[sword-devel] osis2mod very happily generates modules with no text visible
Matěj Cepl
mcepl at redhat.com
Wed Dec 28 17:59:22 MST 2011
On 28.12.2011 20:40, David Haslam wrote:
> I suspect that the following codepoints may need converting from a legacy
> font.
> 002308 ⌈ LEFT CEILING 6,663
> 002309 ⌉ RIGHT CEILING 6,635
> If that's not the case, their use in the Czech language requires explaining.
They are not relevant to Czech, but these were my attempts to somehow
preserve apparatus of variants in the Czech text ...
... hmm, looking at the original text once more it seems like my bug
here. See for example note 1 in 62_Mk.xml (the original source file of
the Mark’s gospel):
<defpozn n="v1">Řec. slovo <italic>euangelion</italic> se nachází už
v Homérově
Odyseji (14, 152.166), a to ve významu <bczuv/>odměna za dobrou
Zároveň tento výraz označoval <bczuv/>dobrou zprávu<eczuv/> samu. Základem
užití tohoto slova v NS je Stará smlouva (LXX). Velmi důležité
jsou texty, kde
se vyskytuje příslušné odvozené sloveso <italic>euangelizesthai</italic>
(<bczuv/>zvěstovat / hlásat dobrou zprávu<eczuv/>). Viz zvl.
Iz 52,7 a 61,1<pomlcka/>3;
srv. Sk 5,42p</defpozn>
Here ⁅ ⁆ are translations of <bczuv/> and <eczuv/> respectively which
are just (beginning|end)-of-Czech-úvozovek (quotes), so I guess these
should be translated to plain Unicode „ and “ (which is the way we use
double quotes). I have to check once more why I didn't translated it to
double-quotes in the first place. (The other tags here should be simple
... <defpozn> is “defition of poznámka” (note), <italic> is obvious,
<pomlcka/> stands for em-dash; preservation of unbreakable space is
important for following of Czech grammar rules about breaking lines).
<italic> and <bczuv> are just two examples of many cases of mixing
semantic and typographic markup in the text.
I haven't seen the code really for the last couple of months, so I have
to recheck why I didn't go the obvious way and make <bczuv/> and
<eczuv/> into proper double-quotes.
⌈ and ⌉ are more complicated. They are originally <bkzavorka/> and
<ekzavorka/> and they limit the text for which the appropriate
translator note is used. See again the first two verses of the Mark’s
<kap n="1"/>
<vers n="1"/>Počátek<odkazo n="o1"/> evangelia<odkaz n="v1"/> Ježíše Krista,
<hzavorka>Syna Božího</hzavorka><odkazo n="o2"/> <bkzavorka/>.
<vers n="2"/>Jak<ekzavorka/><odkaz n="t2"/> je <perf>napsáno</perf>
<bkzavorka/>v proroku Izaiášovi<ekzavorka/>:<odkaz n="t3"/>
<hzavorka>já</hzavorka> posílám svého posla<odkaz n="t4"/> před tvou tváří,
který <fut>upraví</fut> tvou cestu <italic>[před
tebou]</italic>.<odkazo n="o3"/>
Here <odkaz n="t2"/> (“odkaz” is “a reference” in Czech) referes to the
text over the border of verse “. Jak” (and apparently, IMHO, this is a
mistake in the original markup of the text, but it is so printed in the
paper version of the Bible). Other codes, just to make more examples:
- <kap/> is a chapter milestone
- <vers/> is a verse milestone
- <odkazo> is a “o-type” reference (meaning a reference to a footnote
containing reference to the other verse of the Bible, the other one is
<odkaz/> for a footnote with the actual text of translator’s note).
- <hzavorka> element is a markup for the text used in less important
manuscripts (although John 7:59-8:11 is not marked up at all and there
is only a <odkaz> at Jn 7:59; the same goes for Mk 16:9- which has also
only a text note explaining that the rest of the chapter is not present
in many important manuscripts), so they used it probably only for small
portions of text.
- <perf> is an element marking the verb in the Greek perfectum, which is
difficult to translate correctly to Czech as we don't have perfectum as
a special case for verbs.
- <czap> is an element for “text quoted by Czech apostrophe”, and I am
not sure whether in all cases it means a quotation of the Old Testament
text in the New Testament (as in this case).
- <fut> is another case of marking up a Greek verb which cannot be well
translated into Czech; here it is the other way around ... Czech future
tenses are more rich than Greek ones (there are grammatical aspects
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammatical_aspect in Czech, which are not
in Greek; so a Czech translation could make a difference which isn’t in
the original text.
I hope I've shown you what's the battle I am fighting with.
Guys, thank you so so much for helping with this!
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