[sword-devel] Deuterocanonical books / Apocrypha

Peter von Kaehne refdoc at gmx.net
Fri Jan 31 15:18:40 MST 2014

On Fri, 2014-01-31 at 11:27 -0600, Greg Hellings wrote:
> . I hope that
> AndBible will support the more inclusive canons in the future without
> pejorative language such as is found on that page.

If you look at these three snippets of code, I think that hope would
require a change of heart rather than just improved code. On the other
side, the code is so clear, it should be easy to fix:

* get books from current Versification that are scriptural
public List<BibleBook> getScripturalBibleBooks() {

List<BibleBook> books = new ArrayList<BibleBook>();
Iterator<BibleBook> bookIter = getVersification().getBookIterator();
while (bookIter.hasNext()) {
BibleBook bibleBook = bookIter.next();
     if (Scripture.isScripture(bibleBook)) {

return books;


/** define Scripture */
private static final Versification SCRIPTURAL_V11N =


/** TODO: needs to be improved because some books contain extra chapters
which are non-scriptural
static public boolean isScripture(BibleBook bibleBook) {
return SCRIPTURAL_V11N.containsBook(bibleBook) && !

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