[sword-devel] first non-KJV v11n

Chris Little chrislit at crosswire.org
Fri Mar 20 13:41:25 MST 2009

DM Smith wrote:
> Manfred Bergmann wrote:
>> Am 18.03.2009 um 12:15 schrieb DM Smith:
>>> When were were beta testing the German modules, many of them had the 
>>> same KJV versification problems. I'd like to see a versification for 
>>> that, if you don't already have one in the wings. If so, which is it? 
>>> The input files are fairly easy to create, in so far as they are used 
>>> by v11nsys.pl (i.e. the mapping part is not currently used). Peter or 
>>> Manfred probably could pretty easily create one if it does not 
>>> already exist.
>> Create a mapping file?
>> Yeah, how?
> I didn't mean the mapping part, but the verse list part.
> The program v11nsys.pl will take various inputs and output a canon_*.h 
> file. The inputs are essentially a file of ordered verses. The program 
> then figures out how many chapters in each book and how many verses in 
> each chapter and builds some fast lookup tables where given a book, 
> chapter and verse, one can determine the position of that verse in the 
> canon.

v11nsys.pl will take (in addition to the CCEL versification system XML 
definition files) VPL, IMP, and OSIS files. It counts chapters & verses 
in each book, and then you can choose whether it bases its chapter/verse 
counts on the tally or on the number of the final chapter/verse. And it 
can report if the two numbers differ. Then it writes out a 
canon_(versification).h file for Sword, which then needs to be 
registered with versemgr.

>> I've got another question in that regard.
>> Do none canonical books have or get a standardized OSIS book name?
> Yes, the OSIS spec has a list of OSIS standardized book names for the 
> apocrypha.
> See the OSIS manual page 124. You can get it here: 
> http://www.bibletechnologies.net

More important than merely the list of abbreviations in the OSIS manual 
is the principle behind the list, which is to use the abbreviations in 
the SBL Handbook of Style. If you don't have a copy of the SBL Handbook 
of Style, I HIGHLY recommend it. Amazon and CBD both have it for a bit 
under 17 USD. But... for all you cheapskates... :) they've also posted 
the full text online: http://www.sbl-site.org/assets/pdfs/SBLHS.pdf

The abbreviations start on page 85 of the PDF (73 according to the 
numbers printed in the text).

Some (admittedly fairly old and in need of some updates) abbreviations 
are given at http://www.crosswire.org/wiki/DevTools:OSISBookNames

The working copies of the book definitions that will be used by Sword 
are to be found in the directory DM posted: 

Here you will find a bunch of canon.*.xml files. The only one of any 
importance currently is canon.bible.xml. This file will contain a 
listing for every book considered canonical in someone group's Bible and 
every book included within the text of various important codices.

So 1Enoch is here, because it's in the Ethiopic canon. T12P needs to be 
added still, because it's part of the Armenian canon. Laodiceans is 
included because it is part of the Vulgate. Barnabas & Harmas need to be 
included because they are in Sinaiticus. And a number of mss variants of 
Joshua, Judges, Tobit, & Daniel are included because of variant copies 
in CCAT's LXX with morphology. (This is all still under development, and 
when we are actually ready to ship, all books which are unrepresented by 
any canon_v11n.h files will be removed.)

There's also a canon.xsd XML Schema that can be used to validate the 
canon.*.xml files.

All that being said, we are not supporting any kind of versification 
system creation by end-users or module developers. We'll create a small 
set of versification definitions for the first release and developers 
will have to choose from that set. In later releases, we can add more 
versification definitions, etc.


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