[sword-devel] LXX verse numbering with alphanumeric character

Fr Cyrille fr.cyrille at tiberiade.be
Fri Feb 21 02:32:10 EST 2025

Le 20/02/2025 à 22:49, pierre amadio a écrit :
> I have builded a module that fixes the missing verse issues and
> include the verses suffixes in the osis file.
> It looks like things are working as expected: xiphos can now show
> 1Kings 3:1 directly and the concatenation of "suffixed" verses seems
> to work.
> Now, I realise sword is still confused about the number of verses.
> I have 71 occurrences of verse 1Kgs.2.something in the osis file, and
> the last verse of 1Kgs.2 is 46 (well, 46l to be exact) .

I know it's not perfect, but personally, I'd match the letters following 
verse 46 to verses from the v11n (47 to 71). I think it was the idea of 
whoever wrote this versification.
I would have done the same thing.
As long as we don't adopt Arnaud's solution, we'll have to tweak with 
the versifications and find the least bad solution.
Can you think of other chapters where v. 1 is missing? There are many in 
the Odes.
> However, in sword-1.9-0/include/canon_lxx.h , things are set so that
> 1Kgs:2 has 71 verses, not 46.
>    // I Kings
>    53, 71, 39, 34, 32, 38, 51, 66, 28, 33,
> xiphos (and probably others fronted) is thus proposing verses number
> that are not available.
> I am not sure what should be done about that.
> I shall post the resulting osis file atmodules at crosswire.org in the
> near future.
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