[sword-devel] Versification and german bible texts

Troy A. Griffitts scribe at crosswire.org
Sat Nov 1 08:25:12 MST 2008

Once the code is done to register a versification system with a TreeKey, 
I was thinking of having SWMgr, when it loads a GenBook with 
KeyType=VerseKey register it with VerseMgr as a versification scheme 
called the same as the module name.  This will get things working for 
individual modules.


Then the next phase of development, which will start to really take 
advantage of the core purpose of VerseMgr would be to develop a 
specification where modules specify which common versification system 
they use, and if a module provides an entire versification system, eg.,




(actually, I don't think Peshitta used LXX for translations, but this is 
just a technical example)

Then we can work out some code logic similar to:
If a module ProvidesVersification, and the Versification is not yet 
registered with VerseMgr, then SWMgr still registers module's TreeKey as 
a versification system like described above, but uses the 
ProvidesVersification entry as the versification name.

If a module specifies that it uses a versification which there is not 
installed a module which provides, then SWMgr still registers module's 
TreeKey as a versification system like described above, and still uses 
the module name.

And finally, I think we need a line of code in SWModule::CreateKey (and 
overriding versions) to set versification on VerseKey to the proper 
system sorted out from the .conf and logic described above.

Thanks for making me do a thoughts dump on this one.  Comments?


Manfred Bergmann wrote:
> Troy.
> Alright, understood.
> Another question:
> The only call to registerVersificationSystem() is done now in the  
> SystemVerseMgr getter.
> But here only for 'normal' versification system.
> In which way do we need to differentiate between the old and the new  
> and call the TreeKey registerVersificationSystem() method?
> Regards,
> Manfred
> Am 01.11.2008 um 04:44 schrieb Troy A. Griffitts:
>> Dear Manfred,
>> Yes, you are exactly correct.  First level would get all books, second
>> level would get all chapters, and third level would get all verses.
>> These are the things that are pulled from the static array in canon.h
>> 	-Troy.
>> Manfred Bergmann wrote:
>>> Am 29.10.2008 um 14:23 schrieb Troy A. Griffitts:
>>>> If you'd like to help with the unfinished part, have a look at:
>>>> http://crosswire.org/svn/sword/trunk/src/mgr/versemgr.cpp
>>>> and search for: TreeKey
>>>> See the overloaded registerVersificationSystem implementation above
>>>> which implements registering a system the old way, with a hardcoded
>>>> array (canon.h).  The TreeKey version of this method needs to read
>>>> it's
>>>> data from the provided TreeKey instead of the static array.  You can
>>>> use
>>>> the working array impl as a starting template for the TreeKey impl.
>>> Hmm, I don't quite understand how to do that.
>>> I would think that in a genbook bible module which is based on a tree
>>> structure one would parse the tree and see how many second level
>>> (chapter) and third level (verse) elements there are for a certain  
>>> book.
>>> TreeKey itself only has assureKeyPath method.
>>> What do you suggest to implement this?
>>> Manfred
>>>> Manfred Bergmann wrote:
>>>>> Huray.
>>>>> First genbook with alternate versification.
>>>>> It turned out that the xml2gbs converter doesn't like single quotes
>>>>> for strings (attributes).
>>>>> A problem though. Gen 32:33 should show something in the gerneuegb
>>>>> module but it doesn't.
>>>>> http://idisk.mac.com/manfred.bergmann-Public/shot_sword_gb.png
>>>>> Might be the code that pulls out the verses for display. Is there
>>>>> something to note when using alternate versification?
>>>>> Manfred
>>>>> Am 28.10.2008 um 10:00 schrieb Manfred Bergmann:
>>>>>> Chris, do you know where I can get the OSIS source of which the
>>>>>> KJVgb
>>>>>> and/or GerLut1545lhgb have been created from?
>>>>>> Text can be rendered for these two modules but not for my created
>>>>>> one.
>>>>>> I guess there are some differences in the OSIS which I need to
>>>>>> check.
>>>>>> Manfred
>>>>>> Am 28.10.2008 um 08:52 schrieb Chris Little:
>>>>>>> In any case, if you want to test alternate versification in  
>>>>>>> Sword,
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> need to use xml2gbs for import. You can copy a .conf from one of
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> testing modules that use the GenBook driver to see the
>>>>>>> necessary .conf
>>>>>>> settings (either KJVgb or DRCgb, I believe).
>>>>>>> Manfred Bergmann wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>>>> It's me again. :)
>>>>>>>> I've tried the svn HEAD for creating this german bible module
>>>>>>>> GerNeUe
>>>>>>>> from OSIS.
>>>>>>>> The verses mentioned below are not shifted anymore.
>>>>>>>> But i.e. verse 32:33 which is in the source is re-versified as
>>>>>>>> 32:0:
>>>>>>>> "re-versified Genesis 32:33	as Genesis 32:0"
>>>>>>>> What dies this mean. Gen 32:0 does not exist so is the verse re-
>>>>>>>> versified to nil? :)
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Manfred
>>>>>>>> Am 05.10.2008 um 17:28 schrieb Manfred Bergmann:
>>>>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>>>>> I know there has a lot of discussion about versification  
>>>>>>>>> schemes.
>>>>>>>>> Now that I'm working on a Sword module myself it seems I have
>>>>>>>>> missed
>>>>>>>>> and not understood the issues that are.
>>>>>>>>> However I noticed a different versification when I compare the
>>>>>>>>> bible
>>>>>>>>> I'm working on GerNeUe and the other german bibles (GerSch,
>>>>>>>>> GetElb, ...).
>>>>>>>>> For example Gen 31:55 doesn't exist in the GerNeUe source and
>>>>>>>>> actually
>>>>>>>>> also not in Schlachter and Elberfelder if I look at http://www.bibleserver.com
>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>> But the Sword modules for Schlachter and Elberfelder have verse
>>>>>>>>> 55.
>>>>>>>>> This leads to that all verses in Gen 32 are different to other
>>>>>>>>> sources
>>>>>>>>> (shifted by 1) until Gen 32:32 where verse 33 is put into verse
>>>>>>>>> 32
>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>> osis2mod.
>>>>>>>>> I know this is because of the KJV versification schema that is
>>>>>>>>> used by
>>>>>>>>> default.
>>>>>>>>> Can I use the dynamic versification schema of the upcoming
>>>>>>>>> version
>>>>>>>>> already?
>>>>>>>>> What are your suggestions?
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Manfred
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