I have a couple of problems with pre-verse headings and osis.<br>First up, pre-verse div's have been introduced, superseding the old title x-preverse hack.<br>How can you tell from the entry attributes whether it came from a title or a div? is it just that if it comes from a title, it won't start with an "<"? I've tried that in BPBible, and it seems to work - but I don't really trust it. (this is important in BPBible because otherwise it starts wrapping the contents of pre-verse divs inside h6 tags, creating loads of whitespace...)<br>
<br>It would make it more consistent if the heading filter output the <title> around it for the old-style pre-verse titles.<br><br>I've attached a (validating) OSIS document, and the raw verse data file for it. It's possibly not good OSIS, but I don't know.<br>
<br>Observe the probable abundance of whitespace, and try turning headings on and off.<br>One big problem here is that structure is being put into these pre-verse divs by osis2mod. <br>This includes things like paragraph starts, poetry line starts, etc.<br>
(e.g. <br><l level="1"><verse sID="Mark.1.3" osisID="Mark.1.3"/>Line level 1<verse eID="Mark.1.3"/><br>=><br><div type="x-milestone" subType="x-preverse" sID="pv3"/><l level="1" sID="gen6"/><div type="x-milestone" subType="x-preverse" eID="pv3"/>Line level 1<br>
)<br><br>Unless the structure is completely contained in the pre-verse div, it shouldn't be turned off when the headings filter is turned off.<br><br clear="all">God Bless,<br>Ben<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
Multitudes, multitudes,<br> in the valley of decision!<br>For the day of the LORD is near<br>
in the valley of decision.<br><br>Giôên 3:14 (ESV)<br><br>