[sword-devel] osishtmlhref filter

Troy A. Griffitts sword-devel@crosswire.org
Tue, 24 Jun 2003 00:41:38 -0700

	Sure!  You're too polite.  You have write access to add this yourself, 
or if you are asking me to add it for you (in case you aren't able to 
check out with write access these days, for some reason) I will gladly 
do this.  Also happy to see that you might be using the entryAttributes 
in your frontend like we do in BibleCS.  Excited to see it work in the 
next Gnomesword release!


Terry Biggs wrote:
> Troy,
> Would it be alright to add this filter.
> Thanks
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /***************************************************************************
>                      osisrtf.cpp  -  OSIS to RTF filter
>                              -------------------
>     begin                : 2003-02-15
>     copyright            : 2003 by CrossWire Bible Society
>  ***************************************************************************/
> /***************************************************************************
>  *                                                                         *
>  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
>  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
>  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
>  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
>  *                                                                         *
>  ***************************************************************************/
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <osishtmlhref.h>
> #include <utilxml.h>
> #include <versekey.h>
> {
>   setTokenStart("<");
>   setTokenEnd(">");
>   setTokenCaseSensitive(true);  
> }
> bool OSISHTMLHref::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, DualStringMap &userData) {
>   // manually process if it wasn't a simple substitution
>   if (!substituteToken(buf, token)) {
> 	XMLTag tag(token);
> 	  printf("token = %s\ntag->name = %s\n",token,tag.getName());
>     //w
>     if (!strncmp(token, "w", 1)) {
>       userData["w"] == token;
>     }
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "/w", 2)) {
>       pos1 = userData["w"].find("xlit=\"", 0);
>       if (pos1 != string::npos) {
> 	pos1 = userData["w"].find(":", pos1) + 1;
> 	pos2 = userData["w"].find("\"", pos1) - 1;
> 	tagData = userData["w"].substr(pos1, pos2-pos1);
>         buf.appendFormatted(" <%s>", tagData.c_str() );
>       }
>       pos1 = userData["w"].find("gloss=\"", 0);
>       if (pos1 != string::npos) {
> 	pos1 = userData["w"].find(":", pos1) + 1;
> 	pos2 = userData["w"].find("\"", pos1) - 1;
> 	tagData = userData["w"].substr(pos1, pos2-pos1);
>         buf.appendFormatted(" <%s>", tagData.c_str() );
>       }
>       pos1 = userData["w"].find("lemma=\"", 0);
>       if (pos1 != string::npos) {
> 	pos1 = userData["w"].find(":", pos1) + 1;
> 	pos2 = userData["w"].find("\"", pos1) - 1;
> 	tagData = userData["w"].substr(pos1, pos2-pos1);
>         buf.appendFormatted(" <%s>", tagData.c_str() );
>       }
>       pos1 = userData["w"].find("morph=\"", 0);
>       if (pos1 != string::npos) {
> 	pos1 = userData["w"].find(":", pos1) + 1;
> 	pos2 = userData["w"].find("\"", pos1) - 1;
> 	tagData = userData["w"].substr(pos1, pos2-pos1);
>         buf.appendFormatted(" <%s>", tagData.c_str() );
>       }
>       pos1 = userData["w"].find("POS=\"", 0);
>       if (pos1 != string::npos) {
> 	pos1 = userData["w"].find(":", pos1) + 1;
> 	pos2 = userData["w"].find("\"", pos1) - 1;
> 	tagData = userData["w"].substr(pos1, pos2-pos1);
>         buf.appendFormatted(" <%s>", tagData.c_str() );
>       }
>     }
>     else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "note")) {	
> 	if (!tag.isEmpty() && !tag.isEndTag()) {		
> 	    string footnoteNum = userData["fn"];
> 	    int footnoteNumber = (footnoteNum.length()) ? atoi(footnoteNum.c_str()) : 1;
> 	    VerseKey *vkey;
> 	    // see if we have a VerseKey * or decendant
> 	    try {
> 		vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, this->key);
> 	    }
> 	    catch ( ... ) {	}
> 	    if (vkey) {
> 		buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"noteID=%s.%i\"><small><sup>*%c</sup></small></a> ", tag.getAttribute("osisID"), footnoteNumber, ((tag.getAttribute("type") && ((!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference")) || (!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "x-cross-ref")))) ? 'x':'n'));
> 		SWBuf tmp;
> 		tmp.appendFormatted("%i", ++footnoteNumber);
> 		userData["fn"] = tmp.c_str();
> 	    }
> 	    userData["suspendTextPassThru"] = "true";
> 	}	   
> 	if (tag.isEndTag()) {	
> 		userData["suspendTextPassThru"] = "false";
> 	}
>     }
>     //p
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "p", 1)) {
>       buf += "<br /> ";
>     }
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "/p", 2)) {
>       buf += "<br /> ";
>     }
>     //reference
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "reference", 8)) {
>       buf += "<a href=\"\">";
>     }
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "/reference", 9)) {
>       buf += "</a>";
>     }
>     //line
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "line", 4)) {
>       buf += "<br />";
>     }
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "/line", 5)) {
>       buf += "<br />";
>     }
>     //title
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "title", 5)) {
>       buf += "<b> ";
>     }
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "/title", 6)) {
>       buf += "</b><br />";
>     }
>     //hi
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "hi", 2)) {
>       tagData=token;
>       pos1 = tagData.find("type=\"b", 0);
>       if (pos1 != string::npos) {
> 	buf += "<b> ";
> 	userData["inBold"] = "true";
>       }
>       else {
> 	buf += "<i> ";
>       }
>     }
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "/hi", 3)) { 
> 	if(userData["inBold"] == "true") {
> 	      buf += "</b>";
> 	      userData["inBold"] = "false";
> 	}
> 	else
> 	      buf += "</i>";
>     }
>     //q
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "q", 1)) {
>       tagData=token;
>       pos1 = tagData.find("who=\"", 0);
>       if (pos1 != string::npos) {
> 	pos2 = tagData.find("\"", pos1);
> 	if (tagData.substr(pos1, pos2).find("Jesus", 0) != string::npos) {
> 	  buf += "<font color=\"red\"> ";
> 	}
>       }
>     }
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "/q", 2)) {
>       buf += "</font>";
>     }
>     //transChange
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "transChange", 11)) {
>       buf += "<i> ";
>     }
>     else if (!strncmp(token, "/transChange", 12)) {
>       buf += "</i>";
>     }
>     else {
>       return false;  // we still didn't handle token
>     }
>   }
>   return true;
> }