[sword-devel] identifying apps in ftp xferlog

Karl Kleinpaste karl at kleinpaste.org
Fri Apr 10 19:13:05 MST 2015

Some time ago, I changed Xiphos' use of the Installmgr ctor to include
"xiphos at xiphos.org" as the default anonymous ftp "password."  If you're
not aware, for anon ftp, this "password" is not an access password; it's
just a token that allows the server to track some idea of who or what
has accessed its content.

Then in recent v4, I changed it again so that it now identifies Xiphos
further, using platform+version at xiphos.org, e.g. L4.0.1 at xiphos.org. 
This is current only since March 30, so its use and presence is a clear
minority at this time.

The result of this is that I am able to get some firm ideas about what
is retrieving which modules from xferlog files.  The data is not
personally identifiable; it's just a sense of the apps in use.

I spent some time grinding through my ftp server's xferlog since March
1.  Daily, my repo shovels ~4.4Gbytes, with high standard deviation
(low, 1.1G; high, 10.7G).  I've attached several small summary files:
- overall totals
- by Xiphos generally, and by Xiphos v4, and by which of Linux and
Windows of Xiphos v4
- by PocketSword, because Nic made a similar change to identify PS, but
not by version

Interesting statistics:
- 10208 modules downloaded
- 2952 from PocketSword
- 2830 from Xiphos
- 305 of those were Xiphos v4
  (already more than 10% of Xiphos retrievals, in only the last 12 out
of 43 days examined)
- 58 of those were Linux, the other 247 were Windows
- Weirdness: PocketSword users refresh the repo /often/:
  3035 retrievals of mods.d.tar.gz.  Xiphos, only 963.

I would like to encourage other app developers to make a similar trivial
change in the use of the InstallMgr ctor, to provide some kind of
identifying token.  At the moment, only Xiphos and PS do so, and all the
rest show up as "installmgr at user.com," which doesn't really tell us much.
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   5253 /mods.d.tar.gz
    338 augustin
    146 bibleartbw
    196 chrysostom
    120 dorewoodcutscom
    367 gill
    211 kretzmann
    205 luther
    210 absmaps
     14 alzat
    122 augustine
     88 baxterpastor
     86 catpiusx
    111 didacheen
    137 dorewoodcuts
    126 earlyfathers
    189 ebibleteacher
     41 farbibatlas
     97 finneysystheo
     93 hodgesystheo
    111 irenaeus
    107 justinmartyr
     75 krauthconservativereformation
    151 kretzmannmaps
    115 lifetimes
    180 lineage
     96 lutherbondageofthewill
     95 luthershortclassics
    101 luthersworks
     89 mclaughlinweallbelieve
     85 openhymnal
     62 patricksplaces
     72 sacredmeditations
     89 saintpatrick
     73 schmiddoctrinaltheology
     78 shaw
    202 smithatlas
    186 sonlightfreemaps
    207 textbookatlas
     83 traintwelve
     19 vigil
     68 XiphosDailyReadingMarkup
     21 yastageeb
    184 biblecompanion
     23 citireanuala
    184 mcheyne
    200 oneyearread
    225 webster1828
    168 acdcref
    314 epiphany-maps
    354 histmideast
    215 navelinked
    305 netmaps
    233 strongsrealgreek
    195 strongsrealhebrew
    429 vines
    290 invstrongsrealgreek
    279 invstrongsrealhebrew
    186 websterslinked
     58 chipinyin
     19 dandettebiblen
     76 farflb
     38 italnd
     25 novasahidica
     40 peshittavoc
     60 porbiblia
     50 porrecebida
     22 swefolkbibeln1998
    103 wh2006
    185 2tgreek
    224 bsv
    164 hebntfd
     98 tischmorph
-------------- next part --------------
    963 /mods.d.tar.gz
     63 augustin
     30 bibleartbw
     45 chrysostom
     24 dorewoodcutscom
     62 gill
     49 kretzmann
     39 luther
     84 absmaps
      4 alzat
     51 augustine
     39 baxterpastor
     35 catpiusx
     50 didacheen
     50 dorewoodcuts
     53 earlyfathers
     74 ebibleteacher
     12 farbibatlas
     46 finneysystheo
     42 hodgesystheo
     44 irenaeus
     48 justinmartyr
     35 krauthconservativereformation
     64 kretzmannmaps
     50 lifetimes
     70 lineage
     42 lutherbondageofthewill
     39 luthershortclassics
     37 luthersworks
     40 mclaughlinweallbelieve
     30 openhymnal
     25 patricksplaces
     27 sacredmeditations
     39 saintpatrick
     29 schmiddoctrinaltheology
     31 shaw
     71 smithatlas
     63 sonlightfreemaps
     76 textbookatlas
     34 traintwelve
      7 vigil
     26 XiphosDailyReadingMarkup
      7 yastageeb
     33 biblecompanion
      7 citireanuala
     36 mcheyne
     43 oneyearread
     44 webster1828
     28 acdcref
     69 epiphany-maps
     84 histmideast
     45 navelinked
     71 netmaps
     72 strongsrealgreek
     68 strongsrealhebrew
     63 vines
     57 invstrongsrealgreek
     54 invstrongsrealhebrew
     41 websterslinked
      9 chipinyin
      7 dandettebiblen
      9 farflb
      9 italnd
      6 novasahidica
     11 peshittavoc
     14 polbibtysia
     14 porbiblia
     16 porrecebida
      6 swefolkbibeln1998
     17 wh2006
     23 2tgreek
     49 bsv
     20 hebntfd
     19 tischmorph
-------------- next part --------------
     42 mods.d.tar.gz
      9 augustin
      6 bibleartbw
      8 chrysostom
      4 dorewoodcutscom
      6 gill
      4 kretzmann
      6 luther
     10 absmaps
      5 augustine
      4 baxterpastor
      4 catpiusx
      4 didacheen
      6 dorewoodcuts
      4 earlyfathers
      8 ebibleteacher
      2 farbibatlas
      4 finneysystheo
      4 hodgesystheo
      4 irenaeus
      4 justinmartyr
      3 krauthconservativereformation
      8 kretzmannmaps
      4 lifetimes
      8 lineage
      3 lutherbondageofthewill
      3 luthershortclassics
      3 luthersworks
      4 mclaughlinweallbelieve
      3 openhymnal
      3 patricksplaces
      3 sacredmeditations
      3 saintpatrick
      4 schmiddoctrinaltheology
      4 shaw
      7 smithatlas
      7 sonlightfreemaps
      8 textbookatlas
      4 traintwelve
      1 vigil
      3 XiphosDailyReadingMarkup
      1 yastageeb
      3 devotionals
      1 devotionals
      4 devotionals
      5 devotionals
      4 webster1828
      4 acdcref
      8 epiphany-maps
     10 histmideast
      4 navelinked
      8 netmaps
      6 strongsrealgreek
      5 strongsrealhebrew
      5 vines
      5 invstrongsrealgreek
      5 invstrongsrealhebrew
      6 websterslinked
      1 chipinyin
      1 dandettebiblen
      2 farflb
      1 italnd
      1 novasahidica
      2 peshittavoc
      1 polbibtysia
      3 porbiblia
      3 porrecebida
      2 swefolkbibeln1998
      1 wh2006
      2 2tgreek
      5 bsv
      2 hebntfd
      2 tischmorph
-------------- next part --------------
      8 mods.d.tar.gz
      2 augustin
      1 chrysostom
      1 gill
      1 luther
      4 absmaps
      1 augustine
      1 catpiusx
      1 didacheen
      1 dorewoodcuts
      1 earlyfathers
      3 ebibleteacher
      1 finneysystheo
      1 hodgesystheo
      1 irenaeus
      1 justinmartyr
      3 kretzmannmaps
      1 lifetimes
      3 lineage
      1 mclaughlinweallbelieve
      1 shaw
      2 smithatlas
      2 sonlightfreemaps
      3 textbookatlas
      1 traintwelve
      1 devotionals
      1 devotionals
      1 acdcref
      3 epiphany-maps
      4 histmideast
      3 netmaps
      1 strongsrealgreek
      1 strongsrealhebrew
      1 invstrongsrealgreek
      1 invstrongsrealhebrew
      1 websterslinked
      1 2tgreek
      1 tischmorph
-------------- next part --------------
     34 mods.d.tar.gz
      7 augustin
      6 bibleartbw
      7 chrysostom
      4 dorewoodcutscom
      5 gill
      4 kretzmann
      5 luther
      6 absmaps
      4 augustine
      4 baxterpastor
      3 catpiusx
      3 didacheen
      5 dorewoodcuts
      3 earlyfathers
      5 ebibleteacher
      2 farbibatlas
      3 finneysystheo
      3 hodgesystheo
      3 irenaeus
      3 justinmartyr
      3 krauthconservativereformation
      5 kretzmannmaps
      3 lifetimes
      5 lineage
      3 lutherbondageofthewill
      3 luthershortclassics
      3 luthersworks
      3 mclaughlinweallbelieve
      3 openhymnal
      3 patricksplaces
      3 sacredmeditations
      3 saintpatrick
      4 schmiddoctrinaltheology
      3 shaw
      5 smithatlas
      5 sonlightfreemaps
      5 textbookatlas
      3 traintwelve
      1 vigil
      3 XiphosDailyReadingMarkup
      1 yastageeb
      3 devotionals
      1 devotionals
      3 devotionals
      4 devotionals
      4 webster1828
      3 acdcref
      5 epiphany-maps
      6 histmideast
      4 navelinked
      5 netmaps
      5 strongsrealgreek
      4 strongsrealhebrew
      5 vines
      4 invstrongsrealgreek
      4 invstrongsrealhebrew
      5 websterslinked
      1 chipinyin
      1 dandettebiblen
      2 farflb
      1 italnd
      1 novasahidica
      2 peshittavoc
      1 polbibtysia
      3 porbiblia
      3 porrecebida
      2 swefolkbibeln1998
      1 wh2006
      1 2tgreek
      5 bsv
      2 hebntfd
      1 tischmorph
-------------- next part --------------
   3035 mods.d.tar.gz
    197 augustin
     38 bibleartbw
     85 chrysostom
     26 dorewoodcutscom
    218 gill
     98 kretzmann
     95 luther
    101 biblecompanion
      4 citireanuala
     99 mcheyne
    104 devotionals
    106 webster1828
     77 acdcref
    120 epiphany-maps
    137 histmideast
    100 navelinked
    102 netmaps
     61 strongsrealgreek
     21 strongsrealhebrew
    262 vines
    157 invstrongsrealgreek
    150 invstrongsrealhebrew
     75 websterslinked
     33 chipinyin
     51 farflb
      5 italnd
      7 novasahidica
     12 peshittavoc
     11 polbibtysia
     11 porbiblia
      3 porrecebida
      2 swefolkbibeln1998
     47 wh2006
    103 2tgreek
    106 bsv
     86 hebntfd
     42 tischmorph

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