[sword-devel] OSIS WEB TOOL - jsp

Troy A. Griffitts sword-devel@crosswire.org
Sat, 25 Oct 2003 12:14:10 -0700

	My guess would be that the root of the problem is that the time on your 
computer is different than the time on the server.


	Tomcat decides whether to recompile a page based on whether the .jsp 
file is newer than the generated .java file for that page (which you've 
probably never seen.  It's stored in a work directory somewhere else). 
So, for example, say the generated file is 2 days old and you upload a 
new .jsp which is 1 hour behind the server time.  It's still newer than 
2 days old, so it gets recompiled and the new generated file has the 
current server time X.  The .jsp, remember is 1 hour behind this and has 
time X-1.  You upload the .jsp file again 15 minutes later.  CONCLUSION: 
the generated file has time X, the .jsp has time X-.75 and is OLDER, so 
no recompile is performed.


	1) tell your scp client to NOT preserve the time of the file, so files 
get times from the server, or
	2) use an ntp client to set your time by an authoritative clock., or
	3) just run the 'date' command on the server and set your clock really 
close to this time :)


	Touch should have worked, because the touch command changes the file to 
the current server time, by default.  Can you try to find me on #sword 
today and show the problem in action and I'll look through the logs and 
try to hunt it down.

Don A. Elbourne Jr. wrote:
>  I was having some trouble yesterday. I would locally edit a *.jsp file and
> upload it to the server. the changes would take effect. but if I edited the
> file a second time and uploaded it, the changes would not take effect. Troy,
> I remember you telling me something about doing "touch foo.jsp" but that did
> not work. What am I doing wrong?
> by grace alone,
> Don A. Elbourne Jr.
> http://elbourne.org
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