[sword-devel] Locale and text retrieval code

Manfred Bergmann bergmannmd at web.de
Fri Jan 30 12:50:36 MST 2009


I'm currently having some problems with locales and can't really  
figure out what the problem is.
First of all in the initialization code after some checking for system  
language and such a call to:

sword::LocaleMgr *lManager = sword::LocaleMgr::getSystemLocaleMgr();

is done.

On the first use of VerseKey:
VerseKey vk;

I get this output on the console:
VerseKey::Book: 1. Könige does not have a matching toupper abbrevs  
entry! book number returned was: -1(10). Required entry should be:
1. KöNIGE=11
VerseKey::Book: 2. Könige does not have a matching toupper abbrevs  
entry! book number returned was: -1(11). Required entry should be:
2. KöNIGE=12
VerseKey::Book: Sprüche does not have a matching toupper abbrevs  
entry! book number returned was: -1(19). Required entry should be:
VerseKey::Book: Matthäus does not have a matching toupper abbrevs  
entry! book number returned was: -1(0). Required entry should be:
VerseKey::Book: Römer does not have a matching toupper abbrevs entry!  
book number returned was: -1(5). Required entry should be:
VerseKey::Book: Hebräer does not have a matching toupper abbrevs  
entry! book number returned was: -1(18). Required entry should be:

All this results in that no reference lookups for any book name with  
Umlauts can be done.
We use a subclass of StringMgr which is initialized and the  
"supportsUnicode()" method is called (but not the upperUTF8()  
Any ideas what the problem could be?

The second thing I don't really understand is how to correctly pull  
out text for a verse key.
Some code is following, sorry for that.

In MacSword I have implemented the code like this:

     // needed to check for UTF8 string
     MSStringMgr *strMgr = new MSStringMgr();

     // incoming reference
     const char *cref = [reference UTF8String];
     sword::VerseKey	vk;
     sword::ListKey listkey = vk.ParseVerseList(cref, vk, true);
     // for the duration of this query be want the key to persist

     // iterate through keys
     for ((*swModule) = sword::TOP; !swModule->Error(); (*swModule)++) {
         const char *keyCStr = swModule->getKeyText();
         const char *txtCStr = swModule->RenderText();
         NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary  
         NSString *key = @"";
         NSString *txt = @"";
         if(strMgr->isUtf8(txtCStr)) {
             txt = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:txtCStr];
         } else {
             txt = [NSString stringWithCString:txtCStr  

         if([self isUnicode]) {
             key = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:keyCStr];
         } else {
             key = [NSString stringWithCString:keyCStr  

         // add to dict
         [dict setObject:txt forKey:SW_OUTPUT_TEXT_KEY];
         [dict setObject:key forKey:SW_OUTPUT_REF_KEY];
         // add to array
         [ret addObject:dict];
     // remove persitent key

This actually works but due to the problem with the locale and Umlauts  
it crashes somewhere in the library in the head of the for loop  
((*swModule) = sword::TOP).

I have some older code lying around (which actually is used in  
MacSword 1.4.3 done by William) which I to be honest don't understand:

	sword::VerseKey vk;
     	int lastIndex;
	sword::ListKey listkey = vk.ParseVerseList(toUTF8(reference), "Gen1",  
	for (int i = 0; i < listkey.Count(); i++) {
		sword::VerseKey *element = My_SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey,  
		// is it a chapter or book - not atomic
		if(element) {
			// find the upper bound
			vk = element->UpperBound();
		} else {
			// set it up

		// while not past the upper bound
		do {			
			//add verse index to dictionary
			char *ctxt = (char *)swModule->RenderText();
			int clen = strlen(ctxt);
             NSString *text = fromUTF8(ctxt);
             NSString *verse = fromUTF8(swModule->Key().getText());

             // add to dict
             NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary  
             [dict setObject:text forKey:SW_OUTPUT_TEXT_KEY];
             [dict setObject:verse forKey:SW_OUTPUT_REF_KEY];
             // add to array
             [ret addObject:dict];

			lastIndex = (swModule->Key()).Index();
			if(lastIndex == (swModule->Key()).Index())
		}while (element && swModule->Key() <= vk);
This code also has the locale problem but it doesn't crash.
The problem is however that I don't know the right way of pulling out  
text and I don't really understand some portions of the above code.  
These two loops really confuse me. I would be happy if someone could  
tell me line by line what happens here.
I had the impression that actually the code above, which crashes, is  
correct. But it seems, it is not.


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