[sword-devel] [Fwd: [sword-support] Disappearing]
Troy A. Griffitts
Thu, 15 Feb 2001 12:07:01 -0700
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Subject: [sword-support] Disappearing
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 17:22:35 GMT
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I have unsubscribed from the various lists, and I realized that I forgot to
tell everyone farewell.
I have simply no time for keeping up with the development or support
efforts of Sword or BibleTime, but based on my contributions, this has been
obvious for quite a while.
I am a deacon in a start-up church, and have been feeling overwhelmed. I
will keep up with Sword and BibleTime by checking the web sites etc. And I
hope to be able to jump in again in the future.
Reading and sometimes responding to e-mails was a worthwhile use of my
time, and I enjoyed the very small piece of coding I did. I am confident
that I will be involved again in the future.
Until then, I pray for your efforts in the software development, and in
your personal walks with God!
Troy, please feel free to cross post to the 2 development lists if
appropriate. Also, I believe I am still subscribed for announcements, so
be sure to post when milestones are met, so that I, and others, can rejoice
with you.
Darwin Gregory
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
Evolution is a myth...