuItems(Self, GetParentMenu); FixMenuBiDiProblem(GetParentMenu); end; end; procedure TTntMenuItem.UpdateMenuString(ParentMenu: TMenu); function NativeMenuTypeIsString: Boolean; var MenuItemInfo: TMenuItemInfoW; Buffer: array[0..79] of WideChar; begin MenuItemInfo.cbSize := 44; // Required for Windows NT 4.0 MenuItemInfo.fMask := MIIM_TYPE; MenuItemInfo.dwTypeData := Buffer; // ?? MenuItemInfo.cch := Length(Buffer); // ?? Result := GetMenuItemInfoW(Parent.Handle, Command, False, MenuItemInfo) and ((MenuItemInfo.fType and (MFT_BITMAP or MFT_SEPARATOR or MFT_OWNERDRAW)) = 0) end; function NativeMenuString: WideString; var Len: Integer; begin Assert(Win32PlatformIsUnicode); Len := GetMenuStringW(Parent.Handle, Command, nil, 0, MF_BYCOMMAND); if Len = 0 then Result := '' else begin SetLength(Result, Len + 1); Len := GetMenuStringW(Parent.Handle, Command, PWideChar(Result), Len + 1, MF_BYCOMMAND); SetLength(Result, Len); end; end; procedure SetMenuString(const Value: WideString); var MenuItemInfo: TMenuItemInfoW; Buffer: array[0..79] of WideChar; begin MenuItemInfo.cbSize := 44; // Required for Windows NT 4.0 MenuItemInfo.fMask := MIIM_TYPE; MenuItemInfo.dwTypeData := Buffer; // ?? MenuItemInfo.cch := Length(Buffer); // ?? if GetMenuItemInfoW(Parent.Handle, Command, False, MenuItemInfo) and ((MenuItemInfo.fType and (MFT_BITMAP or MFT_SEPARATOR or MFT_OWNERDRAW)) = 0) then begin MenuItemInfo.dwTypeData := PWideChar(Value); MenuItemInfo.cch := Length(Value); Win32Check(SetMenuItemInfoW(Parent.Handle, Command, False, MenuItemInfo)); end; end; function SameEvent(A, B: TMenuMeasureItemEvent): Boolean; begin Result := @A = @B; end; var MenuCaption: WideString; begin {$IFNDEF COMPILER_6_UP} if not SameEvent(inherited OnMeasureItem, DoMeasureItem) then begin if not SameEvent(inherited OnMeasureItem, nil) then OnMeasureItem := inherited OnMeasureItem; {sync} inherited OnMeasureItem := DoMeasureItem; end; {$ENDIF} if (Win32PlatformIsUnicode) and (Parent <> nil) and (ParentMenu <> nil) and (ComponentState * [csReading, csDestroying] = []) and (Visible) and (NativeMenuTypeIsString) then begin MenuCaption := Caption; if (Count = 0) and ((ShortCut <> scNone) and ((Parent = nil) or (Parent.Parent <> nil) or not (Parent.Owner is TMainMenu{TNT-ALLOW TMainMenu}))) then MenuCaption := MenuCaption + #9 + WideShortCutToText(ShortCut); if (NativeMenuString <> MenuCaption) then begin SetMenuString(MenuCaption); if (Parent = ParentMenu.Items) and (ParentMenu is TMainMenu{TNT-ALLOW TMainMenu}) and (ParentMenu.WindowHandle <> 0) then DrawMenuBar(ParentMenu.WindowHandle) {top level menu bar items} end; end; end; function TTntMenuItem.GetAlignmentDrawStyle: Word; const Alignments: array[TPopupAlignment] of Word = (DT_LEFT, DT_RIGHT, DT_CENTER); var ParentMenu: TMenu; Alignment: TPopupAlignment; begin ParentMenu := GetParentMenu; if ParentMenu is TMenu then Alignment := paLeft else if ParentMenu is TPopupMenu{TNT-ALLOW TPopupMenu} then Alignment := TPopupMenu{TNT-ALLOW TPopupMenu}(ParentMenu).Alignment else Alignment := paLeft; Result := Alignments[Alignment]; end; procedure TTntMenuItem.AdvancedDrawItem(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState; TopLevel: Boolean); procedure DrawMenuText(BiDi: Boolean); var ImageList: TCustomImageList; DrawImage, DrawGlyph: Boolean; GlyphRect, SaveRect: TRect; DrawStyle: Longint; Selected: Boolean; Win98Plus: Boolean; Win2K: Boolean; begin ImageList := GetImageList; Selected := odSelected in State; Win98Plus := (Win32MajorVersion > 4) or ((Win32MajorVersion = 4) and (Win32MinorVersion > 0)); Win2K := (Win32MajorVersion > 4) and (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT); with ACanvas do begin GlyphRect.Left := ARect.Left + 1; DrawImage := (ImageList <> nil) and ((ImageIndex > -1) and (ImageIndex < ImageList.Count) or Checked and ((not MenuItemHasBitmap(Self)) or Bitmap.Empty)); if DrawImage or MenuItemHasBitmap(Self) and not Bitmap.Empty then begin DrawGlyph := True; if DrawImage then GlyphRect.Right := GlyphRect.Left + ImageList.Width else begin { Need to add BitmapWidth/Height properties for TMenuItem if we're to support them. Right now let's hardcode them to 16x16. } GlyphRect.Right := GlyphRect.Left + 16; end; { Draw background pattern brush if selected } if Checked then begin Inc(GlyphRect.Right); if not Selected then Brush.Bitmap := AllocPatternBitmap(clBtnFace, clBtnHighlight); Inc(GlyphRect.Left); end; if Checked then Dec(GlyphRect.Right); end else begin if (ImageList <> nil) and (not TopLevel) then GlyphRect.Right := GlyphRect.Left + ImageList.Width else GlyphRect.Right := GlyphRect.Left; DrawGlyph := False; end; if BiDi then begin SaveRect := GlyphRect; GlyphRect.Left := ARect.Right - (SaveRect.Right - ARect.Left); GlyphRect.Right := ARect.Right - (SaveRect.Left - ARect.Left); end; with GlyphRect do begin Dec(Left); Inc(Right, 2); end; if Selected then begin if DrawGlyph then begin if BiDi then ARect.Right := GlyphRect.Left - 1 else ARect.Left := GlyphRect.Right + 1; end; if not (Win98Plus and TopLevel) then Brush.Color := clHighlight; end; if TopLevel and Win98Plus and (not Selected) {$IFDEF COMPILER_7_UP} and (not Win32PlatformIsXP) {$ENDIF} then OffsetRect(ARect, 0, -1); if not (Selected and DrawGlyph) then begin if BiDi then ARect.Right := GlyphRect.Left - 1 else ARect.Left := GlyphRect.Right + 1; end; Inc(ARect.Left, 2); Dec(ARect.Right, 1); DrawStyle := DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_SINGLELINE or GetAlignmentDrawStyle; if Win2K and (odNoAccel in State) then DrawStyle := DrawStyle or DT_HIDEPREFIX; { Calculate vertical layout } SaveRect := ARect; if odDefault in State then Font.Style := [fsBold]; DoDrawText(ACanvas, Caption, ARect, Selected, DrawStyle or DT_CALCRECT or DT_NOCLIP); if BiDi then begin { the DT_CALCRECT does not take into account alignment } ARect.Left := SaveRect.Left; ARect.Right := SaveRect.Right; end; OffsetRect(ARect, 0, ((SaveRect.Bottom - SaveRect.Top) - (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top)) div 2); if TopLevel and Selected and Win98Plus {$IFDEF COMPILER_7_UP} and (not Win32PlatformIsXP) {$ENDIF} then OffsetRect(ARect, 1, 0); DoDrawText(ACanvas, Caption, ARect, Selected, DrawStyle); if (ShortCut <> scNone) and not TopLevel then begin if BiDi then begin ARect.Left := 10; ARect.Right := ARect.Left + WideCanvasTextWidth(ACanvas, WideShortCutToText(ShortCut)); end else begin ARect.Left := ARect.Right; ARect.Right := SaveRect.Right - 10; end; DoDrawText(ACanvas, WideShortCutToText(ShortCut), ARect, Selected, DT_RIGHT); end; end; end; var ParentMenu: TMenu; SaveCaption: WideString; SaveShortCut: TShortCut; begin ParentMenu := GetParentMenu; if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) or (Self.IsLine) or ( (ParentMenu <> nil) and (ParentMenu.OwnerDraw or (GetImageList <> nil)) and (Assigned(OnAdvancedDrawItem) or Assigned(OnDrawItem)) ) then inherited else begin SaveCaption := Caption; SaveShortCut := ShortCut; try FIgnoreMenuChanged := True; try Caption := ''; ShortCut := scNone; finally FIgnoreMenuChanged := False; end; inherited; finally FIgnoreMenuChanged := True; try Caption := SaveCaption; ShortCut := SaveShortcut; finally FIgnoreMenuChanged := False; end; end; DrawMenuText((ParentMenu <> nil) and (ParentMenu.IsRightToLeft)) end; end; procedure TTntMenuItem.DoDrawText(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ACaption: WideString; var Rect: TRect; Selected: Boolean; Flags: Longint); var Text: WideString; ParentMenu: TMenu; begin if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) or (IsLine) then inherited DoDrawText(ACanvas, ACaption, Rect, Selected, Flags) else begin ParentMenu := GetParentMenu; if (ParentMenu <> nil) and (ParentMenu.IsRightToLeft) then begin if Flags and DT_LEFT = DT_LEFT then Flags := Flags and (not DT_LEFT) or DT_RIGHT else if Flags and DT_RIGHT = DT_RIGHT then Flags := Flags and (not DT_RIGHT) or DT_LEFT; Flags := Flags or DT_RTLREADING; end; Text := ACaption; if (Flags and DT_CALCRECT <> 0) and ((Text = '') or (Text[1] = cHotkeyPrefix) and (Text[2] = #0)) then Text := Text + ' '; with ACanvas do begin Brush.Style := bsClear; if Default then Font.Style := Font.Style + [fsBold]; if not Enabled then begin if not Selected then begin OffsetRect(Rect, 1, 1); Font.Color := clBtnHighlight; Tnt_DrawTextW(Handle, PWideChar(Text), Length(Text), Rect, Flags); OffsetRect(Rect, -1, -1); end; if Selected and (ColorToRGB(clHighlight) = ColorToRGB(clBtnShadow)) then Font.Color := clBtnHighlight else Font.Color := clBtnShadow; end; Tnt_DrawTextW(Handle, PWideChar(Text), Length(Text), Rect, Flags); end; end; end; function TTntMenuItem.MeasureItemTextWidth(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Text: WideString): Integer; var R: TRect; begin FillChar(R, SizeOf(R), 0); DoDrawText(ACanvas, Text, R, False, GetAlignmentDrawStyle or DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_SINGLELINE or DT_NOCLIP or DT_CALCRECT); Result := R.Right - R.Left; end; {$IFNDEF COMPILER_6_UP} procedure TTntMenuItem.DoMeasureItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; var Width, Height: Integer); begin if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) or (Self.IsLine) then begin inherited OnMeasureItem := OnMeasureItem; try inherited MeasureItem(ACanvas, Width, Height); finally inherited OnMeasureItem := DoMeasureItem; end; end else MeasureItem(ACanvas, Width, Height); end; {$ENDIF} procedure TTntMenuItem.MeasureItem(ACanvas: TCanvas; var Width, Height: Integer); var SaveMeasureItemEvent: TMenuMeasureItemEvent; begin if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) or (Self.IsLine) then inherited else begin SaveMeasureItemEvent := inherited OnMeasureItem; try inherited OnMeasureItem := nil; inherited; Inc(Width, MeasureItemTextWidth(ACanvas, Caption)); Dec(Width, MeasureItemTextWidth(ACanvas, inherited Caption)); if ShortCut <> scNone then begin Inc(Width, MeasureItemTextWidth(ACanvas, WideShortCutToText(ShortCut))); Dec(Width, MeasureItemTextWidth(ACanvas, ShortCutToText{TNT-ALLOW ShortCutToText}(ShortCut))); end; finally inherited OnMeasureItem := SaveMeasureItemEvent; end; if Assigned(OnMeasureItem) then OnMeasureItem(Self, ACanvas, Width, Height); end; end; function TTntMenuItem.Find(ACaption: WideString): TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}; var I: Integer; begin Result := nil; ACaption := WideStripHotkey(ACaption); for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if WideSameText(ACaption, WideStripHotkey(WideGetMenuItemCaption(Items[I]))) then begin Result := Items[I]; System.Break; end; end; function TTntMenuItem.GetActionLinkClass: TMenuActionLinkClass; begin Result := TTntMenuActionLink; end; procedure TTntMenuItem.ActionChange(Sender: TObject; CheckDefaults: Boolean); begin if (Sender is TCustomAction{TNT-ALLOW TCustomAction}) and Supports(Sender, ITntAction) then begin if not CheckDefaults or (Caption = '') then Caption := TntAction_GetCaption(TCustomAction{TNT-ALLOW TCustomAction}(Sender)); if not CheckDefaults or (Hint = '') then Hint := TntAction_GetHint(TCustomAction{TNT-ALLOW TCustomAction}(Sender)); end; inherited; end; { TTntMainMenu } {$IFDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function TTntMainMenu.CreateMenuItem: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}; begin Result := TTntMenuItem.Create(Self); end; {$ENDIF} procedure TTntMainMenu.DoChange(Source: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}; Rebuild: Boolean); begin inherited; UpdateMenuItems(Items, Self); end; { TTntPopupMenu } constructor TTntPopupMenu.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; PopupList.Remove(Self); TntPopupList.Add(Self); end; {$IFDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function TTntPopupMenu.CreateMenuItem: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}; begin Result := TTntMenuItem.Create(Self); end; {$ENDIF} destructor TTntPopupMenu.Destroy; begin TntPopupList.Remove(Self); PopupList.Add(Self); inherited; end; procedure TTntPopupMenu.DoChange(Source: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}; Rebuild: Boolean); begin inherited; UpdateMenuItems(Items, Self); end; procedure TTntPopupMenu.Popup(X, Y: Integer); begin Menus.PopupList := TntPopupList; try inherited; finally Menus.PopupList := TntPopupList.SavedPopupList; end; end; { TTntPopupList } procedure TTntPopupList.WndProc(var Message: TMessage); var I, Item: Integer; MenuItem: TMenuItem{TNT-ALLOW TMenuItem}; FindKind: TFindItemKind; begin case Message.Msg of WM_ENTERMENULOOP: begin Menus.PopupList := SavedPopupList; for i := 0 to Count - 1 do FixMenuBiDiProblem(Items[i]); end; WM_MENUSELECT: with TWMMenuSelect(Message) do begin FindKind := fkCommand; if MenuFlag and MF_POPUP <> 0 then FindKind := fkHandle; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin if FindKind = fkHandle then begin if Menu <> 0 then Item := Integer(GetSubMenu(Menu, IDItem)) else Item := -1; end else Item := IDItem; MenuItem := TPopupMenu{TNT-ALLOW TPopupMenu}(Items[I]).FindItem(Item, FindKind); if MenuItem <> nil then begin TntApplication.Hint := WideGetLongHint(WideGetMenuItemHint(MenuItem)); Exit; end; end; TntApplication.Hint := ''; end; end; inherited; end; initialization TntPopupList := TTntPopupList.Create; TntPopupList.SavedPopupList := Menus.PopupList; finalization TntPopupList.Free; end.