[sword-devel] missing books/testament in modules?

Nic Carter niccarter at mac.com
Wed Apr 10 23:40:09 MST 2013

Hi guys,

I have recently received several reports that the latest version of PocketSword will sometimes "loose" the entire OT or NT for a module. The other modules will be fine, but it may be that all of the OT or all of the NT will report itself to be empty for a particular module (which can vary, and appears to be possibly any module). Sometimes it means that only the current Testament open is viewable, but sometimes only the last viewed book is viewable! :/
Looking around, I'm not quite sure what is going on and I'm unable to replicate it myself. However, there have been many reports of this happening :(
And it's not that the data is walking off somewhere, cause the problem does resolve itself, so the data is there. Just, it's not being accessed properly? And it's not like I can do a reset of the SWMgr if a chapter is empty, cause many modules legitimately are missing books/chapters (for eg, LXX).

I'm wondering if anyone had seen this (or a similar issue) happen before? v1.4.3 of PocketSword, against which it has been reported, is using r2779 of SVN of SWORD, but I'm not sure if it is recent changes leading up to that which is the issue (as in, my code + recent changes have caused an issue in PS?) or if it has been recent changes I have made in PS or . . . :(

Anyone have any ideas of where I could begin looking? Doubly tricky, given I can't reproduce it! :/

Thanks heaps, ybic
	nic...  :)

ps: I'm wondering if it has anything to do with me recently starting to use swManager->augmentModules(additionalPath)? I'm going to stop using that and see if that helps...  :/

Nic Carter
PocketSword Developer - an iOS Bible Study app
Twitter: http://twitter.com/pocketsword
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/app/Pocketsword/id341046078

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