[sword-devel] Titles and sub-titles should be "related" to next verse, not previous
Fr Cyrille
fr.cyrille at tiberiade.be
Wed Jun 24 04:48:30 EDT 2020
Now fixed.
Le 21/06/2020 à 10:41, Fr Cyrille a écrit :
> I opened an issue <https://github.com/adyeths/u2o/issues/108> to u2o
> github repo. It's a u2o.py issue. If I change manually the eID. It's
> working fine with Bishop.
> Le 16/06/2020 à 19:29, Fr Cyrille a écrit :
>> Probably the eID is misplaced. But if I change it, the titles don't
>> display anymore in the parallel view.
>> Le 16/06/2020 à 17:06, David Haslam a écrit :
>>> Is this not simply a matter of some *post-processing* being required
>>> for the OSIS output from *adyeths/u2o.py* ?
>>> Have you tried _moving_ the *verse eID* milestone? i.e.
>>> <verse eID="Mark.1.20" />
>>> <!-- s2 --><title type="x-s2">Une journée à Capharnaüm</title>
>>> <!-- r --><title type="parallel"><reference type="parallel"
>>> osisRef="Matt.7.28-Matt.7.29 Luke.4.31-Luke.4.37">Mt 7,28-29; Lc
>>> 4,31-37 </reference></title>
>>> <p>
>>> <verse sID="Mark.1.21" osisID="Mark.1.21" n="21" />Ils se rendirent
>>> à <w lemma="strong:G2584">Capharnaüm</w>, <w
>>> lemma="strong:G2532">et</w> dès le <w
>>> lemma="strong:G4413">premier</w> <w lemma="strong:G4521">sabbat</w>,
>>> <w lemma="strong:G2424">Jésus</w> entrant <w
>>> lemma="strong:G1722">dans</w> la <w
>>> lemma="strong:G4864">synagogue</w>, se mit à enseigner.
>>> <verse eID="Mark.1.21" />
>>> If that works for the module, then surely this is an issue for
>>> *adyeths* to fix?
>>> Create one in his GitHub repo.
>>> Best regards,
>>> David
>>> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com> Secure Email.
>>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>>> On Tuesday, 16 June 2020 15:32, Fr Cyrille <fr.cyrille at tiberiade.be>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Any progress about this issue? I found that if we have only one
>>>> title, it's displayed well. But if we have more then one title
>>>> following we have this issue. Example, a title well displayed:
>>>> <!-- s2 --><title type="x-s2">Jésus enseigne et guérit un
>>>> démoniaque</title>
>>>> <p>
>>>> <verse sID="Mark.1.21" osisID="Mark.1.21" n="21" />Voici qu’ils
>>>> s’arrêtent à Capharnaüm. Dès ce moment Jésus commence à enseigner
>>>> les jours de sabbat, lorsqu’il vient à la synagogue.
>>>> <verse eID="Mark.1.21" />
>>>> A title not well displayed:
>>>> <!-- s2 --><title type="x-s2">Une journée à Capharnaüm</title>
>>>> <verse eID="Mark.1.20" />
>>>> <!-- r --><title type="parallel"><reference type="parallel"
>>>> osisRef="Matt.7.28-Matt.7.29 Luke.4.31-Luke.4.37">Mt 7,28-29; Lc
>>>> 4,31-37 </reference></title>
>>>> <p>
>>>> <verse sID="Mark.1.21" osisID="Mark.1.21" n="21" />Ils se rendirent
>>>> à <w lemma="strong:G2584">Capharnaüm</w>, <w
>>>> lemma="strong:G2532">et</w> dès le <w
>>>> lemma="strong:G4413">premier</w> <w
>>>> lemma="strong:G4521">sabbat</w>, <w lemma="strong:G2424">Jésus</w>
>>>> entrant <w lemma="strong:G1722">dans</w> la <w
>>>> lemma="strong:G4864">synagogue</w>, se mit à enseigner.
>>>> <verse eID="Mark.1.21" />
>>>> Le 25/03/2020 à 19:52, Troy A. Griffitts a écrit :
>>>>> [scribe at localhost ~]$ sudo installmgr -ri CrossWire PorCap
>>>>> ...
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Installed module: [PorCap]
>>>>> [scribe at localhost ~]$ ~/src/sword/examples/cmdline/lookup PorCap
>>>>> Luke.22.23
>>>>> ==Raw=Entry===============
>>>>> Luke 22:23:
>>>>> Começaram a perguntar uns aos outros qual deles iria fazer
>>>>> semelhante coisa.<div eID="gen36293" type="x-p"/> <title
>>>>> type="x-s2">Poder e serviço</title>
>>>>> ==Render=Entry============
>>>>> .divineName { font-variant: small-caps; }
>>>>> .wordsOfJesus { color: red; }
>>>>> .transChange { font-style: italic; }
>>>>> .transChange.transChange-supplied { font-style: italic; }
>>>>> .transChange.transChange-added { font-style: italic; }
>>>>> .transChange.transChange-tenseChange::before { content: '*'; }
>>>>> .transChange.transChange-tenseChange { font-style: normal; }
>>>>> .transChange:lang(zh) { font-style: normal;
>>>>> text-decoration: dotted underline; }
>>>>> .overline { text-decoration: overline; }
>>>>> .indent1 { margin-left: 1em; }
>>>>> .indent2 { margin-left: 2em; }
>>>>> .indent3 { margin-left: 3em; }
>>>>> .indent4 { margin-left: 4em; }
>>>>> abbr { &:hover{ &:before{ content: attr(title); } } }
>>>>> .small-caps { font-variant: small-caps; }
>>>>> .otPassage { font-variant: small-caps; }
>>>>> .selah { text-align: right; width: 50%; margin: 0;
>>>>> padding: 0; }
>>>>> .acrostic { text-align: center; }
>>>>> .colophon {font-style: italic; font-size: small; display:
>>>>> block; }
>>>>> .rdg { font-style: italic; }
>>>>> .inscription {font-variant: small-caps; }
>>>>> .catchWord {font-style: bold; }
>>>>> .x-p-indent {text-indent: 1em; }
>>>>> Começaram a perguntar uns aos outros qual deles iria fazer
>>>>> semelhante coisa.<br />
>>>>> <h3 class="title x-s2">Poder e serviço</h3>
>>>>> ==========================
>>>>> Entry Attributes:
>>>>> [ Heading ]
>>>>> [ 0 ]
>>>>> type = x-s2
>>>>> [ Interverse ]
>>>>> 0 = <title type="x-s2">Poder e serviço</title>
>>>>> The title is placed in Luke 22.23, not in Luke 22.24, where it
>>>>> should be placed. This is caused by either:
>>>>> invalid OSIS markup
>>>>> invalid import logic in osis2mod
>>>>> But the module data has the problem right now and needs to be
>>>>> rebuilt for frontends to render it correctly.
>>>>> Troy
>>>>> On 3/25/20 11:35 AM, David Haslam wrote:
>>>>>> That would be premature - as we still need evidence that compares
>>>>>> the old module with the recent update.
>>>>>> We shouldn’t burden adyeths with what might be SWORD issues.
>>>>>> I don’t have the OSIS file for either old or new.
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 17:58, Fr Cyrille
>>>>>> <fr.cyrille at tiberiade.be <mailto:fr.cyrille at tiberiade.be>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I think it is a problem with u2o.py. Maybe we need to open an
>>>>>>> issue on his github.
>>>>>>> Le 25/03/2020 à 18:03, David Haslam a écrit :
>>>>>>>> FYI.
>>>>>>>> For the old *PorCap* module (/not the recent update/) the
>>>>>>>> relevant lines in the *mod2imp* output are:
>>>>>>>> $$$Luke 22:23
>>>>>>>> Começaram a perguntar uns aos outros qual deles iria fazer
>>>>>>>> semelhante coisa. <div eID="gen11849" type="paragraph"/> <div
>>>>>>>> eID="gen11848" type="section"/>
>>>>>>>> $$$Luke 22:24
>>>>>>>> <div sID="gen11850" type="section"/> <title
>>>>>>>> subType="x-preverse">Poder e serviço</title> <div
>>>>>>>> sID="gen11851" type="paragraph"/> Levantou-se entre eles uma
>>>>>>>> discussão sobre qual deles devia ser considerado o maior. <div
>>>>>>>> eID="gen11851" type="paragraph"/>
>>>>>>>> The first two lines of *mod2imp* were
>>>>>>>> $$$[ Testament 1 Heading ]
>>>>>>>> <milestone type="x-importer" subType="x-osis2mod" n="$Rev: 2562
>>>>>>>> $"/>
>>>>>>>> The old *PorCap* module has
>>>>>>>> History_1.0.1=First release (2011-08-17)
>>>>>>>> NB. On my PC, I have not yet updated this module with *Xiphos*.
>>>>>>>> IIRC, Peter did the work for the first release.
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com> Secure Email.
>>>>>>>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, March 25, 2020 4:42 PM, Troy A. Griffitts
>>>>>>>> <scribe at crosswire.org> <mailto:scribe at crosswire.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I can almost guarantee the problem is not in Bishop but in the
>>>>>>>>> module. A simple check will prove this:
>>>>>>>>> sword/examples/cmdline/lookup PorCap Like.22.23
>>>>>>>>> On March 25, 2020 2:54:14 AM MST, Cyrille
>>>>>>>>> <lafricain79 at gmail.com> <mailto:lafricain79 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Le 25/03/2020 à 10:35, David Haslam a écrit :
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Cyrille,
>>>>>>>>>> How *section titles* should be done for *OSIS Bibles* is
>>>>>>>>>> documented in our wiki.
>>>>>>>>>> See https://wiki.crosswire.org/OSIS_Bibles
>>>>>>>>>> *adyeths/u2o.py* script targets *OSIS 2.1.1* as the
>>>>>>>>>> implementation standard.
>>>>>>>>>> It takes no account of any special techniques that are
>>>>>>>>>> required by SWORD.
>>>>>>>>>> IIRC, the conversion of "preverse content" to a *div*
>>>>>>>>>> element with *type="x-preverse"* is one of several things
>>>>>>>>>> done "under the hood" by *osis2mod*.
>>>>>>>>>> It would therefore be of interest for you to look at the
>>>>>>>>>> *mod2imp* output for the updated *PorCap* module and
>>>>>>>>>> examine the relevant lines.
>>>>>>>>> The problem is with Bishop, and it is the same with other
>>>>>>>>> module (as KtuVB) it happens only when we have multiple
>>>>>>>>> titles following, or crossrefences.
>>>>>>>>>> I'm not yet convinced that the problem reported by Frei
>>>>>>>>>> Hermando Filipe is really a modules issue.
>>>>>>>>>> It may be down to how the SWORD engine behaves in general.
>>>>>>>>>> btw. He did not mention which front-end app the
>>>>>>>>>> screenshots are from.
>>>>>>>>>> If it's And Bible, then that uses JSword rather than SWORD.
>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>>> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com> Secure Email.
>>>>>>>>>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, March 24, 2020 9:30 AM, Cyrille
>>>>>>>>>> <lafricain79 at gmail.com> <mailto:lafricain79 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Troy,
>>>>>>>>>>> How this can be a module error? I converted the file
>>>>>>>>>>> with u2o.py. Can show me how it should be in the osis file?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, Fr Cyrille
>>>>>>>>>>> Le 24/03/2020 à 02:32, Troy A. Griffitts a écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a module error. The PorCap module needs to be
>>>>>>>>>>>> updated to fix this.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 3/22/20 7:49 AM, Frei Hermano Filipe wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I thought it would be better to talk about this in a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> new email because I think that this problem affects
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not only PORCAP but also other Bible texts that use
>>>>>>>>>>>>> titles and sub-titles!?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As you can see in the pictures below, many times (not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> always), sub-titles (\s2) are "related" to previous
>>>>>>>>>>>>> verse when they actually "belong" to the next
>>>>>>>>>>>>> verse(s). That explains why, using Parallels (Lc
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 22,23) a sub-title is there but it shouldn't because
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it introduces verse 24 and next. Sorry my poor
>>>>>>>>>>>>> English; I'm not sure if I'm being able to explain myself.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you so much for all your effort! 🙏
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Com as mais fraternas saudações de paz e bem,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.capuchinhos.org/>
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my
>>>>>>>>> brevity.
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