[tyndale-devel] BibleWorks 10 for PC & Mac - a serious upgrade

Tech at Tyndale House tech at tyndale.cam.ac.uk
Thu Aug 6 06:39:46 MST 2015

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BibleWorks 10 - David Instone-Brewer Highlights Significant Upgrades in OT Studies

BibleWorks is my go-to software when I need to check data for STEP Bible.

They've recently produced a significant upgrade which any serious scholar should be considering (see my  review​ [http://tyndaletech.blogspot.com/2015/07/bw10.html]).

Now you can...
Add pictures... Use fuzzy searches... Colour grammar... Interlinear morphology... New Versions... Install from USB

Anyone who does academic Biblical Studies still needs access to commercial software for accurate Bibles in Greek, Hebrew and other ancient languages (though  StepBible.org [http://www.stepbible.org] will soon be as good). In my mind Accordance and BibleWorks integrate these datasets properly, and Logos integrates the book versions well. In the past Mac users have chosen Accordance while PC users have chosen BibleWorks, but now both programs work equally well on both platforms.

Accordance has lately been strongest for OT Studies because of their large number of tagged Hebrew and Aramaic works. They still retain an edge in this regard (for example their wonderful tagged Mishnah which I use regularly). BibleWorks has recently gained an edge for NT Studies because of their superb variant databases and configurable visualisation of manuscripts. And now that v.10 has added the Leningrad codex and other significant advances in ancient versions, they have almost caught up with Accordance in all areas.

My Personal Conclusion:

Accordance looks better, and has some wonderful search facilities which few people use at their full strength, and it has more tagged texts.

BibleWorks has more power under the hood for specialist searches, automatic links with other programs, and now it has almost all the texts I need.

I'm a Bible geek, so I tend to go first to BibleWorks.

If I were a Bible hipster, I'd be using Accordance all the time.

The most important question is: Are the texts accurate?

You'd think this was sorted by now, but I'm presently exhaustively checking Greek & Hebrew tagging for  STEP Bible [http://www.StepBible.org] resources, and I'm dismayed at the inaccuracies in a lot of software data. Doing this work has really raised my respect for the work that Accordance, BibleWorks and Logos have done behind the scenes. I very rarely find any errors in their texts.

So whichever you chose, you are getting expert-inspected texts.

Have a look at my  review [http://tyndaletech.blogspot.com/2015/07/bw10.html] to find out the exciting new stuff in BibleWorks 10

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