[sword-devel] Setting canonical="true" ?

Troy A. Griffitts scribe at crosswire.org
Wed Feb 29 12:46:40 MST 2012

Sorry to only jump in on problems, but...

I don't believe the preceding explanation of 'canonical' is correct.

OSIS defaults many attributes to canonical, including <verse> and <chapter>

I believe we defined canonical as text belonging to the base work.

For us, this is mostly Bibles.

For a study Bible, it would exclude all commentary and notes, and only 
include Biblical text.

Basically, canonical for the Open Scripture Information Standard refers 
to Biblical text, and you'd be hardpressed to use it for anything else 
practically, though I could see a purist trying to make an argument for it.

For example, Josephus would only include the text of Josephus.

And while technically true, the practical uses for 'canonical' are 
things like:

Showing Psalm titles even when the user has asked not to show 'titles'
Searching typically is only over 'canonical' text

-- but we usually work the opposite way: we take out notes, xrefs, 
headings, and index what is left, so the Josephus example isn't 
practically a problem for us right now (plus I think our Josephus module 
only contains Josephus text).  And this is simply for indexed searching. 
  Our full text searching allows for your to search any of these other 
field: notes, xrefs, headings, just about anything in an entry 
attribute.  We have talked about providing indexed searching for some of 
these things, but really? how often do you search the notes?  Just wait 
the 4 seconds to do the unindexed search.  But we have lots of future 
ideas of how to modularize the search framework so a frontend could 
supply a filter which outputs what to include in a named lucene index. 
Anyway, tangent...

<verse> already indicates canonical material by default
Psalm titles, being canonical and usually not within a verse (unless 
it's a v11n which includes them in a verse), need to be marked 
specifically as canonical.

If the OSIS docs say different, let me know and I'll poke the editor.


On 02/29/2012 07:11 PM, David Haslam wrote:
> Thanks DM,
> Someone like to volunteer to enhance usfm2osis.pl to ensure that
> canonical="true" is set as it should be?
> David
> --
> View this message in context: http://sword-dev.350566.n4.nabble.com/Setting-canonical-true-tp4432196p4432418.html
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