<span id="goog_1116655860"></span><span id="goog_1116655861"></span><a href="/"></a>I have tentatively started to create a "Jonathan Edwards' Sermons" General Book module but I would appreciate some feedback on this, both on the general requirement for this module, the legal aspect, and the xml itself? I took the original text from ccel, converted it to xml, and ran xml2gbs.<br>
<br>I have started off with just the first two sermons and I have made the <a href="https://github.com/mjdenham/sword-modules/blob/master/JESermons/distribution/jesermons.xml">xml </a>and <a href="https://github.com/mjdenham/sword-modules/raw/master/JESermons/distribution/jesermons.zip">module zip</a> file available.<br>