[sword-devel] Bug in handling the DataPath of a config file

Eeli Kaikkonen eekaikko at mail.student.oulu.fi
Sun Jan 31 08:22:59 MST 2010

We have basically the following code in BibleTime:

sword::SWConfig conf(file);
moduleInstallationDirs << conf["Install"]["DataPath"];

But it has a problem: if there's no DataPath in the conf file, the
current working directory is returned. It has worked correctly in the
past, but nowadays it's buggy. This happens in Kubuntu Linux where I use
the latest 1.6.1 sword package from the crosswire PPA. I don't remember
when the bug appeared.

	Eeli Kaikkonen (Mr.), Oulu, Finland
	e-mail: eekaikko at mailx.studentx.oulux.fix (with no x)

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