{*****************************************************************************} { } { Tnt Delphi Unicode Controls } { http://tnt.ccci.org/delphi_unicode_controls/ } { Version: 2.1.11 } { } { Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Troy Wolbrink (troy.wolbrink@ccci.org) } { } {*****************************************************************************} unit TntControls; {$INCLUDE TntCompilers.inc} { Windows NT provides support for native Unicode windows. To add Unicode support to a TWinControl descendant, override CreateWindowHandle() and call CreateUnicodeHandle(). One major reason this works is because the VCL only uses the ANSI version of SendMessage() -- SendMessageA(). If you call SendMessageA() on a UNICODE window, Windows deals with the ANSI/UNICODE conversion automatically. So for example, if the VCL sends WM_SETTEXT to a window using SendMessageA, Windows actually *expects* a PAnsiChar even if the target window is a UNICODE window. So caling SendMessageA with PChars causes no problems. A problem in the VCL has to do with the TControl.Perform() method. Perform() calls the window procedure directly and assumes an ANSI window. This is a problem if, for example, the VCL calls Perform(WM_SETTEXT, ...) passing in a PAnsiChar which eventually gets passed downto DefWindowProcW() which expects a PWideChar. This is the reason for SubClassUnicodeControl(). This procedure will subclass the Windows WndProc, and the TWinControl.WindowProc pointer. It will determine if the message came from Windows or if the WindowProc was called directly. It will then call SendMessageA() for Windows to perorm proper conversion on certain text messages. Another problem has to do with TWinControl.DoKeyPress(). It is called from the WM_CHAR message. It casts the WideChar to an AnsiChar, and sends the resulting character to DefWindowProc. In order to avoid this, the DefWindowProc is subclassed as well. WindowProc will make a WM_CHAR message safe for ANSI handling code by converting the char code to #FF before passing it on. It stores the original WideChar in the .Unused field of TWMChar. The code #FF is converted back to the WideChar before passing onto DefWindowProc. } { Things to consider when designing new controls: 1) Check that a WideString Hint property is published. 2) If descending from TWinControl, override CreateWindowHandle(). 3) If not descending from TWinControl, handle CM_HINTSHOW message. 4) Check to make sure that CN_CHAR, CN_SYSCHAR and CM_DIALOGCHAR are handled properly. 5) If descending from TWinControl, verify Unicode chars are preserved after RecreateWnd. 6) Consider using storage specifiers for Hint and Caption properties. 7) If any class could possibly have published WideString properties, override DefineProperties and call TntPersistent_AfterInherited_DefineProperties. 8) Check if TTntThemeManager needs to be updated. 9) Override GetActionLinkClass() and ActionChange(). 10) If class updates Application.Hint then update TntApplication.Hint instead. } interface uses Forms, Classes, Windows, Messages, Controls, TntClasses, TypInfo, ActnList, Menus, TntMenus, TntSysUtils; {TNT-WARN TCaption} type TWideCaption = type WideString; // "synced" wide string type TSetAnsiStrEvent = procedure(const Value: AnsiString) of object; function GetSyncedWideString(var WideStr: WideString; const AnsiStr: AnsiString): WideString; procedure SetSyncedWideString(const Value: WideString; var WideStr: WideString; const AnsiStr: AnsiString; SetAnsiStr: TSetAnsiStrEvent); // caption/text management function TntControl_IsCaptionStored(Control: TControl): Boolean; function TntControl_GetStoredText(Control: TControl; const Default: WideString): WideString; function TntControl_GetText(Control: TControl): WideString; procedure TntControl_SetText(Control: TControl; const Text: WideString); // hint management function TntControl_IsHintStored(Control: TControl): Boolean; function TntControl_GetHint(Control: TControl): WideString; procedure TntControl_SetHint(Control: TControl; const Value: WideString); function WideGetHint(Control: TControl): WideString; function WideGetShortHint(const Hint: WideString): WideString; function WideGetLongHint(const Hint: WideString): WideString; procedure ProcessCMHintShowMsg(var Message: TMessage); type TTntCustomHintWindow = class(THintWindow) private FActivating: Boolean; FBlockPaint: Boolean; function GetCaption: TWideCaption; procedure SetCaption(const Value: TWideCaption); procedure CMTextChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_TEXTCHANGED; protected procedure CreateWindowHandle(const Params: TCreateParams); override; {$IFNDEF COMPILER_7_UP} procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; {$ENDIF} procedure Paint; override; public procedure ActivateHint(Rect: TRect; const AHint: AnsiString); override; procedure ActivateHintData(Rect: TRect; const AHint: AnsiString; AData: Pointer); override; function CalcHintRect(MaxWidth: Integer; const AHint: AnsiString; AData: Pointer): TRect; override; property Caption: TWideCaption read GetCaption write SetCaption; end; TTntHintWindow = class(TTntCustomHintWindow) public procedure ActivateHint(Rect: TRect; const AHint: WideString); reintroduce; procedure ActivateHintData(Rect: TRect; const AHint: WideString; AData: Pointer); reintroduce; function CalcHintRect(MaxWidth: Integer; const AHint: WideString; AData: Pointer): TRect; reintroduce; end; // text/char message function IsTextMessage(Msg: UINT): Boolean; procedure MakeWMCharMsgSafeForAnsi(var Message: TMessage); procedure RestoreWMCharMsg(var Message: TMessage); function GetWideCharFromWMCharMsg(Message: TWMChar): WideChar; procedure SetWideCharForWMCharMsg(var Message: TWMChar; Ch: WideChar); // register/create window procedure SubClassUnicodeControl(Control: TWinControl; Params_Caption: PAnsiChar; IDEWindow: Boolean = False); procedure RegisterUnicodeClass(Params: TCreateParams; out WideWinClassName: WideString; IDEWindow: Boolean = False); procedure CreateUnicodeHandle(Control: TWinControl; const Params: TCreateParams; const SubClass: WideString; IDEWindow: Boolean = False); procedure ReCreateUnicodeWnd(Control: TWinControl; Subclass: WideString; IDEWindow: Boolean = False); type IWideCustomListControl = interface ['{C1801F41-51E9-4DB5-8DB8-58AC86698C2E}'] procedure AddItem(const Item: WideString; AObject: TObject); end; {$IFDEF COMPILER_6_UP} procedure WideListControl_AddItem(Control: TCustomListControl; const Item: WideString; AObject: TObject); {$ENDIF} var _IsShellProgramming: Boolean = False; implementation uses SysUtils, Graphics, Imm, Contnrs, TntForms, TntGraphics, TntWindows; type TAccessControl = class(TControl); TAccessWinControl = class(TWinControl); TAccessControlActionLink = class(TControlActionLink{TNT-ALLOW TControlActionLink}); function GetSyncedWideString(var WideStr: WideString; const AnsiStr: AnsiString): WideString; begin if AnsiString(WideStr) <> (AnsiStr) then begin WideStr := AnsiStr; {AnsiStr changed. Keep WideStr in sync.} end; Result := WideStr; end; procedure SetSyncedWideString(const Value: WideString; var WideStr: WideString; const AnsiStr: AnsiString; SetAnsiStr: TSetAnsiStrEvent); begin if Value <> GetSyncedWideString(WideStr, AnsiStr) then begin if (not WideSameStr(Value, AnsiString(Value))) {unicode chars lost in conversion} and (AnsiStr = AnsiString(Value)) {AnsiStr is not going to change} then begin SetAnsiStr(''); {force the change} end; WideStr := Value; SetAnsiStr(Value); end; end; //----------------------------------------------- WIDE CAPTION HOLDERS -------- var WideCaptionHolders: TComponentList = nil; type TWideCaptionHolder = class(TComponent) private FControl: TControl; FWideCaption: WideString; FWideHint: WideString; procedure SetAnsiText(const Value: AnsiString); procedure SetAnsiHint(const Value: AnsiString); protected procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TControl); reintroduce; property WideCaption: WideString read FWideCaption; property WideHint: WideString read FWideHint; end; { TWideCaptionHolder } function CompareCaptionHolderToTarget(Item, Target: Pointer): Integer; begin if Integer(TWideCaptionHolder(Item).FControl) < Integer(Target) then Result := -1 else if Integer(TWideCaptionHolder(Item).FControl) > Integer(Target) then Result := 1 else Result := 0; end; function FindWideCaptionHolderIndex(Control: TControl; var Index: Integer): Boolean; begin // find control in sorted wide caption list (list is sorted by TWideCaptionHolder.FControl) Result := FindSortedListByTarget(WideCaptionHolders, CompareCaptionHolderToTarget, Control, Index); end; constructor TWideCaptionHolder.Create(AOwner: TControl); var Index: Integer; begin inherited Create(nil); FControl := AOwner; FControl.FreeNotification(Self); // insert into list according sort FindWideCaptionHolderIndex(FControl, Index); WideCaptionHolders.Insert(Index, Self); end; procedure TWideCaptionHolder.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited; if (AComponent = FControl) and (Operation = opRemove) then begin FControl := nil; Free; end; end; procedure TWideCaptionHolder.SetAnsiText(const Value: AnsiString); begin TAccessControl(FControl).Text := Value; end; procedure TWideCaptionHolder.SetAnsiHint(const Value: AnsiString); begin FControl.Hint := Value; end; function FindWideCaptionHolder(Control: TControl; CreateIfNotFound: Boolean = True): TWideCaptionHolder; var Index: integer; begin if FindWideCaptionHolderIndex(Control, Index) then begin Result := TWideCaptionHolder(WideCaptionHolders[Index]); Assert(Result.FControl = Control, 'TNT Internal Error: FindWideCaptionHolderIndex failed.'); end else Result := nil; if (Result = nil) and CreateIfNotFound then Result := TWideCaptionHolder.Create(Control); end; //----------------------------------------------- GET/SET WINDOW CAPTION/HINT ------------- function TntControl_IsCaptionStored(Control: TControl): Boolean; begin with TAccessControl(Control) do Result := (ActionLink = nil) or not TAccessControlActionLink(ActionLink).IsCaptionLinked; end; function TntControl_GetStoredText(Control: TControl; const Default: WideString): WideString; var WideCaptionHolder: TWideCaptionHolder; begin WideCaptionHolder := FindWideCaptionHolder(Control, False); if WideCaptionHolder <> nil then Result := WideCaptionHolder.WideCaption else Result := Default; end; procedure TntControl_SetStoredText(Control: TControl; const Value: WideString); begin FindWideCaptionHolder(Control).FWideCaption := Value; TAccessControl(Control).Text := Value; end; function TntControl_GetText(Control: TControl): WideString; var WideCaptionHolder: TWideCaptionHolder; begin if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) or ((Control is TWinControl) and TWinControl(Control).HandleAllocated and (not IsWindowUnicode(TWinControl(Control).Handle))) then // Win9x / non-unicode handle Result := TAccessControl(Control).Text else if (not (Control is TWinControl)) then begin // non-windowed TControl WideCaptionHolder := FindWideCaptionHolder(Control, False); if WideCaptionHolder = nil then Result := TAccessControl(Control).Text else Result := GetSyncedWideString(WideCaptionHolder.FWideCaption, TAccessControl(Control).Text); end else if (not TWinControl(Control).HandleAllocated) then begin // NO HANDLE Result := TntControl_GetStoredText(Control, TAccessControl(Control).Text) end else begin // UNICODE & HANDLE SetLength(Result, GetWindowTextLengthW(TWinControl(Control).Handle) + 1); GetWindowTextW(TWinControl(Control).Handle, PWideChar(Result), Length(Result)); SetLength(Result, Length(Result) - 1); end; end; procedure TntControl_SetText(Control: TControl; const Text: WideString); begin if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) or ((Control is TWinControl) and TWinControl(Control).HandleAllocated and (not IsWindowUnicode(TWinControl(Control).Handle))) then // Win9x / non-unicode handle TAccessControl(Control).Text := Text else if (not (Control is TWinControl)) then begin // non-windowed TControl with FindWideCaptionHolder(Control) do SetSyncedWideString(Text, FWideCaption, TAccessControl(Control).Text, SetAnsiText) end else if (not TWinControl(Control).HandleAllocated) then begin // NO HANDLE TntControl_SetStoredText(Control, Text); end else if TntControl_GetText(Control) <> Text then begin // UNICODE & HANDLE Tnt_SetWindowTextW(TWinControl(Control).Handle, PWideChar(Text)); Control.Perform(CM_TEXTCHANGED, 0, 0); end; end; // hint management ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function TntControl_IsHintStored(Control: TControl): Boolean; begin with TAccessControl(Control) do Result := (ActionLink = nil) or not TAccessControlActionLink(ActionLink).IsHintLinked; end; function TntControl_GetHint(Control: TControl): WideString; var WideCaptionHolder: TWideCaptionHolder; begin if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) then Result := Control.Hint else begin WideCaptionHolder := FindWideCaptionHolder(Control, False); if WideCaptionHolder <> nil then Result := GetSyncedWideString(WideCaptionHolder.FWideHint, Control.Hint) else Result := Control.Hint; end; end; procedure TntControl_SetHint(Control: TControl; const Value: WideString); begin if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) then Control.Hint := Value else with FindWideCaptionHolder(Control) do SetSyncedWideString(Value, FWideHint, Control.Hint, SetAnsiHint); end; function WideGetHint(Control: TControl): WideString; begin while Control <> nil do if TntControl_GetHint(Control) = '' then Control := Control.Parent else begin Result := TntControl_GetHint(Control); Exit; end; Result := ''; end; function WideGetShortHint(const Hint: WideString): WideString; var I: Integer; begin I := Pos('|', Hint); if I = 0 then Result := Hint else Result := Copy(Hint, 1, I - 1); end; function WideGetLongHint(const Hint: WideString): WideString; var I: Integer; begin I := Pos('|', Hint); if I = 0 then Result := Hint else Result := Copy(Hint, I + 1, Maxint); end; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var UnicodeCreationControl: TWinControl = nil; function IsUnicodeCreationControl(Handle: HWND): Boolean; begin Result := (UnicodeCreationControl <> nil) and (UnicodeCreationControl.HandleAllocated) and (UnicodeCreationControl.Handle = Handle); end; function WMNotifyFormatResult(FromHandle: HWND): Integer; begin if Win32PlatformIsUnicode and (IsWindowUnicode(FromHandle) or IsUnicodeCreationControl(FromHandle)) then Result := NFR_UNICODE else Result := NFR_ANSI; end; function IsTextMessage(Msg: UINT): Boolean; begin // WM_CHAR is omitted because of the special handling it receives Result := (Msg = WM_SETTEXT) or (Msg = WM_GETTEXT) or (Msg = WM_GETTEXTLENGTH); end; const ANSI_UNICODE_HOLDER = $FF; procedure MakeWMCharMsgSafeForAnsi(var Message: TMessage); begin with TWMChar(Message) do begin Assert(Msg = WM_CHAR); if not _IsShellProgramming then Assert(Unused = 0) else begin Assert((Unused = 0) or (CharCode <= Word(High(AnsiChar)))); // When a Unicode control is embedded under non-Delphi Unicode // window something strange happens if (Unused <> 0) then begin CharCode := (Unused shl 8) or CharCode; end; end; if (CharCode > Word(High(AnsiChar))) then begin Unused := CharCode; CharCode := ANSI_UNICODE_HOLDER; end; end; end; procedure RestoreWMCharMsg(var Message: TMessage); begin with TWMChar(Message) do begin Assert(Message.Msg = WM_CHAR); if (Unused > 0) and (CharCode = ANSI_UNICODE_HOLDER) then CharCode := Unused; Unused := 0; end; end; function GetWideCharFromWMCharMsg(Message: TWMChar): WideChar; begin if (Message.CharCode = ANSI_UNICODE_HOLDER) and (Message.Unused <> 0) then Result := WideChar(Message.Unused) else Result := WideChar(Message.CharCode); end; procedure SetWideCharForWMCharMsg(var Message: TWMChar; Ch: WideChar); begin Message.CharCode := Word(Ch); Message.Unused := 0; MakeWMCharMsgSafeForAnsi(TMessage(Message)); end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type TWinControlTrap = class(TComponent) private WinControl_ObjectInstance: Pointer; ObjectInstance: Pointer; DefObjectInstance: Pointer; function IsInSubclassChain(Control: TWinControl): Boolean; procedure SubClassWindowProc; private FControl: TAccessWinControl; Handle: THandle; PrevWin32Proc: Pointer; PrevDefWin32Proc: Pointer; PrevWindowProc: TWndMethod; private LastWin32Msg: UINT; Win32ProcLevel: Integer; IDEWindow: Boolean; DestroyTrap: Boolean; TestForNull: Boolean; FoundNull: Boolean; {$IFDEF TNT_VERIFY_WINDOWPROC} LastVerifiedWindowProc: TWndMethod; {$ENDIF} procedure Win32Proc(var Message: TMessage); procedure DefWin32Proc(var Message: TMessage); procedure WindowProc(var Message: TMessage); private procedure SubClassControl(Params_Caption: PAnsiChar); procedure UnSubClassUnicodeControl; protected procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; end; constructor TWinControlTrap.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin FControl := TAccessWinControl(AOwner as TWinControl); inherited Create(nil); FControl.FreeNotification(Self); WinControl_ObjectInstance := MakeObjectInstance(FControl.MainWndProc); ObjectInstance := MakeObjectInstance(Win32Proc); DefObjectInstance := MakeObjectInstance(DefWin32Proc); end; destructor TWinControlTrap.Destroy; begin FreeObjectInstance(ObjectInstance); FreeObjectInstance(DefObjectInstance); FreeObjectInstance(WinControl_ObjectInstance); inherited; end; procedure TWinControlTrap.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited; if (AComponent = FControl) and (Operation = opRemove) then begin FControl := nil; if Win32ProcLevel = 0 then Free else DestroyTrap := True; end; end; procedure TWinControlTrap.SubClassWindowProc; begin if not IsInSubclassChain(FControl) then begin PrevWindowProc := FControl.WindowProc; FControl.WindowProc := Self.WindowProc; end; {$IFDEF TNT_VERIFY_WINDOWPROC} LastVerifiedWindowProc := FControl.WindowProc; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TWinControlTrap.SubClassControl(Params_Caption: PAnsiChar); begin // initialize trap object Handle := FControl.Handle; PrevWin32Proc := Pointer(GetWindowLongW(FControl.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC)); PrevDefWin32Proc := FControl.DefWndProc; // subclass Window Procedures SetWindowLongW(FControl.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer(ObjectInstance)); FControl.DefWndProc := DefObjectInstance; SubClassWindowProc; // For some reason, caption gets garbled after calling SetWindowLongW(.., GWL_WNDPROC). TntControl_SetText(FControl, TntControl_GetStoredText(FControl, Params_Caption)); end; function SameWndMethod(A, B: TWndMethod): Boolean; begin Result := @A = @B; end; var PendingRecreateWndTrapList: TComponentList = nil; procedure TWinControlTrap.UnSubClassUnicodeControl; begin // remember caption for future window creation if not (csDestroying in FControl.ComponentState) then TntControl_SetStoredText(FControl, TntControl_GetText(FControl)); // restore window procs (restore WindowProc only if we are still the direct subclass) if SameWndMethod(FControl.WindowProc, Self.WindowProc) then FControl.WindowProc := PrevWindowProc; TAccessWinControl(FControl).DefWndProc := PrevDefWin32Proc; SetWindowLongW(FControl.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer(PrevWin32Proc)); if IDEWindow then DestroyTrap := True else if not (csDestroying in FControl.ComponentState) then // control not being destroyed, probably recreating window PendingRecreateWndTrapList.Add(Self); end; var Finalized: Boolean; { If any tnt controls are still around after finalization it must be due to a memory leak. Windows will still try to send a WM_DESTROY, but we will just ignore it if we're finalized. } procedure TWinControlTrap.Win32Proc(var Message: TMessage); begin if (not Finalized) then begin Inc(Win32ProcLevel); try with Message do begin {$IFDEF TNT_VERIFY_WINDOWPROC} if not SameWndMethod(FControl.WindowProc, LastVerifiedWindowProc) then begin SubClassWindowProc; LastVerifiedWindowProc := FControl.WindowProc; end; {$ENDIF} LastWin32Msg := Msg; Result := CallWindowProcW(PrevWin32Proc, Handle, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; finally Dec(Win32ProcLevel); end; if (Win32ProcLevel = 0) and (DestroyTrap) then Free; end else if (Message.Msg = WM_DESTROY) then FControl.WindowHandle := 0 end; procedure TWinControlTrap.DefWin32Proc(var Message: TMessage); function IsChildEdit(AHandle: HWND): Boolean; var AHandleClass: WideString; begin Result := False; if (FControl.Handle = GetParent(Handle)) then begin // child control SetLength(AHandleClass, 255); SetLength(AHandleClass, GetClassNameW(AHandle, PWideChar(AHandleClass), Length(AHandleClass))); Result := WideSameText(AHandleClass, 'EDIT'); end; end; begin with Message do begin if Msg = WM_NOTIFYFORMAT then Result := WMNotifyFormatResult(Message.wParam) else begin if (Msg = WM_CHAR) then begin RestoreWMCharMsg(Message) end; if (Msg = WM_IME_CHAR) and (not _IsShellProgramming) and (not Win32PlatformIsXP) then begin { In Windows XP, DefWindowProc handles WM_IME_CHAR fine for VCL windows. } { Before XP, DefWindowProc will sometimes produce incorrect, non-Unicode WM_CHAR. } { Also, using PostMessageW on Windows 2000 didn't always produce the correct results. } Message.Result := SendMessageW(Handle, WM_CHAR, wParam, lParam) end else if (Msg = WM_IME_CHAR) and (_IsShellProgramming) then begin { When a Tnt control is hosted by a non-delphi control, DefWindowProc doesn't always work even on XP. } if IsChildEdit(Handle) then Message.Result := Integer(PostMessageW(Handle, WM_CHAR, wParam, lParam)) // native edit child control else Message.Result := SendMessageW(Handle, WM_CHAR, wParam, lParam); end else begin if (Msg = WM_DESTROY) then begin UnSubClassUnicodeControl; {The reason for doing this in DefWin32Proc is because in D9, TWinControl.WMDestroy() does a perform(WM_TEXT) operation. } end; { Normal DefWindowProc } Result := CallWindowProcW(PrevDefWin32Proc, Handle, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; end; end; end; procedure ProcessCMHintShowMsg(var Message: TMessage); begin if Win32PlatformIsUnicode then begin with TCMHintShow(Message) do begin if (HintInfo.HintWindowClass = THintWindow) or (HintInfo.HintWindowClass.InheritsFrom(TTntCustomHintWindow)) then begin if (HintInfo.HintWindowClass = THintWindow) then HintInfo.HintWindowClass := TTntCustomHintWindow; HintInfo.HintData := HintInfo; HintInfo.HintStr := WideGetShortHint(WideGetHint(HintInfo.HintControl)); end; end; end; end; function TWinControlTrap.IsInSubclassChain(Control: TWinControl): Boolean; var Message: TMessage; begin if SameWndMethod(Control.WindowProc, TAccessWinControl(Control).WndProc) then Result := False { no subclassing } else if SameWndMethod(Control.WindowProc, Self.WindowProc) then Result := True { directly subclassed } else begin TestForNull := True; FoundNull := False; ZeroMemory(@Message, SizeOf(Message)); Message.Msg := WM_NULL; Control.WindowProc(Message); Result := FoundNull; { indirectly subclassed } end; end; procedure TWinControlTrap.WindowProc(var Message: TMessage); var CameFromWindows: Boolean; begin if TestForNull and (Message.Msg = WM_NULL) then FoundNull := True; if (not FControl.HandleAllocated) then FControl.WndProc(Message) else begin CameFromWindows := LastWin32Msg <> WM_NULL; LastWin32Msg := WM_NULL; with Message do begin if Msg = CM_HINTSHOW then ProcessCMHintShowMsg(Message); if (not CameFromWindows) and (IsTextMessage(Msg)) then Result := SendMessageA(Handle, Msg, wParam, lParam) else begin if (Msg = WM_CHAR) then begin MakeWMCharMsgSafeForAnsi(Message); end; PrevWindowProc(Message) end; end; end; end; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function FindOrCreateWinControlTrap(Control: TWinControl): TWinControlTrap; var i: integer; begin // find or create trap object Result := nil; for i := PendingRecreateWndTrapList.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if TWinControlTrap(PendingRecreateWndTrapList[i]).FControl = Control then begin Result := TWinControlTrap(PendingRecreateWndTrapList[i]); PendingRecreateWndTrapList.Delete(i); break; { found it } end; end; if Result = nil then Result := TWinControlTrap.Create(Control); end; procedure SubClassUnicodeControl(Control: TWinControl; Params_Caption: PAnsiChar; IDEWindow: Boolean = False); var WinControlTrap: TWinControlTrap; begin if not IsWindowUnicode(Control.Handle) then raise ETntInternalError.Create('Internal Error: SubClassUnicodeControl.Control is not Unicode.'); WinControlTrap := FindOrCreateWinControlTrap(Control); WinControlTrap.SubClassControl(Params_Caption); WinControlTrap.IDEWindow := IDEWindow; end; //----------------------------------------------- CREATE/DESTROY UNICODE HANDLE var WindowAtom: TAtom; ControlAtom: TAtom; WindowAtomString: AnsiString; ControlAtomString: AnsiString; type TWndProc = function(HWindow: HWnd; Message, WParam, LParam: Longint): Longint; stdcall; function InitWndProcW(HWindow: HWnd; Message, WParam, LParam: Longint): Longint; stdcall; function GetObjectInstance(Control: TWinControl): Pointer; var WinControlTrap: TWinControlTrap; begin WinControlTrap := FindOrCreateWinControlTrap(Control); PendingRecreateWndTrapList.Add(WinControlTrap); Result := WinControlTrap.WinControl_ObjectInstance; end; var ObjectInstance: Pointer; begin TAccessWinControl(CreationControl).WindowHandle := HWindow; ObjectInstance := GetObjectInstance(CreationControl); {Controls.InitWndProc converts control to ANSI here by calling SetWindowLongA()!} SetWindowLongW(HWindow, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer(ObjectInstance)); if (GetWindowLongW(HWindow, GWL_STYLE) and WS_CHILD <> 0) and (GetWindowLongW(HWindow, GWL_ID) = 0) then SetWindowLongW(HWindow, GWL_ID, Integer(HWindow)); SetProp(HWindow, MakeIntAtom(ControlAtom), THandle(CreationControl)); SetProp(HWindow, MakeIntAtom(WindowAtom), THandle(CreationControl)); CreationControl := nil; Result := TWndProc(ObjectInstance)(HWindow, Message, WParam, lParam); end; procedure RegisterUnicodeClass(Params: TCreateParams; out WideWinClassName: WideString; IDEWindow: Boolean = False); const UNICODE_CLASS_EXT = '.UnicodeClass'; var TempClass: TWndClassW; WideClass: TWndClassW; ClassRegistered: Boolean; InitialProc: TFNWndProc; begin if IDEWindow then InitialProc := @InitWndProc else InitialProc := @InitWndProcW; with Params do begin WideWinClassName := WinClassName + UNICODE_CLASS_EXT; ClassRegistered := GetClassInfoW(hInstance, PWideChar(WideWinClassName), TempClass); if (not ClassRegistered) or (TempClass.lpfnWndProc <> InitialProc) then begin if ClassRegistered then Win32Check(Windows.UnregisterClassW(PWideChar(WideWinClassName), hInstance)); // Prepare a TWndClassW record WideClass := TWndClassW(WindowClass); WideClass.hInstance := hInstance; WideClass.lpfnWndProc := InitialProc; if not Tnt_Is_IntResource(PWideChar(WindowClass.lpszMenuName)) then begin WideClass.lpszMenuName := PWideChar(WideString(WindowClass.lpszMenuName)); end; WideClass.lpszClassName := PWideChar(WideWinClassName); // Register the UNICODE class if RegisterClassW(WideClass) = 0 then RaiseLastOSError; end; end; end; procedure CreateUnicodeHandle(Control: TWinControl; const Params: TCreateParams; const SubClass: WideString; IDEWindow: Boolean = False); var TempSubClass: TWndClassW; WideWinClassName: WideString; Handle: THandle; begin if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) then begin with Params do TAccessWinControl(Control).WindowHandle := CreateWindowEx(ExStyle, WinClassName, Caption, Style, X, Y, Width, Height, WndParent, 0, WindowClass.hInstance, Param); end else begin // SubClass the unicode version of this control by getting the correct DefWndProc if (SubClass <> '') and GetClassInfoW(Params.WindowClass.hInstance, PWideChar(SubClass), TempSubClass) then TAccessWinControl(Control).DefWndProc := TempSubClass.lpfnWndProc else TAccessWinControl(Control).DefWndProc := @DefWindowProcW; // make sure Unicode window class is registered RegisterUnicodeClass(Params, WideWinClassName, IDEWindow); // Create UNICODE window handle UnicodeCreationControl := Control; try with Params do Handle := CreateWindowExW(ExStyle, PWideChar(WideWinClassName), nil, Style, X, Y, Width, Height, WndParent, 0, hInstance, Param); if Handle = 0 then RaiseLastOSError; TAccessWinControl(Control).WindowHandle := Handle; if IDEWindow then SetWindowLongW(Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_WNDPROC)); finally UnicodeCreationControl := nil; end; SubClassUnicodeControl(Control, Params.Caption, IDEWindow); end; end; procedure ReCreateUnicodeWnd(Control: TWinControl; Subclass: WideString; IDEWindow: Boolean = False); var WasFocused: Boolean; Params: TCreateParams; begin with TAccessWinControl(Control) do begin WasFocused := Focused; DestroyHandle; CreateParams(Params); CreationControl := Control; CreateUnicodeHandle(Control, Params, SubClass, IDEWindow); StrDispose{TNT-ALLOW StrDispose}(WindowText); WindowText := nil; Perform(WM_SETFONT, Integer(Font.Handle), 1); if AutoSize then AdjustSize; UpdateControlState; if WasFocused and (WindowHandle <> 0) then Windows.SetFocus(WindowHandle); end; end; { TTntCustomHintWindow procs } function DataPointsToHintInfoForTnt(AData: Pointer): Boolean; begin try Result := (AData <> nil) and (PHintInfo(AData).HintData = AData) {points to self} and (PHintInfo(AData).HintWindowClass.InheritsFrom(TTntCustomHintWindow)); except Result := False; end; end; function ExtractTntHintCaption(AData: Pointer): WideString; var Control: TControl; WideHint: WideString; AnsiHintWithShortCut: AnsiString; ShortCut: TShortCut; begin Result := PHintInfo(AData).HintStr; if Result <> '' then begin Control := PHintInfo(AData).HintControl; WideHint := WideGetShortHint(WideGetHint(Control)); if (AnsiString(WideHint) = PHintInfo(AData).HintStr) then Result := WideHint else if Application.HintShortCuts and (Control <> nil) and (Control.Action is TCustomAction{TNT-ALLOW TCustomAction}) then begin ShortCut := TCustomAction{TNT-ALLOW TCustomAction}(Control.Action).ShortCut; if (ShortCut <> scNone) then begin AnsiHintWithShortCut := Format{TNT-ALLOW Format}('%s (%s)', [WideHint, ShortCutToText{TNT-ALLOW ShortCutToText}(ShortCut)]); if AnsiHintWithShortCut = PHintInfo(AData).HintStr then Result := WideFormat('%s (%s)', [WideHint, WideShortCutToText(ShortCut)]); end; end; end; end; { TTntCustomHintWindow } procedure TTntCustomHintWindow.CreateWindowHandle(const Params: TCreateParams); begin CreateUnicodeHandle(Self, Params, ''); end; {$IFNDEF COMPILER_7_UP} procedure TTntCustomHintWindow.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); const CS_DROPSHADOW = $00020000; begin inherited; if Win32PlatformIsXP then { Enable drop shadow effect on Windows XP and later. } Params.WindowClass.Style := Params.WindowClass.Style or CS_DROPSHADOW; end; {$ENDIF} function TTntCustomHintWindow.GetCaption: TWideCaption; begin Result := TntControl_GetText(Self) end; procedure TTntCustomHintWindow.SetCaption(const Value: TWideCaption); begin TntControl_SetText(Self, Value); end; procedure TTntCustomHintWindow.Paint; var R: TRect; begin if FBlockPaint then exit; if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) then inherited else begin R := ClientRect; Inc(R.Left, 2); Inc(R.Top, 2); Canvas.Font.Color := Screen.HintFont.Color; Tnt_DrawTextW(Canvas.Handle, PWideChar(Caption), -1, R, DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK or DrawTextBiDiModeFlagsReadingOnly); end; end; procedure TTntCustomHintWindow.CMTextChanged(var Message: TMessage); begin { Avoid flicker when calling ActivateHint } if FActivating then Exit; Width := WideCanvasTextWidth(Canvas, Caption) + 6; Height := WideCanvasTextHeight(Canvas, Caption) + 6; end; procedure TTntCustomHintWindow.ActivateHint(Rect: TRect; const AHint: AnsiString); begin FActivating := True; try inherited; finally FActivating := False; end; end; procedure TTntCustomHintWindow.ActivateHintData(Rect: TRect; const AHint: AnsiString; AData: Pointer); begin if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) or (not DataPointsToHintInfoForTnt(AData)) then inherited else begin FBlockPaint := True; try FActivating := True; try Caption := ExtractTntHintCaption(AData); inherited; finally FActivating := False; end; finally FBlockPaint := False; end; Invalidate; end; end; function TntHintWindow_CalcHintRect(HintWindow: TTntCustomHintWindow; MaxWidth: Integer; const AHint: WideString): TRect; begin Result := Rect(0, 0, MaxWidth, 0); Tnt_DrawTextW(HintWindow.Canvas.Handle, PWideChar(AHint), -1, Result, DT_CALCRECT or DT_LEFT or DT_WORDBREAK or DT_NOPREFIX or HintWindow.DrawTextBiDiModeFlagsReadingOnly); Inc(Result.Right, 6); Inc(Result.Bottom, 2); end; function TTntCustomHintWindow.CalcHintRect(MaxWidth: Integer; const AHint: AnsiString; AData: Pointer): TRect; var WideHintStr: WideString; begin if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) or (not DataPointsToHintInfoForTnt(AData)) then Result := inherited CalcHintRect(MaxWidth, AHint, AData) else begin WideHintStr := ExtractTntHintCaption(AData); Result := TntHintWindow_CalcHintRect(Self, MaxWidth, WideHintStr); end; end; { TTntHintWindow } procedure TTntHintWindow.ActivateHint(Rect: TRect; const AHint: WideString); begin FActivating := True; try Caption := AHint; inherited ActivateHint(Rect, AHint); finally FActivating := False; end; end; procedure TTntHintWindow.ActivateHintData(Rect: TRect; const AHint: WideString; AData: Pointer); begin FBlockPaint := True; try FActivating := True; try Caption := AHint; inherited ActivateHintData(Rect, AHint, AData); finally FActivating := False; end; finally FBlockPaint := False; end; Invalidate; end; function TTntHintWindow.CalcHintRect(MaxWidth: Integer; const AHint: WideString; AData: Pointer): TRect; begin Result := TntHintWindow_CalcHintRect(Self, MaxWidth, AHint); end; {$IFDEF COMPILER_6_UP} procedure WideListControl_AddItem(Control: TCustomListControl; const Item: WideString; AObject: TObject); var WideControl: IWideCustomListControl; begin if Control.GetInterface(IWideCustomListControl, WideControl) then WideControl.AddItem(Item, AObject) else Control.AddItem(Item, AObject); end; {$ENDIF} procedure InitControls; procedure InitAtomStrings_D5_D6_D7_D9; var Controls_HInstance: Cardinal; begin Controls_HInstance := FindClassHInstance(TWinControl); WindowAtomString := Format{TNT-ALLOW Format}('Delphi%.8X',[GetCurrentProcessID]); ControlAtomString := Format{TNT-ALLOW Format}('ControlOfs%.8X%.8X', [Controls_HInstance, GetCurrentThreadID]); end; {$IFDEF COMPILER_5} // verified against VCL source in Delphi 5 and BCB 5 procedure InitAtomStrings; begin InitAtomStrings_D5_D6_D7_D9; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPILER_6} // verified against VCL source in Delphi 6 and BCB 6 procedure InitAtomStrings; begin InitAtomStrings_D5_D6_D7_D9; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DELPHI_7} procedure InitAtomStrings; begin InitAtomStrings_D5_D6_D7_D9; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DELPHI_9} procedure InitAtomStrings; begin InitAtomStrings_D5_D6_D7_D9; end; {$ENDIF} begin InitAtomStrings; WindowAtom := WinCheckH(GlobalAddAtom(PAnsiChar(WindowAtomString))); ControlAtom := WinCheckH(GlobalAddAtom(PAnsiChar(ControlAtomString))); end; initialization WideCaptionHolders := TComponentList.Create(True); PendingRecreateWndTrapList := TComponentList.Create(False); InitControls; finalization GlobalDeleteAtom(ControlAtom); GlobalDeleteAtom(WindowAtom); WideCaptionHolders.Free; PendingRecreateWndTrapList.Free; Finalized := True; end.