[tyndale-devel] Fwd: [sword-devel] add_strong_numbers_to_unknown_language.py was Re: Has the Russian Synodal Translation been removed?

David Instone-Brewer davidinstonebrewer at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 15:12:00 MST 2011

THanks for spotting this - I don't follow the sword-devel list.
Could you tell us if anything comes of it?

David IB

At 08:26 31/03/2011, Chris Burrell wrote:
>perhaps that could be of interest?
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: jonathon <<mailto:jonathon.blake at gmail.com>jonathon.blake at gmail.com>
>Date: 31 March 2011 01:00
>Subject: Re: [sword-devel] add_strong_numbers_to_unknown_language.py 
>was Re: Has the Russian Synodal Translation been removed?
>To: <mailto:sword-devel at crosswire.org>sword-devel at crosswire.org
>Hash: SHA1
>On 29/03/2011 21:39, Peter von Kaehne wrote:
> >> add_strong_numbers_to_unknown_language.py  is a python script that reads
> > Where is that script located?
>It was emailed to me several years ago. Well before the talk at
>BibleTech on generating Strong Numbers in new languages.  I'll send a
>copy when I find it my archive DVDs.
>At least, I hope I archived it to DVD.  If I didn't, it will need to be
>(On a semi-related note, can somebody recommend a good program for
>cataloguing DVD's, CD,s USB sticks, and SD Cards. At a minimum, the
>following data needs to be in the catalogue: Disk name, file name, file
>path, file size, file modification date, hash value. Ideally, Dublin
>Core Meta Data can be added after the fact. To locate this specific
>file, I'll be running  "cat /media/discname | grep py | grep trong"
>I think I still have a couple of other similar scripts that would be
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