[sword-devel] Quasi-internationalized versions of LcdBible available (spanish-rv, french-lsg, german-lut)

Lynn Allan sword-devel@crosswire.org
Fri, 12 Dec 2003 13:02:40 -0700


There are quasi-internationalized version of the LcdBible software available

Spanish RV - NT:

French LSG - NT

German Luthern - NT:

Some notes and caveats:
* The Bible book names were borrowed from The SWORD Project for Windows
using the options-translation
* For now, an end-user could only have one trans at a time on their computer
* I just used google-trans for guessing at the equivalent of "Search For" or
"Search Phrase". I ignored, for now, the issue of word order.
* Once you get the hang of it, it's is nearly trivial to do this quick/dirty
internationalization ... an hour or so per trans (in queue: Swahili, GerBen,
KLV (Klingon?), Czech, Turkish, Uma, Bulgarian, Greek)
* I only wrestled with uncompressed Bible texts
* The installation routine words aren't translated.
* The titlebar isn't translated
* I'm not clear if all these use the same versification, but assumed this
was the case
* All chars are 8-bit ascii rather than unicode or multi-byte
* LcdBible is only for Window with Win98-Second Edition or later, not Linux

Feedback appreciated. I'd also like to check if it would be appropriate to
request feedback on the sword-support list.

Sharing the reason for the season,

Lynn A. l.allan@att.net

>> As a person who took two years in Spanish over 35 years ago, I suspect I
>> could prepare a Spanish version of the LcdBible software in much less
than a
>> day. As a person who knows no more than four words of French, I would
>> suspect it would also take less than a day for me to prepare a French
>> version of the LcdBible software.  In fact, I will proceed to tackle
>> I've got lessons to prepare for this evening, so I can't start today.
>> Tomorrow morning, I will commence translating the LcdBible to Spanish and
>> French. I will have a red face if I haven't got these working by COB
>> Of Business) on Friday.