[xiphos-users] release coming next week; windows builds for .pre-8 available
Dlee Muse
dlee_muse at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 10 09:09:18 MST 2018
Thanks for all the hard work.
Has the ESV2011 module already been updated to display the pre-book content introductory paragraphs in front of every book's 1:1, or are you still working on that?
I downloaded the 2011 module again to update my "And Bible" but I got a message saying I already had this downloaded. I cannot find any pre-book content for any books of the bible.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 5:38 PM, Karl Kleinpaste<karl at kleinpaste.org> wrote: Having necessarily ignored much of Xiphos for some time, I'm finally back at it and dealing with bug reports and some feature requests. There were about a dozen updates in just the last day, and a few more are pending, notably adv.search crashes, search unexpected results, and the conclusion of some hackery regarding better display of pre-book content (see e.g. ESV2011, which has introductory paragraphs in front of every book's 1:1).
Very important: *Huge thanx* to Wu Xiaotian who has contributed several important and useful updates, notably to our display toolkit internals. The doubled arrows in the navbar are gone.
I don't bother making advance Linux builds any more (nobody ever gets them; those who actually need and can use them are the kind of folk who are happier building their own anyway), but there are 4.0.pre-8 Windows builds available on ftp.xiphos.org in /pre-release.
Notably, for those who care, the new builds have Sword 1.8 internals → new French versification schemes are available.
For developers aware of CSS internals, if you have any thoughts on how a <div> block bound can be ignored and affect the entire display, I'd sure appreciate a clue. https://github.com/crosswire/xiphos/issues/845
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