OK, I know this could very easily become a touchy subject, but I think its one that I think would be worth throwing around, even if not every actually implemented.<br><br>I'm thinking back to the thread we had a while back discussing the article that compared various bible software. From that thread and also from some other things I've seen, I wonder if it would be a good idea to somehow restructure things to showcase what we consider the best/most full featured front ends for Sword. In one regard, It may not be the best idea to single out peoples' work as better than others, but it seems that a lot of press surrounding sword seems to center on the main Windows front end, which isn't exactly considered the best option by quite a number of people. I'm not intending insult to anybody here, I know a lot of work has gone into that front end in the past.<br>
<br>I wonder if it would be good to introduce people to the most polished products first, and then create an easy to get to place that showcases everything that's been done with the api. I'm mainly thinking about <a href="http://www.crosswire.org">www.crosswire.org</a>. Maybe a list of most popular front ends, then have a side bar that exposes the full set of options for any given environment (Linux, Windows, PalmOS, etc..)<br>