[sword-devel] Soft hyphens

David Haslam dfhmch at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 1 02:18:19 MST 2017

My current focus will be to help upstream.

I've made a simple bespoke TextPipe filter that can do two tidy ups:
 1. Remove multiple soft hyphens
 2. Remove useless soft hyphens

NB. A soft hyphen is "useless" unless it's between two word characters.

Aside: If I reversed the order of 1 & 2, I think the latter would cover the
former anyway.
But it was of interest to see the number of each of change.

The text being developed in GitLab, I can fork and process, etc.

The "what does SWORD do?" question remains, so that's still on the tasks

Best regards,


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