I have been tracking down a problem in Gnomesword with ESV cross-references. The problem occurs because *x type notes occur immediately before words which interferes with the "double click a word to look up in dictionary" feature of Gnomesword. In researching this, I have noticed what appears to be a discrepancy with the way osisrtf.cpp handles this as opposed to osishtmlref.cpp. I could be reading this incorrectly or looking in the wrong place, so forgive me if I'm misunderstanding something. The html filter is this:<br>
<br>"<a href=\"passagestudy.jsp?action=showNote&type=%c&value=%s&module=%s&passage=%s\"><small><sup>*%c</sup></small></a>"<br><br>and the rtf filter is this:<br>
<br>"{\\super <a href=\"\">*%c%i.%s</a>} "<br><br>The difference (that I'm wondering about) is the trailing space at the end of the rtf filter. Having this space in the html filter would solve our current dictionary lookup issue. Is there a reason this couldn't be added?<br>
<br>Thank you,<br>Matthew<br>