[xiphos-users] Odd Xiphos error

Ed Backell edbackell at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 13:34:04 MST 2018

Hello, Xiphos users -

I'm not sure where to post this, but I stumbled across an odd error today.

I'm using 4.0.4 (gtk3 webkit1) on Ubuntu Server 16.04, and I'm using the
JWM window manager.

This bug is related to the Parallel View. I have three modules showing in
Parallel View: King James w/ Strong;  2-Testament Greek: LXX OT +
Tischendorf NT; and Robertson's Word Pictures

The odd behavior: When studying through the Gospel of Mark, I've moved from
chapter 8 where everything displays fine and the screen is evenly divided
into three parts, to chapter 9, where the KJV presents as VERY WIDE... and
I have to scroll horizontally just to see the Greek and commentary sections
(which have not changed size).

it's the only chapter in the Gospel that does this.

So, I thought that was an interesting enough non-standard behavior to bring
it to your attention. Does this happen for anyone else?

Hope you all have a good day -

KFJ - Pastor Ed B
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