[sword-devel] Grep or Sed Command to Automate OSIS References?

Cyrille lafricain79 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 14:22:59 MST 2020

Le 04/02/2020 à 13:21, Greg Hellings a écrit :
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 12:05 PM Cyrille <lafricain79 at gmail.com
> <mailto:lafricain79 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Le 04/02/2020 à 13:01, Greg Hellings a écrit :
>>     On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 11:52 AM Cyrille <lafricain79 at gmail.com
>>     <mailto:lafricain79 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         Hello Greg,
>>         Can you give more information about this python library
>>         please. It's interesting. How to use it?
>>     The Python library is a binding of the C++ library that is
>>     auto-generated with Swig. So its API is almost the exact same as
>>     the C++ library, with a tiny number of additional bits to smooth
>>     the way into the Python world. In general, if it happens in the
>>     C++ code, you can rely on the same classes, objects, and methods
>>     to exist in the Python bindings. Even most of the operator
>>     definitions are maintained, although not all of them are possible
>>     as you are more limited in how you express those in Python.
>>     As I'm not an expert on the C++ API, any particular details you
>>     will need to ask those more knowledgeable about. But you should
>>     be able to scan any C or C++ Sword code and directly translate
>>     the calls into Python.
>     This is Chinese for me 😜 I'm sorry! I would like to knwo how to
>     use this script. I had a look for some package related to sword
>     and python. But I couldn't find anything in Debian/Ubuntu.
> Oh! I thought you were asking how to use the Sword Python module as a
> whole. My apologies.
> If Debian doesn't ship the Sword Python bindings, you should open a
> bug with the distro against the Sword package and ask them to add it.
> If you point them to my repo from Fedora, they should have all they
> need to get it working. I'd be very surprised if the maintainers (I
> don't know who does that these days) don't lurk this mailing list,
> though, so maybe they'll see this thread themselves. After that, just
> download the script I linked, put it on your system, and call it like
> you would any other program. It should "just work" if you have the
> Sword bindings installed.
Is this package https://packages.debian.org/sid/python3-pysword the good
one. I found inside the deb this python scripts, but I don't know how to
use it:
bible.py  canon-parser.py  cleaner.py   modules.py   sapphire.py
books.py  canons.py        __init__.py  __pycache__  utils.py

> --Greg
>>         Is the library in the linux repo?
>>     That is going to be distro dependent. I maintain it in Fedora 31
>>     as "python3-sword" (and previous as python2-sword and
>>     python-sword before that). I believe it's also in the EPEL7
>>     repository for CentOS/RHEL 7 users. It might be in EPEL8, if
>>     that's your thing, as well, but if not let me know and I'll make
>>     the branch for that.
>>     Other distros, you'll have to check. As long as your distro
>>     includes Python 2 or 3 build headers and the Swig tool (most of
>>     them do), then building it shouldn't be difficult. My build tree
>>     for Fedora is here:
>>     https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/sword/tree/master. To build
>>     the same either use SVN HEAD, or use my two swig-related patches
>>     in that tree, and add the appropriate options to your CMake
>>     invocation (they can be found in the sword.spec file but amount
>>     to -DSWORD_PYTHON_3:BOOL=TRUE to build the Python 3 version).
>>     --Greg
>>         Le 04/02/2020 à 12:41, Greg Hellings a écrit :
>>>         Maxwell,
>>>         If you install the Python bindings to the Sword library, you
>>>         can use the library's extensive parsing information as well
>>>         as its knowledge of locales. A very simple Python script[0]
>>>         will iterate all lines of input (you can give it a list of
>>>         file arguments, you can pipe the output of a different
>>>         program to it, you can write the lines in manually from
>>>         stdin) and parse them. Doing exactly this work was impetus
>>>         to get the bindings fixed up and compiling again some years
>>>         back when converting references by external means was
>>>         awfully slow for another member of this list. Using the
>>>         bindings like this became nearly fool-proof and brought down
>>>         the amount of time required to execute from unbearably long
>>>         periods to under a second.
>>>         --Greg
>>>         [0]
>>>         https://gist.github.com/greg-hellings/0de55fc3e07d5014f005efc12ffbdffa
>>>         On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 11:28 AM Maxwell Murunga
>>>         <maxmmur at gmail.com <mailto:maxmmur at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>             Thank you Dominique; Thanks Cyrille; Thanks Greg.
>>>             # “Additional” steps to get the awk script 
>>>             # working fine on macOS as it does on Linux
>>>             $ brew install gawk
>>>             # If Terminal Throws Error
>>>             $ brew unlink awk
>>>             $ brew link --overwrite gawk
>>>             # Confirm all went well!
>>>             $ gawk --version
>>>             # Now proceed as normal
>>>             # Make the executable
>>>             $ chmod +x Ref2Osis.sh
>>>             # Thereafter, run it
>>>             $ ./Ref2Osis.sh
>>>             Works Perfect. 
>>>             Blessed [be] the LORD God of Israel from everlasting,
>>>             and to everlasting. Amen, and Amen. 
>>>             ~~Shalom.
>>>             On Sun, Feb 2, 2020 at 3:39 AM Cyrille
>>>             <lafricain79 at gmail.com <mailto:lafricain79 at gmail.com>>
>>>             wrote:
>>>                 What are you doing exactly? If you try to convert
>>>                 the ref to osisRef Dominique wrote an awk script
>>>                 which works pretty good.
>>>                 See the attached file.
>>>                 Le 01/02/2020 à 18:06, Maxwell Murunga a écrit :
>>>>                 Greetings Saints,
>>>>                 I'm processing an OSIS Commentary in InDesign using
>>>>                 GREP:
>>>>                 *Find: *((\d+ )?(\w+?.? \d+[:]\d+)(.\d+)?([,
>>>>                 \d]+(.\d+)?)*)
>>>>                 *Replace:* <reference osisRef="$1">$1</reference>
>>>>                 It partially accomplishes the task, but does not
>>>>                 automatically convert the book names to
>>>>                 the standard OSIS abbreviations. I also need help
>>>>                 in figuring out how to add looking for Arabic and
>>>>                 Roman numerals (1-2 instances of the letter "I"; or
>>>>                 simply "1" or "2" ) to cover instances of something
>>>>                 like I Corinthians or II Corinthians; 1 Corinthians
>>>>                 or 2 Corinthians.
>>>>                 Could anyone be so kind enough as to provide a
>>>>                 *grep* or *sed* script to auto convert any kind of
>>>>                 Bible reference into this format:
>>>>                 <reference osisRef="Gen.1.1">Genesis 1:1</reference>
>>>>                 <reference osisRef="2Chr.1.1">2 Chronicles 1:1</reference>
>>>>                 <reference osisRef="2Chr.1.1">II
>>>>                 Chronicles 1:1</reference>
>>>>                 In Christ Alone,
>>>>                 Maxwell.
>>>>                 _______________________________________________
>>>>                 sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org <mailto:sword-devel at crosswire.org>
>>>>                 http://www.crosswire.org/mailman/listinfo/sword-devel
>>>>                 Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page
>>>             _______________________________________________
>>>             sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
>>>             <mailto:sword-devel at crosswire.org>
>>>             http://www.crosswire.org/mailman/listinfo/sword-devel
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