//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #pragma hdrstop #include #include #include #include "DevOfTheDay.h" #include "mainfrm.h" #include "TntSystem.hpp" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma package(smart_init) #pragma resource "*.dfm" TDevOfTheDay2 *DevOfTheDay2; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TDevOfTheDay2::TDevOfTheDay2(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { RichTipOld->Visible = false; RichTip = new TRxRichEditX(this); RichTip->Parent = Panel1; RichTip->Align = alClient; RichTip->ScrollBars = ssVertical; RichTip->ReadOnly = true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TDevOfTheDay2::btnOKClick(TObject *Sender) { DevOfTheDay2->Hide(); if (Form1->optionsconf) { Form1->optionsconf->getSections()["General"]["TipOfTheDay"] = (DevOfTheDay2->ckShowTip->Checked) ? "Devotional" : ""; Form1->optionsconf->save(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TDevOfTheDay2::FormShow(TObject *Sender) { ModMap::iterator it; ListKey key; String devoKey = TDateTime::CurrentDate().FormatString("mm.dd"); key << devoKey.c_str(); SWBuf tmpval = Form1->optionsconf->getSections()["ModDefaults"]["DailyDevotion"]; if ((it = Form1->mainmgr->Modules.find(tmpval)) != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) { RichTip->fillWithVerses(it->second, &key, 0, false, false); } else DevOfTheDay2->RichTip->Text = _tr("A Daily Devotional is not installed or is not configured for use with the \"Devotional of the Day\".") + "\n\n" + _tr("To configure an installed devotional for use with this dialog box open the Preferences dialog box by going to the \"Options\" menu and selecting \"Preferences...\"; then click the \"Special Modules\" tab. Find the \"Default Devotional\" option and select a devotional to use from the list. If nothing shows up in the pull-down list you will need to install a devotional. This can be done by using the Install Manager. Some examples of devotionals are \"Spurgeon's Morning and Evening\" or \"Jonathan Bagster's Daily Light\".") + "\n\n" + _tr("Visit our website at www.crosswire.org for more information."); // If no devotional text is shown then a general how-to is diplayed. tmpval = Form1->optionsconf->getSections()["General"]["TipOfTheDay"]; ckShowTip->Checked = (!sword::stricmp(tmpval.c_str(), "Devotional")); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------