[sword-devel] Search for word in Sword
David's Mailing-list and Spam Receiver
Fri, 7 Mar 2003 02:23:03 -0500
On Friday 07 March 2003 12:53 am, YTang0648@aol.com wrote:
> word is a very Western concept. Not only Thai do not have something call
> Word, Chinese do not have such thing neither. Even for Japanese, there are
> no clear break point of a Word.
And several contstructed langauges have other similar weirdness. I mention
constructed langauges because, believe it or not, there is a bible in
Klingon. Now I'm only familiar with spoken Klingon not written klingon but I
imagine that the concept of words is very different from ours. I mean after
all this is a language that attaches the vast majority of the word to the
verb. ^_~
Elder Furthark (a "real" language :P), which I'm pretty sure Tolkien based his
stick runes on, may have used a dot to space words (I know Tolkien's rune
based langauges did so I'm taking a risk and assuming)
> For display purpose. <wbr> is implemented in some of the browser (somehow
> it is not in html 4.0)
> http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/linepar/_WBR.html
Did you check the XHTML specification? It might be there.
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