[sword-devel] Fwd: [sword-support] Please add Sword Project to Winget on Windows

Troy A. Griffitts scribe at crosswire.org
Mon Nov 27 19:55:55 EST 2023

For those who build packages for Windows.  We received this request on 
sword-support.  It sounds interesting.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[sword-support] Please add Sword Project to Winget on Windows
Date: 	Wed, 8 Nov 2023 16:12:57 +0000 (UTC)
From: 	southpawami at yahoo.com <southpawami at yahoo.com>
Reply-To: 	southpawami at yahoo.com <southpawami at yahoo.com>
To: 	sword-feedback at crosswire.org <sword-feedback at crosswire.org>

Sir or Ma'am,

I had a catastrophic fail on Windows resulting in a fully reset 
operating system recently. I looked for some "newer" option for 
installations and there was an option called winget in powershell 7, and 
likely earlier(You can disable powershell 2, uninstall the microsoft 
store powershell 5 and just use powershell 7 and winget - 
https://winstall.app/ ). It's amazing. I installed all the software I 
could through winget, and I have found software dependencies update 
through winget easily(including dependencies from software installed by 

However, I also found that very little Bible software is using winget 
which is why I'm requesting this. There's BPBible, which requires 
additions separately downloaded through a web browser and Logos 9. Other 
than than, there's nothing Bible there. There's not even Bible memory apps.
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