[sword-devel] TESTING / 1.5.6 (was: release schedule)

Troy A. Griffitts sword-devel@crosswire.org
Fri, 07 Mar 2003 02:47:31 -0700

>>Right, but my point was that since neither of these two new features are
>>complete, we should wait a bit for a release.  I don't anticipate that it
>>will take very long to write the remainder of the OSIS filters that we
>>need most immediately, and I'd have them written by the end of the weekend
>>if BibleCS were compiling so that I could do testing of the RTF filters.
>>I'm not sure where SWBuf stands though, because Troy may still have some
>>further things that he wants to implement for all I know.
> Ok.

Well, I'd like to get the SWBuf changes debugged more fully.

I got qpsword compiled against the latest sword cvs and the latest opie 
libraries and had it lock up when trying to display a Bible.

I'm asking for HTMLHREF output from the MarkupFilterMgr, so I'm guessing 
the problem is in one or more of the filters.  Things seemed to work for 
a few glossaries that I tried, but KJV and RWP both locked up without 
displaying any text.  Anyone that has a chance to try to debug this (not 
qpsword necessarily, but asking for this markup from the engine), it 
would be a great help.

I'd also like to get BibleCS back to an acceptably releasable state.  I 
realize we need to split this project out, but it is still a part of the 
sword releases _right now_ and it is in no state to be released.

It needs to be that the TnT changes are either rolled back, or else the 
method of integration changed _from_ Borland's GUI designer (current 
means), _to_ code (preferred means).  It's about 5 lines of code to 
accomplish the same task as dropping a control on a form from the 
designer.  I'm not sure of the number of instances of Tnt controls that 
were integrated.  I know I had used them for the the Lexicon TextEdit 
box for the freehand entry of a key, the Lexicon ListBox for the keys, 
and the search term ComboBox.  These three were already integrated with 
code, instead of using the designer.  I'd like to get an idea of how 
many other instances there are, so we know the scope of the work that 
needs to be done to do the others.

The OSIS filters should be functionally completed to a basic level, 
cleaned up, and tested a little.  I'm sure their functionality will 
mature over time, but we haven't really put them through much of any 
kind of a review/test.

Once these 2 things are done, a test of building the windows ui against 
the latest sword engine all with CodeGuard would be a good thing to do, 
to test our changes rigorously with a memory profiler/bounds checker.

These are the things I would like done before 1.5.6.


>>Is there really anything new in CVS that is necessary for BT 1.3 or could
>>you use Sword 1.5.5a?
> Well, we changed BibleTime to use SWBuf which is a major api change. 
> But I already thought about "backporting" ;) to 1.5.5 so that we can use an 
> official release. 1.5.6 would be much less memory-consuming though. We still 
> have some time left for the translators to finish their work. Please keep us 
> posted about the release date you expect.
> Thanks,
> Martin
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