[sword-devel] PHP SWIG Bindings and Extension Development

Patrick Stephan pstephan1187 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 01:46:17 EDT 2023


First off, I want to thank everyone for their work in this project. It's an incredible work to make God's word more readily available.

As the subject of the email suggests, I am trying to interface with the sword library with PHP. I am attempting to use the SWIG bindings provided, but there are no current PHP bindings provided. There does appear to be some older PHP 4 (PHP 8 is the current major version available) references in the Makefiles and configure file in `bindings/swig/package/` and a php4.m4 file. Attempting to run `make phpswig` (when you might run `make perlswig` according to the readme file in the swig directory) returns a "No rule to make target 'phpswig'.  Stop." error. I have made some attempts to replace `php4` with `php8`, but that changes nothing. Anyway, I am attempting to create (or revive) PHP bindings for the sword library and would love some direction on where/how to get started. I have practically no experience with c/c++ or make files or swig, but if someone could give me a shove in the right direction, I think I can figure it out.

Thank you everyone!

- Patrick
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