The ESV has linegroups of the style <lg sID="..."> and <lg eID="...">, but these aren't picked up by osishtmlhref.<br>It has a rule to change <lg> and </lg> into <br />, but none for lg's with attributes.<br>
This would be reasonably simple to add - just another case in the token handling (rather than relying on token substitution).<br><br>A while ago, Daniel Owens and I were talking about the use of linegroups in VietNVB. Daniel had removed the linegroups as they caused a new line to appear after the versenumber in (I think) Xiphos - and he noticed this didn't happen with the ESV's linegroups. I now wonder whether this was because the ESV didn't output the <br /> at the start of line groups, due to the sID and eID elements. If so, perhaps <br /> shouldn't be output? (BTW, linegroups are important to retain intact, so I don't want them to be eliminated from the module...)<br>
<br clear="all">God Bless,<br>Ben<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Multitudes, multitudes,<br> in the valley of decision!<br>For the day of the LORD is near<br>
in the valley of decision.<br><br>Giôên 3:14 (ESV)<br><br>