[sword-devel] atches for new Module Driver RawCom4

Doug Rintoul doug_rintoul at sil.org
Mon Jul 30 11:38:28 MST 2007

A while back I ask about the ramifications of changing the data size for 
commentary segments from unsigned short to unsigned long to overcome the 
64K data limitation for commentary sections. I have had a closer look at 
the code and decided it might be better to create a new module driver 
than modify the existing driver. This way, there is no issues with 
backward compatibility with existing  modules, and impact on the exist 
code is minimal.

I am attaching two patches, one for the sword library and one for 
jsword. I followed the same approach as was taken for rawld4, and 
rawtext4.  The patches are against sword-1.5.9 and the current svn 
version of jsword. Would it be possible to include these patches in the 
next release of sword and jsword?

Please do not hesitate to ask question if more information is required.


Doug Rintoul
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