[sword-devel] WoC red letter text problem

DM Smith dmsmith at crosswire.org
Sun Jul 2 08:45:22 MST 2017

While using Pocket Sword today’s reading was not properly rendered as red letter text: Luke 4:18-19, ESV
Basically the first and last part were rendered in red, but not the middle.

Would someone check some of the other SWORD frontends, please? if it is a problem in other frontends, I’ll put in a bug report for it. (It renders properly in Bible Desktop.)

Here is the OSIS content. I’ve indented it for readability and removed the notes.
The opening <lg> is pre-verse because the line group should start before the verse number. It should always render whether headings is on or off. But I don’t think that is the problem.

In Him,

<div type="x-milestone" subType="x-preverse" sID="pv5611"/>
<lg sID="gen31343"/>
<div type="x-milestone" subType="x-preverse" eID="pv5611"/>
  <l level="1" sID="gen31344"/>
    <q marker="" who="Jesus">
      <q level="1" marker="“" sID="42004018.1"/>
      <w lemma="strong:G4151">Spirit</w>
      of the
      <w lemma="strong:G2962">Lord</w>
      <w lemma="strong:G1909">upon</w>
      <w lemma="strong:G1691">me</w>,
  <l eID="gen31344" level="1"/>
  <l level="2" sID="gen31346"/>
    <q marker="" who="Jesus">
      <w lemma="strong:G1752">because</w>
      he has
      <w lemma="strong:G5548">anointed</w>
      <w lemma="strong:G3165">me</w>
  <l eID="gen31346" level="2"/>
  <l level="2" sID="gen31348"/>
    <q marker="" who="Jesus">
      to proclaim
      <w lemma="strong:G2097">good news</w>
      to the
      <w lemma="strong:G4434 strong:G2390 strong:G4937 strong:G2588">poor</w>.
  <l eID="gen31348" level="2"/>
  <l level="1" sID="gen31350"/>
    <q marker="" who="Jesus">
      He has
      <w lemma="strong:G649">sent</w>
      <w lemma="strong:G3165">me</w>
      <w lemma="strong:G2784">proclaim</w>
      <w lemma="strong:G859">liberty</w>
      to the
      <w lemma="strong:G164">captives</w>
  <l eID="gen31350" level="1"/>
  <l level="2" sID="gen31352"/>
    <q marker="" who="Jesus">
      <w lemma="strong:G2532">and</w>
      recovering of
      <w lemma="strong:G309">sight</w>
      to the
      <w lemma="strong:G5185">blind</w>,
  <l eID="gen31352" level="2"/>
  <l level="2" sID="gen31354"/>
    <q marker="" who="Jesus">
      <w lemma="strong:G649">set</w>
      <w lemma="strong:G1722">at</w>
      <w lemma="strong:G859">liberty</w>
      those who are
      <w lemma="strong:G2352">oppressed</w>,
  <l eID="gen31354" level="2"/> 

  <l level="1" sID="gen31356"/>
    <q marker="" who="Jesus">
      <w lemma="strong:G2784">proclaim</w>
      <w lemma="strong:G1763">year</w>
      of the
      <w lemma="strong:G2962">Lord’s</w>
      <w lemma="strong:G1184">favor</w>.
      <q eID="42004018.1" level="1" marker="”"/>
  <l eID="gen31356" level="1"/>
<lg eID="gen31343"/>

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