SWORDWeb Book List Example

2BabDictLexicons / DictionariesDefinitions and Symbols from The Two Babylons
ABBiblical TextsThe Apostles' Bible
ABPBiblical TextsApostolic Bible Polyglot English Text
ABPGRKBiblical TextsApostolic Bible Polyglot Greek Text
ABS_Essay_GoodSam_SWBEssaysEssays on The Good Samaritan: Violence on the Road, Social World of Bandits
ACVBiblical TextsA Conservative Version
AFV2020Cults / Unorthodox / Questionable MaterialA Faithful Version
AKJVBiblical TextsAmerican King James Version
ASVBiblical TextsAmerican Standard Version (1901)
AbbottCommentariesIllustrated New Testament
AbbottSmithLexicons / DictionariesG. Abbott-Smith's A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament
AbbottSmithStrongsLexicons / DictionariesG. Abbott-Smith's A Manual Greek Lexicon (with Strongs) of the New Testament
Afr1953Biblical Texts1933/1953 Afrikaans Bybel
AlbBiblical TextsAlbanian Bible
AleppoBiblical TextsAleppo Codex
AmTractLexicons / DictionariesAmerican Tract Society Bible Dictionary
AndersonBiblical TextsHenry Tompkins Anderson’s 1864 New Testament
AntoniadesBiblical TextsAntoniades Patriarchal Edition (1904/1912)
AraNAVBiblical TextsNew Arabic Version (Ketab El Hayat)
AraSVDBiblical TextsSmith and van Dyck's al-Kitab al-Muqaddas (Arabic Bible)
ArmEasternBiblical TextsEastern Armenian Bible
ArmWesternBiblical Texts1853 Western Armenian NT
AzeriBiblical Textsمقدَس کتاب آذربايجان ديلی
BBEBiblical Texts1949/1964 Bible in Basic English
BDBGlosses_StrongsLexicons / DictionariesBDB Glosses (Strong's)
BSBBiblical TextsBerean Standard Bible
BWEBiblical TextsBible in Worldwide English
BaptistConfession1646Generic BooksFirst Baptist Confession of Faith, London 1646 Edition with an Addendum by Benjamin Cox
BaptistConfession1689Generic BooksBaptist Confession of Faith of 1689
BarnesCommentariesBarnes' New Testament Notes
BasHautinBiblical Texts1571 Navarro-Labourdin Basque NT
BeaMRKBiblical TextsThe Gospel of Mark in Beaver (Danezaa)
BelaBiblical TextsBelarusian Bible
BohairicBibleBiblical TextsBohairic Bible - Askeland
BretonNTBiblical TextsBreton New Testament (Koad 21)
BulCarigradNTBiblical TextsBulgarian New Testament from 1914, known as 'Tsarigrad Edition'
BulVerenBiblical TextsVeren’s Contemporary Bible
BurCBCMBiblical Textsဤဘာသာပြန်ကျမ်းကိုကက်သလစ်ဆရာတော်များရုံးချုပ်ရှိ သမမ္မာ ကျမ်းစာတမန်တော်လုပ်ငန်းကော်မစ်ရှင်မှပံ့ပိုးပေးပါသည်။
BurJudsonBiblical Texts1835 Judson Burmese Bible
BurkittCommentariesBurkitt's Expository Notes
ByzBiblical TextsThe New Testament in the Original Greek: Byzantine Textform 2013
CBCLexicons / DictionariesCondensed Biblical Cyclopedia
CPDVBiblical TextsCatholic Public Domain Version
CSlElizabethBiblical Texts1757 Church Slavonic Elizabeth Bible
CaloBiblical TextsEl Evangelio segun S. Lucas, traducido al Romaní, ó dialecto de los Gitanos de España
CalvinCommentariesCommentariesCalvin's Collected Commentaries
CatenaCommentariesCatena Aurea (Thomas Aquinas)
CawdreyLexicons / DictionariesA Table Alphabeticall by Robert Cawdrey (1604)
CebPinadayagBiblical TextsCebuano Pinadayag
Che1860Biblical TextsCherokee New Testament (1860) with Sequoyah transliterated forms
ChiNCVsBiblical Texts新译本
ChiNCVtBiblical Texts新譯本
ChiSBBiblical Texts思高本 (Sīgāo Běn), 聖經:思高聖經學會譯釋
ChiUnBiblical Texts和合本 (繁體字)
ChiUnLBiblical Texts聖經 (文理和合)
ChiUnsBiblical Texts和合本 (简体字)
ChisStrongsGreekLexicons / DictionariesCBOL希腊文字典
ChisStrongsHebrewLexicons / DictionariesCBOL希伯来文字典
ChitStrongsGreekLexicons / DictionariesCBOL希臘文字典
ChitStrongsHebrewLexicons / DictionariesCBOL希伯來文字典
ClarkeCommentariesAdam Clarke's Commentary and critical notes on the Bible
CommonBiblical TextsThe Common Edition: New Testament
ConcordGeneric BooksBook of Concord (Triglot Concordia): The Symbolical Books of the Ev. Lutheran Church
CopNTBiblical TextsThe Coptic New Testament
CopSahBible2Biblical TextsSahidic Bible 2
CopSahHornerBiblical TextsSahidic Coptic New Testament, ed. by G. W. Horner
CopSahidicMSSBiblical TextsThe Sahidica Manuscripts
CopSahidicaBiblical TextsSahidica - A New Edition of the New Testament in Sahidic Coptic
CroSaricBiblical TextsHrvatska Biblija Ivana Šarića
CzeB21Biblical TextsCzech Bible, Překlad 21. století včetně deuterokanonických knih
CzeBKRBiblical TextsCzech Bible Kralicka
CzeCEPBiblical TextsCzech Ekumenicky Cesky preklad
CzeCSPBiblical TextsCzech Český studijní překlad
DBDDaily DevotionalDay By Day By Grace - Bob Hoekstra
DRCBiblical TextsDouay-Rheims Bible, Challoner Revision
DTNCommentariesDarby Translation Notes
DaNT1819Biblical TextsDanish New Testament from 1819 with original orthography
DaOT1871NT1907Biblical TextsDanish OT1871 + NT1907 with original orthography
DaOT1931NT1907Biblical TextsDanish OT1931 + NT1907 with original orthography
DailyDaily DevotionalJonathan Bagster's Daily Light on the Daily Path
DarbyBiblical TextsDarby Bible (1889)
DariBiblical TextsDari Translation
DarkNightOfTheSoulGeneric Books"The Dark Night of the Soul" by St. John of the Cross
DiaglottCults / Unorthodox / Questionable MaterialThe Emphatic Diaglott
DidacheGeneric BooksDidache. The Teaching of the twelve apostles to the nations.
DodsonLexicons / DictionariesDodson Greek-English Lexicon
DutKantCommentariesKanttekeningen Statenvertaling
DutKingCommentsCommentariesKingcomments-NL, Commentaar op de hele Bijbel.
DutSVVBiblical TextsDutch Statenvertaling Bijbel
DutSVVABiblical TextsDe ganse Heilige Schrift bevattende al de kanonieke boeken van het Oude en Nieuwe Testament, met de apocriefe (deuterocanonieke) boeken
ECMBiblical TextsEditio Critica Maior
EMBRealityGeneric BooksThe Reality of Prayer by E.M. Bounds
EMTVBiblical TextsEnglish Majority Text Version, 2012 Edition with Greek Explanatory Notes
EastonLexicons / DictionariesEaston's Bible Dictionary
ElzevirBiblical TextsElzevir Textus Receptus (1624)
EnochGeneric BooksThe Book of Enoch in English
EsperantoBiblical TextsEsperanto Londona Biblio
EstBiblical TextsEstonian Bible
EtheridgeBiblical TextsThe Peschito Syriac New Testament: Translated into English by John Wesley Etheridge
FVDPVietAnhLexicons / DictionariesFVDP Vietnamese-English Dictionary
FamilyCommentariesFamily Bible Notes
FarHezareNohBiblical TextsTarjumeh-ye Hezare Noh
FarOPVBiblical TextsPersian Holy Bible (Tarjumeh-ye Ghadeem)
FarTPVBiblical TextsToday's Persian Version (Mojdeh Baraye Asre Jadid)
FinBibliaBiblical TextsFinnish Biblia (1776)
FinPRBiblical TextsFinnish Pyhä Raamattu (1933/1938)
FinPR92Biblical TextsFinnish Pyhä Raamattu (1992)
FinRKBiblical TextsRaamattu Kansalle (2012)
FinSTLK2017Biblical TextsPyhä Raamattu (STLK 2017)
FinneyGeneric BooksSermons on Gospel Themes by Charles G. Finney (1792-1875)
FreAugCommentariesCommentaires de la Bible par Saint Augustin
FreBBBBiblical TextsFrench Bible Bovet Bonnet (1900)
FreBDM1707Biblical TextsBible David Martin (1707)
FreBDM1744Biblical TextsBible David Martin (1744)
FreBaillyLexicons / DictionariesAbbreviated Greek-French Dictionary by A. Bailly.
FreCJECommentariesChaque jour les Écritures
FreChryCommentariesCommentaires de la Bible par Saint Jean Chrysostome
FreCramponBiblical TextsLa Bible Augustin Crampon 1923
FreDAWLexicons / DictionariesDictionnaire encyclopédique de la Bible A. Westphal (1932)
FreGBMLexicons / DictionariesGlossary of the Bible David Martin 1744
FreGeneve1669Biblical TextsLe Nouveau Testament de la Bible de Genève de 1669
FreJNDBiblical TextsBible J.N. Darby in French with Strong's numbers
FreKhanBiblical TextsLa Bible de Zadoc Khan
FreLSN1872Biblical TextsBible de Lausanne (1872)
FreLXXBiblical TextsTraduction de la LXX par P. GIGUET et autres traducteurs, 1872.
FreLXXGiguetBiblical TextsTraduction de la LXX par Pierre GIGUET et autres traducteurs, 1872.
FreLitCal2024Daily DevotionalCalendrier liturgique catholique 2024
FreLitCal2025Daily DevotionalCalendrier liturgique catholique
FreOltramare1874Biblical TextsLe Nouveau Testament Version Oltramare 1874
FrePGRBiblical TextsBible Perret-Gentil et Rilliet
FrePilgrimGeneric BooksLe voyage du Chrétien à la cité Celeste
FreRobinsonLexicons / DictionariesCodes d’analyse morphologique de Robinson
FreSegond1910Biblical TextsBible Louis Segond (1910)
FreStapfer1889Biblical TextsLe Nouveau Testament traduction de Stapfer - 1889
FreStrongsGreekLexicons / DictionariesDictionnaire grec des nombres de Strong
FreStrongsHebrewLexicons / DictionariesLexique hébreu des nombres de Strong
FreSynodale1921Biblical TextsLe Nouveau Testament Version Synodale 1921 et le livre des Psaumes
FreVulgGlaireBiblical TextsVulgate en Français par l’Abbé Glaire avec la traduction de Migne pour les Apocryphes.
GeezBiblical TextsGe’ez Bible
GenevaCommentariesGeneva Bible Translation Notes
Geneva1599Biblical TextsGeneva Bible (1599)
GerAlbrechtBiblical TextsGerman Albrecht Neues Testament und Psalmen
GerAugustinusGeneric BooksAugustines Confessions (German)
GerBoLutBiblical TextsDeutsch Bolsingerߴs Luther 1545 Bibel (moderne Rechtschreibung)
GerElb1871Biblical TextsGerman Elberfelder (1871) (sogenannt)
GerElb1905Biblical TextsGerman Darby Unrevidierte Elberfelder (1905)
GerGruenewaldBiblical Texts1924 Grünewaldbibel
GerKingCommentsCommentariesKingcomments (German), Kommentar zur ganzen Bibel.
GerLeoNA28Biblical TextsLeonberger Bibel, NT (NA28)
GerLeoRP18Biblical TextsLeonberger Bibel, NT (RP19)
GerLutPredigtenGeneric BooksEine Sammlung von Lutherpredigten
GerMengeBiblical TextsMenge-Bibel (1939)
GerNeUeBiblical TextsNeue evangelistische Übersetzung
GerOffBiStBiblical TextsOffene Bibel - Studienfassung
GerReinhardtBiblical TextsGerman Reinhardt Evangelien
GerSchBiblical TextsSchlachter Bibel (1951)
GerStrongsGreekLexicons / DictionariesGriechisch-Deutsch Strong Lexikon - 2020
GerTafelBiblical TextsGerman Tafelbibel (1911)
GerTextbibelBiblical TextsDeutsch Textbibel (1906)
GerZurcherBiblical TextsDeutsche Zürcher Bibel von 1931.
GezEnochGeneric Books1 Enoch in Ge'ez
GodbeyBiblical Texts1902 William Baxter Godbey NT
GodsWordBiblical TextsGOD'S WORD to the Nations
GreVamvasBiblical TextsNeophytos Vamvas's translation of the Holy Bible into modern Greek (1850)
GreekHebrewLexicons / DictionariesGreek to Hebrew Dictionary of Septuagint Words
HaitianBiblical TextsHaitian Creole Bible
HaweisBiblical TextsThomas Haweis 1795 New Testament
HebDelitzschBiblical TextsHebrew New Testament with Niqqud, based on Delitzsch's translation
HebModernBiblical TextsModern Hebrew Bible
HebrewGreekLexicons / DictionariesHebrew to Greek Dictionary of Septuagint Words
HereticsGeneric BooksHeretics by Gilbert K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
HinERVBiblical Textsपवित्र बाइबल
HitchcockLexicons / DictionariesHitchcock's Bible Names
HunIMITBiblical TextsAz Izraelita-Magyar Irodalmi Társaság (IMIT) Bibliája (zsidó)
HunKNBBiblical TextsKáldi-Neovulgáta (katolikus) 2013
HunKarBiblical TextsRevideált Károli Biblia 1908
HunRUFBiblical TextsA Magyar Bibliatársulat Revideált Újfordítású Bibliája
HunUjBiblical TextsA Magyar Bibliatársulat Újfordítású Bibliája
ISBELexicons / DictionariesInternational Standard Bible Encyclopedia
ISVBiblical TextsInternational Standard Version
ImitationGeneric BooksImitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis
InstitutesGeneric BooksCalvin's Institutes
IriODomhnuillBiblical TextsA modern Irish New Testament (Luke preview)
ItaDioBiblical TextsItalian Giovanni Diodati Bibbia 1649
ItaDizGrecoLexicons / DictionariesGreek-Italian Dictionary of the New Testament
ItaNomiBibbiaLexicons / DictionariesDizionario dei nomi della Bibbia
ItaRiveBiblical TextsItalian Riveduta Bibbia (1927)
JCRHolinessGeneric BooksHoliness by J. C. Ryle
JEAffectionsGeneric BooksReligious Affections by Jonathan Edwards
JESermonsGeneric BooksSelect Sermons of Jonathan Edwards
JFBCommentariesJamieson Fausset Brown Bible Commentary
JOChristGeneric BooksChristologia by John Owen
JOCommGodGeneric BooksCommunion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost by John Owen
JOGloryGeneric BooksThe Glory of Christ by John Owen
JOMortSinGeneric BooksThe Mortification of Sin by John Owen
JPSBiblical TextsJewish Publication Society Old Testament
JSTCults / Unorthodox / Questionable MaterialJoseph Smith Translation
JapBungoBiblical Texts明治元訳「舊約聖書」(1953年版) 大正改訳「新約聖書
JapDenmoBiblical TextsJapanese Denmo 電網聖書
JapKougoBiblical TextsJapanese Kougo-yaku 口語訳「聖書」(1954/1955年版)
JapLifelineBiblical TextsLifeline Japanese New Testament ライフライン訳新約聖書(2013年)
JapRaguetBiblical TextsJapanese Raguet-yaku ラゲ訳「我主イエズスキリストの新約聖書」(1910年版)
JosephusGeneric BooksJosephus: The Complete Works
Jubilee2000Biblical TextsEnglish Jubilee 2000 Bible
JubileesGeneric BooksThe Book of Jubilees
KDCommentariesKeil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament
KJVBiblical TextsKing James Version (1769) with Strongs Numbers and Morphology and CatchWords
KJVABiblical TextsKing James Version (1769) with Strongs Numbers and Morphology and CatchWords, including Apocrypha (without glosses)
KJVPCEBiblical TextsKing James Version: Pure Cambridge Edition
KLVBiblical TextsKlingon Language Version of the World English Bible
KLVen_iklingonGlossariesKlingon Language Version English to Klingon mapping lexicon
KLViklingon_enGlossariesKlingon Language Version Klingon to English mapping lexicon
KapingamarangiBiblical TextsThe New Testament in the Kapingamarangi language
KazBiblical TextsКиелі кітап
KekchiBiblical TextsK'ekchi' Bible
KhmerNTBiblical TextsKhmer Christian Bible
KingCommentsCommentariesKingcomments, commentary on the whole Bible.
KorHKJVBiblical TextsHangul King James Version
KorRVBiblical Texts개역성경
KswSKMBBiblical TextsS'gaw Karen Mason Bible 1853
KtuVBBiblical TextsMasonama ya Santu par le Père Widart et l’équipe de Verbum Bible Kinshasa.
LEBBiblical TextsThe Lexham English Bible
LITVBiblical TextsGreen's Literal Translation
LOBiblical TextsThe Living Oracles NT
LXXBiblical TextsSeptuagint, Morphologically Tagged Rahlfs'
LXXCATSSBiblical TextsLXX CATSS with Morphology
LXXGoeBiblical TextsSeptuagint, Göttingen
LXXGoeAppBiblical TextsSeptuagint, Göttingen, Apparatus
LXXMCATSSGBGeneric BooksLXX CATSS with Morphology
LatvianBiblical TextsLatvian New Testament
LawGospelGeneric BooksWalther's Law and Gospel
LightfootCommentariesJohn Lightfoot Commentary
LinVBBiblical TextsLiloba lya Nzambe, édition Verbum Bible
LtKBBBiblical TextsLithuanian Bible
LutherCommentariesLuther's Commentary on Selected Bible Passages
LvGluck8Biblical TextsLatvian Glück 8th edition
MAKCommentariesMatthias Ansorgs Kommentar
MHCCommentariesMatthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible
MHCCCommentariesMatthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible
MKJVBiblical TextsGreen's Modern King James Version
MLStrongLexicons / DictionariesAn Intermediate Greek–English Lexicon Keyed to Strong's Numbers
MOTBTRBiblical TextsMOTB - Greek Paul Basetext
Mal1910Biblical TextsSathyavedapusthakam (Malayalam Bible) published in 1910
ManxGaelicBiblical TextsManx Gaelic Scripture Portions
MaoriBiblical TextsMaori Bible
MapMBiblical Textsמקרא על פי המסורה (Miqra `al pi ha-Mesorah)
Mg1865Biblical TextsBaiboly Malagasy (1865)
MollColossiansGeneric BooksPaul's Letter to the Believers at Colosse - A Series of Devotions by Pastor Randy Moll
MonKJVBiblical TextsMongolian King James Version
MontgomeryBiblical TextsMontgomery New Testament
MorphGNTBiblical TextsMorphologically Parsed Greek New Testament based on the SBLGNT
MurdockBiblical TextsJames Murdock's Translation of the Syriac Peshitta
NA28Biblical TextsNestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece, 28th Revised Edition
NA28DBGBiblical TextsNestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece, 28th Revised Edition
NASBBiblical TextsNew American Standard Bible - NASB 2020
NASB1995Biblical TextsNew American Standard Bible - NASB 1995
NASB1995oldBiblical TextsNew American Standard Bible - NASB 1995 pre-2021 Lockman update
NETfreeBiblical TextsFree version of New English Translation with limited notes
NETnotesfreeCommentariesFree version of NET Bible Footnotes with limited notes
NETtextBiblical TextsNew English Translation text only with footnote markers
NHEBBiblical TextsNew Heart English Bible
NHEBJEBiblical TextsNew Heart English Bible: Jehovah Edition
NHEBMEBiblical TextsNew Heart English Bible: Messianic Edition
NaveLexicons / DictionariesNaveߴs Topical Bible
NdebeleBiblical TextsNdebele Bible
Nestle1904Biblical TextsNestle GNT 1904
NlCanisius1939Biblical TextsPetrus Canisius Translation
NorBroedBiblical TextsBrød Nye Testamente
NorSMBBiblical TextsStudentmållagsbibelen frå 1921
NorskBiblical TextsBibelen på Norsk (1930)
NorthernAzeriBiblical TextsNorthern Azeri Translation
NoyesBiblical Texts1869 Noyes Translation
OEBBiblical TextsOpen English Bible (US Spelling)
OEBcthBiblical TextsOpen English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling)
OSHBBiblical TextsOpen Scriptures Hebrew Bible
OSHMLexicons / DictionariesOpen Scriptures Hebrew Morphology
OrthJBCBiblical TextsThe Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha
OrthodoxyGeneric BooksOrthodoxy by Gilbert K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
OxfordTRBiblical Texts1873 Oxford Textus Receptus Gospel of John
PNTCommentariesThe People's New Testament
PackardLexicons / DictionariesPackard's Morphological Analysis Codes
PassionGeneric BooksDolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
PersonalCommentariesPersonal Commentary
PeshittaBiblical TextsSyriac Peshitta
PhaistosGeneric BooksPhaistos Disk
PilgrimGeneric BooksThe Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan (1628-1688)
PohnOldBiblical TextsOld Public Domain Pohnpeian Bible
PohnpeianBiblical TextsBible in Pohnpeian language
PolGdanskaBiblical TextsPolish Biblia Gdanska (1881)
PolUGdanskaBiblical TextsUpdated Gdańsk Bible
PorAlmeida1911Biblical TextsDe 1911 Biblia Sagrada Traduzida em Portuguez Por João Ferreeira D'Almeida
PorBLivreBiblical TextsBíblia Livre
PorBLivreTRBiblical TextsBíblia Livre - Textus Receptus
PorCapBiblical TextsBíblia Sagrada (Capuchinhos)
PorIBPLexicons / DictionariesÍndice Bíblico-Pastoral da Bíblia dos Capuchinhos
PorLitCal2020Daily DevotionalCalendário litúrgico 2020
PorLitCal2022Daily DevotionalCalendário litúrgico
PorLitCal2023Daily DevotionalCalendário litúrgico 2023
PorLitCal2024Daily DevotionalCalendário litúrgico 2024
PorNVABiblical TextsBíblia Nova Versão de Acesso Livre
PotLykinsBiblical Texts1833 Potawatomi Matthew and Acts
PracticeGeneric BooksThe Practice of the Presence of God: The Best Rule of Holy Life by Brother Lawrence (Nicholas Herman, 1605-1691)
QuotingPassagesCommentariesScripture Passages Quoting Scripture
RKJNTBiblical TextsRevised King James New Testament
RLTBiblical TextsRevised Literal Translation (2018) of the King James Version with Strongs Numbers and Morphology
RNKJVBiblical TextsRestored Name King James Version
RWPCommentariesRobertson's Word Pictures
RWebsterBiblical TextsRevised Webster Version (1833)
RecVerBiblical TextsText Only Recovery Version (no outlines)
RiegerCommentariesCarl Heinrich Riegers Kommentar
RobinsonLexicons / DictionariesRobinson's Morphological Analysis Codes
RomCorBiblical TextsCornilescu Bible in Romanian language
RotherhamBiblical TextsThe Emphasised Bible by J. B. Rotherham
RusCARSBiblical TextsСмысловой перевод Таурата, Книги Пророков, Забура и Инджила.
RusCARSABiblical TextsСмысловой перевод Таурата, Книги Пророков, Забура и Инджила.
RusCARSADICTLexicons / DictionariesСмысловой перевод Таурата, Книги Пророков, Забура и Инджила.
RusCARSDictLexicons / DictionariesСмысловой перевод Таурата, Книги Пророков, Забура и Инджила.
RusCARSTBiblical TextsСмысловой перевод Таврота, Книги Пророков, Забура и Инджила.
RusCARSTDICTLexicons / DictionariesСмысловой перевод Таврота, Книги Пророков, Забура и Инджила.
RusMakarijBiblical TextsThe Pentateuch of Moses in Russian
RusSynodalBiblical TextsСинодального Перевода Библии
RusSynodalLIOBiblical TextsRussian Synodal Bible, Licht im Osten Edition
RusVZhBiblical TextsRussian New Testament with Strong's Numbers under edition of Victor R. Zhuromsky.
SAOALexicons / DictionariesScripture Alphabet Of Animals
SBLGNTBiblical TextsThe Greek New Testament: SBL Edition
SBLGNTAppCommentariesThe Greek New Testament: SBL Edition, Apparatus
SMEDaily DevotionalC. H. Spurgeon's Morning and Evening: Daily Readings
SPBiblical TextsSamaritan Pentateuch
SPDSSBiblical TextsDead Sea Scrolls variants parallel to the Samaritan Pentateuch
SPEBiblical TextsSamaritan Pentateuch in English
SPMTBiblical TextsMasoretic Text parallel to the Samaritan Pentateuch
SPVarBiblical TextsSamaritan Pentateuch with variant readings
ScofieldCommentariesScofield Reference Notes, 1917 Edition
ScotsGaelicBiblical TextsScottish Gaelic Gospel of Mark
SentimentCommentariesSentiment Analysis of the Bible
ShonaBiblical TextsShona Bible
SloChraskaBiblical TextsSveto pismo Starega in Novega zakona (1925) – SloChraska
SloHenohGeneric BooksThe Book of Enoch in Slovene
SloKJVBiblical TextsSlovenian translation of Holy Bible King James Version (1769)
SloOjacanoBiblical TextsOjačano Sveto pismo (Ps + Gal)
SloStritarBiblical TextsNovi testament in Psalmi Davidovi Josipa Stritarja (1882)
SmithLexicons / DictionariesSmith's Bible Dictionary
SomKQABiblical TextsKitaabka Quduuska Ah
SpaPlatenseBiblical TextsBiblia Platense (Straubinger)
SpaRVBiblical TextsLa Santa Biblia Reina-Valera (1909)
SpaRV1865Biblical TextsLa Santa Biblia Reina-Valera (1865) con arreglos ortográficos
SpaRV1909Biblical TextsReina-Valera 1909 con números de Strong
SpaRVGBiblical TextsReina Valera Gómez
SpaTDPBiblical TextsSpanish Traducción de dominio público (Mateo a Romanos)
SpaVNTBiblical TextsSpanish 1858 Reina Valera New Testament
SpuriousCommentariesTischendorf's Spurious Passages of the GNT
SrKDEkavskiBiblical TextsSerbian Bible Daničić-Karadžić Ekavski
SrKDIjekavBiblical TextsSerbian Bible Daničić-Karadžić Ijekavski
StatResGNTBiblical TextsStatistical Restoration Greek New Testament
StrongsGreekLexicons / DictionariesStrong's Greek Bible Dictionary
StrongsHebrewLexicons / DictionariesStrong's Hebrew Bible Dictionary
SummaGeneric BooksSumma Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas
SwahiliBiblical TextsSwahili New Testament
Swe1917Biblical TextsSwedish Bible (1917)
Swe1917OfLexicons / DictionariesOrdförklaringar och sakupplysningar
SweFolkBiblical TextsSvenska Folkbibeln (2015)
SweKarlXIIBiblical TextsSvenska Karl XII:s Bibel (1703)
SweKarlXII1873Biblical TextsSvenska Karl XII:s Bibel (1873)
TCRLexicons / DictionariesThompson Chain Topics
TDavidCommentariesC. H. Spurgeon's Treasury of David
TFGCommentariesThe Fourfold Gospel and Commentary on Acts of Apostles
TNTBiblical TextsTregelles' Greek New Testament
TRBiblical TextsTextus Receptus (1550/1894)
TSKCommentariesTreasury of Scripture Knowledge
TagAngBibliaBiblical TextsPhilippine Bible Society (1905)
TagalogBiblical TextsTagalog (John & James)
TausugBiblical TextsTausug Kitab Injil
ThaiKJVBiblical TextsThai King James Version
TischBiblical TextsTischendorf's 8th edition GNT
TorreyLexicons / DictionariesR. A. Torrey's New Topical Textbook
TpiKJPBBiblical TextsKing Jems Pisin Baibel
TurHADIBiblical TextsTurkish Easy-to-Read Translation (HADI)
TurNTBBiblical TextsKutsal Kitap (New Turkish Bible)
TwentyBiblical TextsTwentieth Century New Testament
TyndaleBiblical TextsWilliam Tyndale Bible (1525/1530)
UKJVBiblical TextsUpdated King James Version
UkrKulishBiblical TextsНовий Завіт. Переклад П. Куліша (1871)
UkrOgienkoBiblical TextsУкраїнська Біблія. Переклад Івана Огієнка.
UmaBiblical TextsUma New Testament
UrduGeoBiblical TextsUrdu Geo Version (UGV)
UrduGeoDevaBiblical TextsUrdu Geo Version Devanagari Script (UGV)
UrduGeoRomanBiblical TextsUrdu Geo Version Latin Script (UGV)
UyCyrBiblical TextsМуқәддәс Китап (Современный уйгурский перевод)
VarAppCommentariesNT Manuscript Variant Apparatus
VieLCCMNBiblical TextsLời Chúa Cho Mọi Người
VieLCCMNCTCommentariesLời Chúa Cho Mọi Người Chú Thích
VieRobinsonLexicons / DictionariesMã Phân tích từ ngữ của Robinson
VieStrongsGreekLexicons / DictionariesRichard Helleme’s Greek-English-Vietnamese Dictionary in Vietnamese
VietBiblical TextsKinh Thánh Tiếng Việt (1934)
VietNVBBiblical TextsNew Vietnamese Bible (2002)
VulgClementineBiblical TextsClementine Vulgate
VulgConteBiblical TextsVulgata Clementina, Conte editore
VulgGlossaCommentariesGlossa ordinaria, ed. Migne
VulgHetzenauerBiblical TextsVulgata Clementina, Hetzenauer editore
VulgSistineBiblical TextsVulgata Sistina
VulgateBiblical TextsLatin Vulgate
Vulgate_HebPsBiblical TextsLatin Vulgate Psalms from Hebrew
WHNUBiblical TextsWestcott and Hort with NA27/UBS4 variants
WLCBiblical TextsWestminster Leningrad Codex
WebsterBiblical TextsWebster Bible
Webster1806Lexicons / DictionariesWebster's 1806 A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language
Webster1828Lexicons / DictionariesWebster's Dictionary 1828
Webster1913Lexicons / DictionariesWebster's 1913 Revised Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language
WelBeiblNetBiblical Textsbeibl.net
WesleyCommentariesJohn Wesley's Notes on the Bible
WestminsterGeneric BooksWestminster Confession & Catechisms
Westminster21Generic BooksThe Westminster Standards translated into twenty-first century American English
WeymouthBiblical TextsWeymouth NT (1912)
WorsleyBiblical Texts1770 John Worsley NT
WulfilaBiblical TextsBishop Wulfila Gothic Bible
WycliffeBiblical TextsJohn Wycliffe Bible (c.1395)
YLTBiblical TextsYoung's Literal Translation (1898)
ZhEnglishLexicons / DictionariesEnglish/Chinese Dictionary
ZhHanziLexicons / DictionariesChinese/English Dictionary
ZhPinyinLexicons / DictionariesChinese (Pinyin)/English Dictionary
alzatGeneric Booksالذات للبابا شنودة الثالث
br_enGlossariesBreton to English Glossary
en_euGlossariesEnglish to Basque Glossary
f35Biblical TextsFamily 35
la_enGlossariesLatin to English Glossary
sml_BL_2008Biblical TextsKitab Awal-Jaman maka Kitab Injil
vlsJoNTBiblical TextsHet Nieuwe Testament by Nicolaas De Jonge