[sword-devel] GCC 3.2
David's Mailing List and Spam Reciever
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 14:27:52 -0400
What kind of support for gcc3.2 does sword have? And bibletime and gnomesword
for that matter. I was thinking about making some packages for gentoo linux,
but I need to be sure that gcc3.2 is supported since alot of people are
upgrading to gentoo 1.4 which uses gcc3.2 (it's a source based distribution
that has a package system that's sorta like BSD's ports)
Also does the install manager work yet? I noticed that the VCL component
didn't have any make files or configure script or anything when I tried to
build it earlier? Was that just forgotten?
And while I have everyone's attention who do I yell at to get put on the
bt-devel list? I've applied several times but never got approved.
-David's Mailing List and Spam Reciever
Keeping me (fairly) spam free since 2002