[sword-devel] NET bible

Matt Reimer mattjreimer at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 15:14:54 MST 2006

On 7/1/06, Barry Drake <b.drake at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Hi Matt ..........
> Matt Reimer wrote:
> > I continue working on my PDA sword viewer with NET, and am really
> > enjoying it. I'm finding small issues, which would be nice to fix
> > before the release if possible. These come to mind:
> >
> > 1. Can transliterated text in the notes be marked up? This would be
> > very helpful for display purposes.
> >
> I think this is specific to the pda version.  On the other frontends,
> the transliterated version appears in brackets immediately after the
> Hebrew or Greek language version, and it seems fairly obvious as to what
> it is.

No, it has nothing to do with the PDA version. The transliterated text
is in parenthesis, but it is not marked up, so there's no way to mark
that text with a different font.

Here is the output from sword's cmdline utility:

lookup NET "2 cor 1:4"
II Corinthians 1:4:
who comforts us in all our troubles<note osisRef="2Cor.1.4" n="6"><hi
type="bold">tn</hi> Or "our trials"; traditionally, "our affliction."
The term θλῖψις (qliyi") refers to trouble (including persecution)
that involves direct suffering (L&amp;amp;N 22.2).</note> so that we
may be able to comfort those experiencing any trouble<note
osisRef="2Cor.1.4" n="7"><hi type="bold">tn</hi> Or "any trials";
traditionally, "any affliction."</note> with the comfort with which we
ourselves are comforted by God.
Entry Attributes:

[ Footnote ]
        [ 1 ]
                body = <hi type="bold">tn</hi> Or "our trials";
traditionally, "our affliction." The term θλῖψις (qliyi") refers to
trouble (including persecution) that involves direct suffering
(L&amp;amp;N 22.2).
                n = 6
                osisRef = 2Cor.1.4
        [ 2 ]
                body = <hi type="bold">tn</hi> Or "any trials";
traditionally, "any affliction."
                n = 7
                osisRef = 2Cor.1.4

> > 3. In the notes I notice "L&amp;amp;N" frequently, instead of "L&N".
> > It looks like the "&" is getting escaped twice.
> >
> Nobody's spotted this yet.  Can you give a couple of references please ....

See the above output for 2 Cor 1:4, note 6:

    "...that involves direct suffering (L&amp;amp;N 22.2)."

Thanks for looking into this Barry.


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